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Again I apologize for the last chapter bc that shit got real dark real quick lol



Was heard as the master shot his apprentice

Renegade's pov:

I felt myself fall, it somehow felt like such a calming moment, if it wasn't for the burning pain in my chest I probably could fall asleep...

That wasn't a probably, my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, until they closed.

At that exact moment I rose up, i was in a different room. It seemed to be the medbay, did he get saved? Why didn't they let him die? He was responsible for all their pain after all.

Then he looked at his leg, there was a collar on it. It was a dark gray with small red lights on it.


"B- Bruce? I-"

"Shhh, it's okay, all this has never been your fault. It was his..."

"What happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"I remember going out of my room via the vents, and then i got contacted by him and I- I did whatever he wanted me too, it felt wrong, my body felt wrong. It was like- as if I wasn't in control of my body, but then i felt a small glimpse of will, as if i wanted to do it. I hurt you, I- I hurt so many I- Where is Artemis?!"

"She is fine, during the training session she just got unconscious, no serious injuries."

"No serious injuries? I SAW HER GET SHOT!"

"Dick, are you sure that really happened?"

"Well- I- I think so..."

"Tell me what happened."

"I was fighting Artemis, to escape. I wanted to get away, which I totally understand, but I wanted to go with him. The fight didn't end in time and mast-"

"Dick, please, don't call him that, he isn't your master, not now, not ever again."

"Alright, h- he- he shot her, but he wasn't done just yet, he also shot me! I begged for mercy, but the look in his eyes..."


"I- That look... All of this didn't happen. Did it?"


"That says enough, what really happened?"

"You made it till the mission debriefing room, i was watching you train, you kicked Artemis in the head and then ran away and got a panic attack. Then eventually, you collapsed."

"How- from what did I collapse?"

"Sleeplessness. Dick, did you even sleep in the past few days?"

"Well, i did sleep a few hours that day... But for the rest I don't think I slept for the past week."

"Why, you know it's not healthy for you."

"Are you really one to talk?"

"Alright, you got me there."

Was it my imagination or did I actually see his lips twitch up into a smile?

"Wait a minute, did i just see a smile?!"

Bruce said nothing, he just gave me a tight hug. I just gave him a hug back. I could feel a tear drop.

Just at that moment, the rest of the team barged in, all having a worrying look on their face.

"Are you okay, my friend?" (Aq)

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." (R)

"Dude, didn't i tell you to sleep? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" (W)

"Hehe, yeah, sorry... Also artemis-" (R)

"Don't sweat it. But still, just incase, try to restrain yourself from kicking my head in. Because damn that was a good kick." (A)

"Hehe, yeah I'll try." (R)



I'm sorry this is so short, but my schedule has been changed and it's quite busy. Plus I couldn't let y'all on that kind of cliffhanger, or can i~ But I won't.

Ba bai, Have a great day/night and stay whelmed! <3

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