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I'm not dead?! 

So sorry it took so long to upload, I finally had vacation but I spent it binge-reading. So now I feel guilty and am making this chapter! Btw, this is already a week after I had the vacation...


"Were the cookies to your liking, master Dick?" Alfred asked as Dick was liking the crumbs off of his fingers.

"Of course they are, you made them Alfred!"

A smile was now plaster on top of both men's faces.

Well, that was until...

"Good morning, master Bruce." Alfred greeted.

"Hello alfred," Bruce greeted back, then his eyes fell on a particular boy. Not just any-

"Are you just going to stare orrrr will you finally get this 'beautiful' ankle band, scratch that. You wouldn't."

"Not until you behave, no."

"Please, I'm not stupid. This won't do shi- FUCK! God, what is that?!"

"That is a shocking anklet, when you misbehave, try to escape and use grammer such as you did just now. You'll get a shock."

"A SHOCK?! BRUCE, you do know that 1. I'M A MINOR. 2. I'M NOT A DOG. 3. THAT'S ILLEGAL!"

"And? I've done many illegal things, as did you."

"But Bruce Wayne didn't. That was batman." 

"Are you sure?"

"Pardon me, that's not something I've heard before...." Alfred interrupted.

"Right, sorry Alfred,"

"Let me guess. It was for the greater good, it was for justice."

"Something like that.... But that doesn't matter right now, what really matters is the fact that you've obviously decided ignoring my requests was a good idea."

"Oh please, I'm a teenager. Keeping me in the same place for too long will eventually get me bored, no matter what kind of things I can do there. Plus, I just felt like going out."

".... I kinda noticed that. I have a question though, did you happen to encounter someone? Anyone really."

"Dunno, maybe. I did hear my name get shouted by the team, my birth name and my nicknames. Though after a while, a lot of thing started getting blurry until I, I think heard you calling me until I fainted." Dick lied

He didn't think he could trust his second father figure, but I don't think anyone would if they would of been in the same situation as Dick. He grew up with someone who despised Bruce and now he was held captive with a shock collar as some sort of dog? Dick knew whatever he was going to do the moment he could...

"Now, if you excuse me..."

"No, you're not going anywhere until I get my answers."

"Think again, Bruce. Oh. By the way, do you have any device. Like a holo computer, phone, computer, laptop anything really," as long as he could hack with it, it was fine... 

"Yes, I've got a playstation, it has a lot of single-player offline games."

"Don't tell, you don't even trust me with wifi?!"

"No. now'd you rather stay here, or go upstairs to your room?"

"To my room..."


God, this is an empty ass chapter, but hey it is something..! Don't worry, I'm also really disappointed in me :]

Anyways, I've got even less free time because my parents thought it would be a good idea to give me homework support.... Mind them, I barely have any homework!

And that's my life story, which nobody asked for but still...


Word count: 531

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