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Slade pov:✨


Angry typing was heard as a man in black and orange was trying to contact his apprentice

As there was no answer he realized he must've lost 


He disconnected every single chip except for the trackers

-time skip-

"Let's hope they don't find out. If they do, I won't get MY apprentice back."

I had to go outside to just smash someone's skull in a wall, but i had to wait for a contract.


Exactly at that moment a new contract was delivered

"Let's see."

'_____ ______' attending Bruce Wayne's gala.'


Idk a name okay 

"Doesn't seem like much trouble, it's a shame it's a gala so I won't be able to come in contact with them to beat them up though."


Once i arrived Bruce and his butler seemed off, seems like they found out.

The mindcontrol won't give up for a while, but there are other ways of finding someone's identity. 

With how Batman or Bruce is, he most definitely did a dna test. Since he was his mentor and 'father' he definitely found out who it was.

All i had to do is get Renegade back in time, the faster the better.

But going in enemy territory is definitely a dumb decision, especially if they expect you.

Back to the mission Slade!


A clean shot to the skull, a little brain splashing around. There is no way he survived that.

Screams were heard Bruce and Alfred guided everyone out and multiple sirens were heard

"That's my cue to go."

Slade got out of the building and was now on top of the rooftops parkour-ing around

Once he got to his cycle he sped of to his lair, no way anyone would be able to catch him then

Somewhere else multiple villains were having a meeting

"Sorry i'm late, i had some... 'Buisness' to take care of." Deathstroke said

"Sit down." Ra's said. "We heard there were some... Complications with your 'Apprentice'."

"Yes, there was a rookie mistake made, resolving into capture." (D)"However, he'll make it for atleast 2 more days. Though, the longer we wait, the more work it'll be to get the boy back."

"Yes, we know so. How are we planning on getting the boy back?" (R)

"Is he location known?"

"Yes, one tracker has gone unnoticed. They're using the mountain. They thought nobody knew it was still in use." (D)

"We shall wait then, taking the boy back at a moment like this would be stupid. We'll just wait till they put him back on the field."

"You do realize how much trouble we had the first time? It took month's for the boys old memories to be back, the entire process took a year!" (D)

"What other options do we have. We can't charge into the enemies terrain while they expect us."


"Then that is the meeting for now, we'll wait for the boy."

-time skip-

"Are you fine with this choice? I saw how the boy meant more to you, you'd treat him different if you didn't care."

"Fine you got me, yes i do care about him... He has always been, different. Either the bat saw it too or he never meant to get him in all this."

"It was already in his bloodline, a born acrobat and assassin..."

"Yes, i did find out about, that... How did you know Ra's?"

"I recognized the last name, Grayson. Quite the name to those who know..."

"Yes indeed, but let's remain quiet about the owls."

"Are you afraid~?"

"No, they're just a pain in the ass. Plus we were talking about the boy not them."

"True, true."


Ok i'm 100% sure that Ra's is completely out of character and so is slade, but if you get pissed about that I'll just tell that this is already a AU so characters out of character or cooc isn't that big of a problem, i hope

"Seems like you guys are having a fun talk, mind if i join."

"No we don't mind, right Slade?" (R)

"Just, sit dow." (D)

"It's a shame, really that they didn't get your little apprentice."

"Don't rub it in, Crock. My apprentice was not just 'some boy'. He would be able to take both your daughters in a fight." (D)

"No, truely it's a shame he is indeed quite a jewel. And you went trough all that trouble, only for him to be ignored once he failed... Same situation with the clone, if they really wanted him back. He'd be here already, serving our every request." (S)

"He wasn't such a big asset as the boy, one day the boy will surpass the bat, if he didn't already. The clone won't be able to do so, he's only a half Cryptonian after all." (D)

"What are you really here for?" (R)

"Nothing, i just came to talk. It's hard losing someone close to you."

"I did not lose him! He'll be back as soon as possible and he'll beat your ass!"

Is what I wanted to say, but i had to keep my temper in control. To show I wasn't lacking after i lost him, that I didn't become 'soft'.

"I'm going home, i gotta get some rest. I haven't slept for at least 150 hour's."

A/N: A week is 165


Another A/N

Oml I really don't know whatever it is I'm doing a lot of characters are out of character but I thought i'd show the villain side the next part is going to be YJ/JL 

Have a nice day and stay whelmed! <3


Word count (inclusive): 876

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