CHAPTER 1 - Pissing him off

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Arranged marriage was never on Sindhu's mind. Yet, she is getting ready for the guy's family who will be in her house in a few hours to see her. Sindhu tried telling her parents that she doesn't want to get married but they insisted he is the perfect match for her and that his family is very good. She is very tensed knowing that her life can change drastically in the next few hours. Adding to that, she had a strange feeling that today is going to turn her life upside down; in a good way or a bad way, she can't put her fingers on exactly.

After what felt like foreover, the guy's family finally came and were looked after by her parents. They were in the living while she was sitting in her bedroom, biting her nails trying to ease her tension down but to no use.

Finally, her mom knocked her room breaking her reverie and told her to come outside. She walked slowly, deliberately wanting to delay the meeting though it sounded silly even to her since she has to meet them at some point today. She sat on the chair that was placed a few feet away from the L-shaped couch in their living, trying to keep her eyes down.

After a few minutes passed, she finally looked at the guy she is going to marry, if everything went well only to be surprised seeing him staring at her, his eyes narrowed.

Him? She was surprised seeing the guy she saw a couple of times before.

What is he doing here? She knew he had a girlfriend;someone he loved so much.

She didn't realize she was staring at him until she saw a frown on his face as he looked very irritated.

That doesn't seem like a good sign, she sighed mentally.

"Can I talk to her in private" He finally said, looking at her parents and then his.

After their families agreed, she got up and walked towards the back of their house while he trailed calmly behind her.

"I don't want to marry you" Were the first words that left his mouth when she stopped to stand beside the vegetable patch of their garden.

"Why?" she managed to ask him, feeling hurt at his instant rejection. The way he looked at her like he wanted to do nothing with her made her feel ugly. Though she knew she is not and though she looked more beautiful today than she ever did in a simple yet elegant saree, hearing those words from him disappointed her.

He disappointed her.

"That's none of your business" He snapped at her, looking into her eyes directly.

"What do you want me to do then?" The words slipped out of her mouth before she can comprehend what to say.

"Just say no to your parents. Tell them you don't like me" He said very casually, like it meant nothing to him.

"And why can't you do that? Why can't you tell that to your parents?" She said calmly, when in reality she was burning inside.

"I would have, if I could" He spat bitterly, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Why are you doing this Karthik?" She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

She really wanted to know why he is making her the victim here; why can't he just tell that himself. And if he really didn't want to marry, why the hell did he come here?

He looked taken back with the way she called his name, like he was shocked she knew his name making her realize he didn't know hers.

Of course he doesn't know my name, she thought bitterly. She was disappointed yet again but she can't blame him for this, since she didn't bother asking her parents about him too.

"I don't think that's a matter of your concern Ms?--" he looked at her, raising an eyebrow as if asking her name.

"Sindhu" she said not taking her eyes off him.

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