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Slade pov:

I've spent hours finding out when the others had training, once i found out they were already busy. But that didn't stop me from contacting my apprentice.

"Renegade, do you read?"

There was a slight pause i was about to ask again but then i heard the words i had been waiting for for hours, if not days

"Y3§ M@-Er."

A small smile showed up behind the mask before I focused again. "Renegade, i need you to tell me what situation you are in. How are they keeping you locked up."

Since he found my device they decided to let him out of whatever they were keeping him captive.

Okay i just wanted to say the connection is still bad i'm just too lazy to make it disordered

"I'm kept in a normal bedroom with a reinforced door they call it a 'cell'. Though I've given them the illusion I'm inside there while i'm hidden outside of the room."

Of course he would do that, it's smart but it does make my work harder.

"Have they noticed you're not inside of the room?"

"Not yet, though some are going to my room an-...."

"Renegade! Do you read?"

"It's him, they've noticed i'm gone and called HIM."

"Calm down and silence yourself, boy. Is your hiding place secure?"

*sigh* "It'll take a while for him to find me, it's in a spot most can't reach. Bruce would be the first to find me, if he could of course."

"Do you have enough supplies?"

"Not al lot, but i'll last enough time for the  to stop searching."

"Good, I'll contact some other that could help me in retrieving you, for now stay silent."

"Yes master..."


Renegade's pov:

They were starting the search, i heard something about cameras and vents. So they'll check the cameras in the vents, let's hope that is only for at the moment. Normally i'd hack them but that won't work now as i've got nothing to hack with. Though I won't tell Slade that, i'm not THAT desperate.


I turned around to see Bruce staring at me, i knew he hadn't heard the conversation but he did hear some.

"I swear i can explain, but first tell me what you heard."

"Enough, I- we've trusted you and this is how you thank us?!"

"So now you can show emotion?! Was my 'death' what it took to notice? I'm fucked up! I've fucked up! But so did you... where were you when I needed you, if you would've just saved me. I- I WOULDN'T HAVE TURNED OUT LIKE THIS!

I wanted to let a tear drop, but not now. I couldn't show any weakness, especially not around him.

"Dick, please, you aren't forced to go back. You can stay with your friends, your team, me..."

"Renegade. We- coming. Do you read?"

"You could've raised me and trained me in a far more positive way. Why did you do it the way you did, it only resolved in me not wanting to come back."

At the moment when i said 'positive' i held my earpiece letting Slade know i heard him.

"I did it so you wouldn't turn out like me. I saw talent, I first didn't want to involve you in my problems, but i also saw your pain. If I wouldn't help you it would turn out into anger, after i just wanted to keep you save. If anything would go wrong on the battlefield i'd blame Me..."

"Well, it worked. I didn't turn out like you, but that is the only thing that worked..."

"That's not true, you maybe haven't met them but you're not the only robin. The-"

"I know that, i know you replaced me, and failed. He died."

"That was not the only one, there were and are three more. The third Robin Tim Drake, now going by Red Robin. Stephanie Brown, she died as Robin. And last Damian Wayne, the current Robin. He wasn't trained like the others but eventually he-"

Sorry there is no Carrie Kelley!

"So, that's what you spent your time with? Ruining kids' lives? So many live were ruined and lost! You might not know it, but you've ruined our lives so much," I felt my voice breaking, i was about to say more when i heard...

"We have arrived, get to the garage (or whatever it is called) I'll be waiting there."

"Yes master." I gave a small wave before I walked of the platform, i put my body in a way as if i was skydiving. I grabbed one of the lowest support bars and swinged on it, then i let it go and dida flip in the air landing on the couch. Show off, i heard behind me. I turned around.

"Artemis, not actually a surprise seeing you here... Now, let me trough."

"NO, Robin. Please don't go, the team needs you the league needs you. Don't you notice, we've been drifting apart ever since you left. Fights have become a daily thing! We need you!"

(Definitely not a ship btw! There are no ships except for cannon like M'gaan and Conner, no Artemis and Wally.                                                                        Yet~~~)

"Too bad, because I don't need you guys. Now, will you let me trough without trouble or with trouble?"

"I'm not letting you trough."

"Oh Artemis, Artemis, Artemis, the rest maybe haven't noticed, but i did. I saw it during our first fight, you're injured. But you don't want them to know, don't you~" 

"Ho- how did you...-"

"Find out? I was easy enough to figure out if you pay enough attention, I was searching for weaknesses like a weak leg, but that was much better."

"You're not the Robin we know, are you? You're a whole another person then you were this morning, I actually we would get you back. What happened to you when you were there?"

"No, I'm not. But i'm also not a different person. I'd love to reveal the rest, but i have got to go! Bye bye Arty!"

I did a handspring on her shoulders landing perfectly timed and i was able to run, if my leg wasn't grabbed by a certain someone...

"Let me the fuck go!"

"Sorry but. No, I can't."

"Then I'll make you!" With that I launched a punch at her gut

A short "Bleugh!" Was heard, but that was all that was heard

"The next hit will be more painful~"

"Hit me with your best shot!"

"I'd love to, but I've got someone else to do that for me~" 

With that, a shot was heard, it was Deathstroke.

"Thank you, I'm so sorry for making you wait master!"

Robin got scared, he knew what would happen if he didn't follow his orders. But then, he reloaded his gun...





Sorry for the wait, it took a while to make yesterday I had soccer practice and today i had a long day of school as i had to give to future first grade glass a tour etc. But I've already got a idea for next time I planned on continuing that this chapter but it's already quite long so i decided to just post it as it's quite a good cliffhanger lol


Word count: 1162

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