Beans Save Lives

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It has currently been a few days since that day and right now Y/n was currently getting ready to go out with Eri. Now you're probably why well it's a way to help her get used to the outside world.

Though he'll have to keep an eye out for Union incase they try and do something. Though he should relax a bit since Karumi is coming with as well. She decided to change her skin color so that she'll blend in more easily. And she won't be recognized as easily.

An hour later they are currently seen at the park sitting on a blanket with Eri watching butterflies nearby. Y/n was laying on the blanket while Karumi was using his stomach as a pillow.

Karumi: This is really nice...

Y/n: Yeah....

Eri: Papa, look I caught one!

The couple look to see that she was holding a butterfly in her hands. It then flew away, they watched it fly as Y/n reminisced about how he got to this point in his life.

One moment he was about to die only to make a deal with an Omnipotent Demon God to save his life. Now he has four girlfriends, friends, and a daughter. There was nothing that could possibly ruin this nice mo-

???: THERE HE IS!!

Eri jumped, at the yelling as they looked to see that it was a few members of Class 1-A specifically Katsuki Bakugou, Ejiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido, along with Izumi who seemed to have a few bandages on her face. But yet noticed bags under her eyes.

Which confused him a bit but left it be, thinking that it was most likely Ryuko and Naruko who kicked her ass repeatedly during their time back at Union.

They walked over to them as Eri got scared and was backing up only to be held by Karumi who was comforting the slightly scared girl.

Y/n: Can I help you?
He said not even looking at them.

Katsuki: Yeah, what's a weakling like you doing here!?

Y/n: Ummm, it's a public park. Am I not allowed to be in a public area? Actually I should be asking what are you doing here of all places?

Katsuki: Like we'd tell you!

Y/n saw that Izumi was staring at Eri and decided to play around with them for a bit. He did a single hand sign as he and Karumi got up and started walking away while Eri was still in her arms.

Mina: Hey where are you going!?

Y/n: Hey Eri do you want to get some ice-cream?
He said completely ignoring them.

Eri: What is that?

Y/n: It's a frozen treat, you'll love it.

Katsuki charged at him blinded by frustration.

Katsuki: Quite ignoring us you bastard!!

He launched a large explosion at them only to get hist with it only thisntime it was three times more powerful and he was sent flying into a building unconscious.

Y/n was laughing his ass off as the others got into a combat stance.

Kirishima: What did you do to him!?

Y/n: What, all he did was hit himself with his own explosion.
He said slightly giggling.

Karumi: Sweety don't ever be like him alright?

Eri: Ok mama.

Karumi smiled sweetly as Y/n felt defeated as he planned on making her like him so that they could pull off some amazing pranks in the future.

Mina: That's impossible, your powerless!

Y/n: *sigh* Don't you all ever learn from my previous fights. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if you heard about Issei right now.

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