"Welcome back" to Union

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It has been a week since the incident and safe to say....Union's reputation is at an all time low at the moment. Seeing as the publics view on their students are dwindling to the point where the people would badmouth them in public.

Call them Villians, murderers, killers, parent killers, etc etc. So as a result the headmasters gave a short speech how the family would get an apology from the students and that they would be severely punished. But the people didn't like that saying that they deserve more than just a "punishment".

Right now we see Y/n who was playing a video game with Denja while Karumi watched.

They were playing Mortal Kombat until Y/n felt a strange presence outside the barrier which resulted in him losing.

Y/n: GAAHH DAMNIT!! You shouldn't have done that!

Denji: Not my fault you were distracted.
She said with a mischievous smirk.

Y/n: Well I'm going to check it out.

He said as he walked out the room until Karumi looked at the controller and then at Denja.

Denja: Wanna give it a try?

Karumi: Your on.

Y/n walked over to the source of energy only to see that it was 3 of the Headmasters of Union.

Y/n: Oh great, we got the Wizard of Oz reject, a mutated rat, and a Siscon, what can I do for you fucktards?

Sirzechs: Now mister L/n that's not how you talk to your superiors.

Y/n: Mhm, and the last time someone said that got their face ripped off. Now I'll only ask again before I leave you guys out here. What. do. you. want?

Ozpin: We would just like to talk to you. That's all.

Y/n: Mmmhmmm, and how exactly do I know that this isn't a trap that will most likely fail due to you all being too cocky and prideful for your own good?

Nezu: As Ozpin said, we just wanted to talk. That's all.

Y/n: Fine I'll bite, I'll come by sometime tomorrow since I got no plans as of late.

Sirzechs: Well then we'll see you then.

He said as they walked away. Y/n just rolled his eyes knowing that this "talk" will just be a complete waste of his time. But maybe it'll allow him to set some things straight with them.

A few days later we see Y/n and his group ready to leave for Union. Until a question came up...

Denja: Wait I just realized, who's going to watch Eri?

Y/n: Oh thats already been covered.

In another Dimension.....

Eri: Would you like some more tea, Princess Bunnykins?

Cream: Of course thank you. And what about you princess Blue Blood?

They looked over to see Sonic.ExE wearing a princess dress and make-up.

Sonic.ExE: Why do I have to be here?
He said not trying to yell his lungs out.

Cream: Because you promised that you would play with us. You do want to play with us right?
She said as her and Eri used their greatest weapon.....puppy eyes.

Sonic.ExE felt his heart strings being pulled as he gave up and just said "Thank you Princess Bunnykins" in a girly voice.

Sonic.ExE: (Kid when I meet you again I swear on my life that I will personally kick your ass for this. Well at least no one knows about this.....and at least my princess name is Blue Blood.)

I AM GOD!!! (Union x Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora