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Wayne Enterprises

"I have arrived master." Renegade said

"Good follow trough with the plan."

"Yes master."

Eventually after a while Renegade stopped, he heard voices but didn't know from where

"What is it, Renegade?"

"I hear voices, it's not Batman. It's a team, the voices sound young. I think it's the petty little sidekick team."

"So Batman sent them instead of going there himself?"

"Apparently, search if Bruce is having something like a gala or a meeting."

"He doesn't, i checked."

"Probably some treat of joker then." Renegade shrugged. "Less work for me then."

"Yes but stay alert, you can't let them spot you. You know about sportmaster's daughter so watch out for her, she's your biggest treat."

"Yes master."

Renegade traveled trough the vents and via the ceiling { bars and such ) until he arrived at a room with a chip { like the chip in teen titans red x )

"I have arrived master, though the chip is most likely triggered with an alarm."

"Yes i noticed that i checked if i could turn it off but i can't, seems like you'll have to do the old school way."

"Alright master."

As Renegade was about to grab the chip he heard Artemis behind him

"You know you don't have to speak, i can hear you there."

"Who are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know..."

Team pov:

"I can't see him well enough to see what he is wearing." Artemis thought

"Show yourself and your time will be less." It was the first she could think of

"Miss M Superboy, i found one."

"Where are you?" Superboy asked

"I'm inside the chiproom, but you guys have to go to the roof. It's his only escape."

"We'll meet you there." Miss M answered.

Renegade pov:

"She definitely made the others go to the roof, but it's smart as it's my only escape. Sorry master for getting noticed."

"You're smart, your father learned you this right?"

"You have no right to talk about that man!" 

"I do, i'm a free human being." 

"T, as if." Renegade thought.

"No you're a slave, there is no way you're doing this because you can." Artemis said

"She is right." "Ugh what am i thinking, i went with him at free will."

"Yes, i do have a master. But i'm no slave, yes i'm not planning what i'm doing he does that for me and I enjoy it!"

"Fuck! Why did i say that!?"

"Because he isn't your master! You never grew up with him it was B-"


"I come from the same situation, i was raised by a assassin. From your movements i can tell and my compliments, they are good."

"Your situation is different you weren't taught the way i was... But in the end, I deserved everything about it."

"No one does kid, come with us and we'll help you. Protect you!"


Was the last thing Renegade said as he sprinted towards Artemis but jumped and made a beautiful swing to the top as he kicked the ceiling in and ran on the roof, only to find the other part of the team that he forgot about

And Artemis? She stood frozen she saw who it was she saw the colors in his suit.

"It's him. Take him into custody!"

Who is he? Miss M asked curiously.

But before Artemis could answer Renegade stumbled upon KF

"ROB?!" KF practically screamed.

"Who the hell is 'rob'?" Renegade asked out of pure confusion.

"Don't talk, fight." Was heard trough an earpiece.

Renegade showed his teeth in a irritated look.

"Don't you dare disrespect me, little boy."

The teeth dissolved into a monotonous face.

The team stood frozen in their positions

KF sped of to who knows where, and contacted Batman bro immediately came

"Come on kid please believe me, this won't make you happy. Especially not him."

"What do you know, you are NOT in my situation!"

A yellow blur arrived again

"Rob please, this isn't you."

"Yeah of course that's not me because I don't even know who the hell 'Rob' is!"

"WAIT THAT'S HIM?!" Artemis asked surprised.

"Sadly, yes..." Aqualad answered.

"What the hell happened to robin?!" Superboy asked

"That's most likely not the robin we know, maybe Deathstroke did something with his memories." Artemis concluded

"There is time for theories once Rob is save that's not now." KF reminded.

"You guys do realize i'm here right? I've been aching for a fight, i mean fighting master is fun but he'll always beat me no matter what."

At the moment he finished his sentence he was hit from behind causing his eyes to blur and black spots to appear in the corners of Renegade's eyes but he didn't pass out until he saw who was behind him


after that Renegade collapsed

All there was left to hear was a cursing Deathstroke which soon disconnected at risk of getting discovered



That's it for now! I've got allot of tests coming up so updates might take a while, and once again thank you for reading 

Have a nice day hope you feel the aster and stay whelmed! <3


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