Chapter 37

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Jennie's POV

I hate this.

I love working before.

But precious was not here with me so I hate it now.

Maybe I should just ditch.

I mean, I saw our accounts and I can say with confidence that my whole family can live comfortably without working. We amassed a fortune that even 10 generations after men could live without working ever.

"I know what you are thinking."

I was pull out from my musing when I heard the condenscending voice of Kim Soo-hyun.

"You're a psychic now?"

Daddy snorts. "No, but I've been in your position before."

He drank his coffee first.

"Let me guess. You want to stop working and prefer to just laze around with Lisa at home for eternity."

I scowl at him.

"And so?"

Daddy shakes his head. "Can't do that Jen. Trust me I've tried."

"What do you mean?" Now I'm curious.

"Your mother cried and you know I hate making Go-Eun upset."

"Mommy cried?! Oh you fuck up."

Daddy wince. "You don't need to remind me."

"What happened?"

"Well, I told her my hypothetical plan to just stop working and just stay with her. You know help taking care of you, household chores and shit."

I arch my eyebrow.

"Fuck you. I do those things because I find arranging, cleaning heck even washing your mother's clothes relaxing and rewarding."
Color me intrigued.

"Really? Like you're doing her laundry and organizing her closet?"

Daddy nodded. "I can be the ultimate househusband if I want too but I can't. I swear if Oxford or Harvard offers courses like that I'll be the first one to sign up."

"Anyway, she cried because she thought if I quit working our employees will suffer and they will loose their jobs."

That's Kim Go-Eun for you.

"Did you explain to mom that you can hire someone to do your job?"

He nodded. "I did but she's adamant that I should continue working as a CEO. Seo-joon even joked that your mother just doesn't like me staying in the house that's why she's insistent of me to not stop working."

"I doubt that you did not do something to Uncle Seo-joon."

Daddy smirks. "Let's just say that he stay at his house for a week to recuperate."

Poor Uncle Seo-joon.

"So if I peg Lisa correct, she will not also agree that you stop working."

Damn it.

My mood suddenly deflates.

Since I'm in a shit mood now, I bring out my lunch box that was lovingly prepared by precious and mommy.

I bring out the caramel bar that precious baked this morning.

"If I were you, hide that snack because I can hear your brother's voices outside."
I arch my eyebrow.

This room was fully soundproofed. You'll not hear anything from the inside and from the outside.

Without even a minute later I heard one of my brother shouting outside my office.

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