Atlas Mission Pt 1

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It has been almost several days now as Y/n and Tricky were with Doctor Strange along eithbhis sorcerers who were scattered around the city of mantle.

Strange: Alright what's the plan?

Y/n: Simple really. Tricky will cause as much chaos and destruction as possible over in Atlas, while Atlas forces try to deal with him you and your sorcerers will gather the people of Mantle and get them out of here.

Strange: And what about you?

Y/n: I will, have to make a stop somewhere while the chaos happens. Hope you don't mind.

Strange: It's fine.

Y/n nodded over to Tricky who looked to be trembling excitedly ready to cause some chaos.

Tricky then flew away heading towards the floating rock known as Atlas.

Dr. Strange: The sorcerer's are on standby for the moment. When do you need them to move out?

Y/n: Just give it a second....
He said watching the distance only to see a large explosion of sorts.

Y/n: And we make our move!

As soon as the explosion happened Atlas forces were sent to investigate only to see Tricky wielding an LMG with explosive rounds and his signature Stop-Sign. Both grasped in both of his hands.

Tricky: Let's cause some CHAOS!!!

A few hours and the Mantle group managed to round up almost all the people of Mantle along with the help of the Happy Huntresses.

While they were finishing up Y/n made his way to the Schnee Manor and saw many Atlas soldiers and machines guarding the area.

Within the Schnee Manor we see Jaques walking through his home angrily.

Jaques: What do you mean you can't get the resources here!?

Commander: Sir were doing everything we can to fend off the attack and protect the civilians.

Jaques: To hell with the civilians! Do you know who supplies you and your army!?

???: Not you anymore Jaques.

He looked over to see that it was Willow with Klein and Whitley.

Jaques: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be drinking yourself into a coma or something?

Willow: Well sometimes you must know when to put the bottle down.

Jaques: Why are you even here?

Willow: To do something I should have done a long time ago...

She pulled out a gun and shot the commander. Then proceeds to shoot Jaques in the leg making him fall to the ground in pain.

Jaques: What the hell woman!? I could have you thrown out and killed for this!!

Willow: With what power? You have nothing anymore Jaques, your personal advisors are dead, the SDC is now under my name along with everything that my father left.

Jaques was in shock at this.

Jaques: What!? But that's impossible!! There's no way that would happen!! Not under my watch!!

Willow: And who said that it had to happen under "Your Watch"? Me and the other high ranked officials of the SDC have been working under your nose. To get you out of the damn throne you made yourself.

Jaques: But what about your children!? Winter, Weiss, Whitley!?

Willow: I may have failed my daughter's but I will not fail my own son. I was there to help him when he needed it along with Klein. As for Winter and Weiss....I hold no more maternal feelings for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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