Where is she?

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At morning 6 am,Vivek reached Gayathri 's house.Vivek found that Gayathri 's car was not there. By checking, he understood that, she was not there. He tried her phone, that was also switched off. Just then, he called the cybercell and found that it was switched off since night.
Vivek's pov
'Gayathri, where have you disappeared with my daughter.I can't forgive this act from you.'
Then I got an idea. I called my subordinate to inform every police station to check with her car registration number. I reached my office and tried to collect her friend's Divya's detail. By 10 am, I got Divya's phone number. I called her.
My self:Divya, This is Vivek?
Divya:Who? Vivek?
Myself:Yaa, I am Gayathri's Vivek...
Divya :Yes, Why u called me? Is there anything?
Myself: Actually, Is Gayaythri, with You?
Divya:No.. where is she?
Myself:Actually they were missing from their house since morning.
Divya:Oh God, it's all bcause of you,Vivek. Why are you hurting her Vivek? She was leading a happy life with her daughter, though you deserted her. Why you came to her life again, Vivek? Have you not ended with your bloody revenge? You cheated her, she became pregnant, that is the only story you know... You don't know, how much she suffered, these five years. She cried and said, 'Now you are happy... If anything happens to Gayu and Vaiga, I won't leave you... Vivek.'

I said sadly:'Divya, If any thing wrong happens to them, I wont exist in this world. I need them Divya.. I know, I hurted her.. For that my daughter is now suffering. I want to be with them for the whole life.'
Divya: 'Are you joking Vivek...?You are married and I think you have a son, I saw him in your insta ac.'
Myself: 'No Divya, I am divorved and the boy you saw is not my son. he is my freind's son.'
Divya :'Oh I see.. Gayu misunderstood that you have a son.So she didn't accept your offer yesterday.She is scared of you Vivek. She fears that you might snatch her daughter from her.'
Myself :'She called you yesterday?'
Divya:'Yes, Vivek.. she called me yesterday night and told me about yesterday's incidents. She is coming to me escaping from you.'
Hearing this, I got very happy and said : Where are you now?
Divya: 'I am now at kottayam, at my Husband's family house.'
Vivek :O you got married,?
Divya: Yes, I got married to Ashok,,
Vivek:'Congrats Divya,you are lucky.You got your love.Divya, can you please send me your location, so that I can come there.'
Divya : 'Thank you Vivek and please wait, give me two days time. I will talk to Gaayu and will try to convince her. Please come only after that.'
Vivek :'Ok send me your location.. I will come after two days.'
By noon 2 pm, Gayathri reached Divya's house.
Gayathri and Vaiga ate lunch. During evening, Gayathri was sitting alone in the garden area. At that time Divya, came and sat besides her.
Divya asked:What are you thinking Gayu?
Gayu:Nothing dear, just thinking about Vaiga?
Divya :No thoughts of Vivek?,
Gayu:What thoughts about him? Who is he for me to think about?
Divya: He is you kid's father,Gayu..
Gayu stared Divya: 'Divya.. Please, stop it. I don't want to hear your rubbish.'
Divya: What, I said the truth, he was your husband and your kid's father...
Gayu: My husband and kid's father?Don't make me angry,Divya.Where was this father for Five years?
Divya: Gayu,How long you will remain alone? If not Vivek, you have to find other man. Now you are only 27.You have a long life to go.I am very much worried about you Gayu.'
Gayu:'I am not alone. I have my daughter with me.And I don't want any more man in my life.In these five years, I made myself strong Divya. So don't worry about me,dear.'
Divya:'Think practically Gaayu. Now Vivek regrets for what he did to you.'
Gayu:"How you know that Divya. He is married and he has a son.And he is a versatile actor, you know that?"
Divya"No Gayathri, he is divorced and he don't have a son."
Gayu:"How u know that, I saw his son on instagram."
Divya:"I enquired about him through some of my freinds at Trivandrum near his house. That boy in Instagram is his freind's son."
Gayathri remained silent
Then Divya continued 'I think you have to give a chance to Vivek.
Gayathri said sadly: 'What are you saying Divya? How can I forget all the insults suffered by me. How can I forget about the difficulties I suffered during pregnancy. How can I forget his marriage with other lady. That scene is not fading from my eyes. She cried.. and continued ' You are asking me to give him a chance. How can you forget everything. Only you and Ashok was with me that time.I was carrying his child Divya. In these five years, he didn't even enquired about me,If am dead or alive?At that time,If I died with my child, then also he won't be affected.Any how, I slowly recovered from the shatter, he given to me. Now I am happy with my daughter,Divya. I don't need his presence in my life."
Divya " But, Vaiga needs her father Gaayu."
Gaayu :"Vaiga is a kid Divya. She don't know what happened to her mother. She didn't know, she was a part of a revenge of her father.She was born unwanted by her father.And I don't know Divya, whether Vivek is going to play another revenge on me by taking away my daughter from me.Now I can't suffer any more heart breaks."
Divya:'Gaayu, any how, I don't think so.I think Vivek has changed".
Gayu :"No Divya,he won't change.He is a good actor.My life is the result of his acting skill. Oscar nominees are not even near to him for his acting skill.I want to leave to US, as soon as possible.That is the only important thing to me.I don't know what is his motive.Within these two days, my Vaiga is so much influenced by him."
These conversation between them is overheard by Vivek, as Divya called Vivek before this conversation and let Vivek to hear that.Vivek was hurt by the words of Gayathri.
Gayathri continued ' Am I a burden for you Divya. You were with me,in my bad times.I need only one week Divya. Within one week, I will find a shelter for us.' She cried..
Divya:'What are you saying Gayathri? You are not my freind, you are my sister. Vaiga is my daughter also. How you become a burden for me?
Gayathri cried and said :' Then why are you forcing Vivek on me.I hate him. Now, we don't need him Divya. He was not there for me at the important phase of my life. I loved him once, that is true. Now I don't have any feelings for him.My feelings for him died on his marriage day, Divya.
Divya hugged her :'Gayu, no dear. I am not forcing you. I am concerned about Vaiga. And sorry dear, I won't repeat this.
The whole conversation was overheard by Vivek

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