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Open pov:

The team was on the mission,  but Dick was still in the medbay. Though, not for long...

He made sure there wasn't a camera that could be able to see him leave. Of course, a camera pointed right at the door. Dick covered it up. Normally he would of hacked it, but he didn't have anything to hack with.

Dick knew it was a matter of time till Batman would find out. Luckily, he was out on patrol right now.

Dick felt a little woozy, but he kept going. He wanted his little moment of peace. That was alone, without being watched. Dick didn't know if the team would have a mission, so he cautiously made his move outside. He didn't see the team there but that didn't mean they weren't there, another thing he had to watch out for were the cameras. Yes, they weren't in the medbay, at least  not that are able to spot him. But outside of the room there were also cameras, maybe even more.

Dick cautiously moved to the shadow and disappeared in it. Then he looked around, there were more cameras. Dick decided to go towards his room, he also had a hologlove there.

After a hard time, Dick managed to sneak to his room. He knew B. would put cameras there so he covered them up. Much to Dick's misfortune, there was one hidden camera he didn't notice. But, not even that was the worst part, the worst part was that it didn't belong to Batman nor the league.

It belongs to his master.

Dick changed into some training clothes. Even though the others knew his identity, he still wore his mask. 

And that happened to be a good choice as there was a fight caused by none other than, the lovely Baywatch and Artebitch. (Don't  take that personally, please.) Dick sighed, they were far too loud for Dick. So he went outside.

He walked right outside, using the hangar exit. He was at a driveway and walked left towards the forest part of the island. 

Ik, ik there isn't really a forest like part, just pretend there is alr?

Dick climbed inside a tall tree, it was at the side of the forest so he was able to see the sun slowly rising. But anyone searching for him, wouldn't be able to unless, of course they knew where he would go. But it had been years, the team wouldn't know where he had gone to. But someone else did...

"Renegade... It's nice to see you've woken up." A tall shadow's voice called.

"Get to the point of whatever you were going to do, it's not like I can stop you from doing it or something..."  Dick answered.

"The might allow you to give him behavior, how hilarious that might be. But I don't." The shadow said.


"Excuse me? What why?"

"Why did you do it in such a harmless way, why not break me. Why all that work?"

"..." the figure was now in the same tree one branch to the right side of the stam.

"You aren't going to admit you actually cared for me, are you?"

"... I'm going to be honest with you, I don't really know... I just, felt the need to help and protect you. I wanted to train you, help you achieve your piek strength. I guess i though that if I broke you, you wouldn't work as hard and wouldn't be able to achieve your peak strength..."

"So, it wasn't because you didn't care and just wanted a obedient little apprentice..."

"... I'm not going to deny, that was whatever I first wanted but eventually, it felt like back in the day when I worked and trained 'you know who', if you know what I mean."

"Heh, kinda though so. I knew you had a little soft side, hard to reach but there."

Such a sweet moment I can't-

"DICK! Where are you?"


Seriously? What a way to ruin the moment. But also a great cliffhanger :D


Word count : 655

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