CHAPTER 30 - First Love

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Oh My God!! She updated early.. Why???

I have two reasons actually. First, I became sick and couldn't prepare for my exam. I even went to watch 'Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation' when I should be studying or relaxing.. There's always a next time, right? :p :p

And the second reason, you will know it at the end ;) ;) 


"Ta-da" Sindhu exclaimed with excitement, showing a DVD to Karthik and Tulasi who were sitting on the couch in their living.

"What is it?" Tulasi asked with an amused smile.

"DVD of a Korean film called First Love" she replied excitedly.

/*It is a Thai film actually. But people at my place think every foreign film that's not English is Korean*/

"Really? I heard Korean films are really good. How did you get it?" Tulasi asked in awe.

"From my aunt's place. It's in my cousins DVD collection"

"Good. Let's watch it then" Tulasi said while Sindhu placed it in the DVD player.

"Are you sure we should watch that?" Karthik asked glumly.

"It's a great film. You will love it" Sindhu promised.

"I won't understand the language"

"That's why there will be subtitles" Tulasi intervened.

He groaned "Fine. Whatever"

Tulasi distanced herself away from Karthik so that Sindhu will be sitting between them; more importantly, close to him.

"And, here it comes" Sindhu announced, occupying the seat between them while Karthik wrapped an arm around her waist.

She scooted close to him and he smiled seeing her eyes glued to the screen with excitement.

When the film started, she suddenly got up and strolled to the bed room. Karthik was amused seeing a pack of paper napkins in her hand when she returned.

'First Love' is a film about how a dorky teenage girl tries to gain the attention of her senior who, she is madly in love with. The girl changes herself for him and tries be to better at everything.

Half way through the film, Sindhu left the living to make popcorn for them.

"Are you enjoying the film?" Tulasi mumbled slowly, her eyes still on the screen.

"Surprisingly, yes though it's a bit slow" Karthik replied.

She nodded and soon Sindhu came back with popcorn for them as they continued watching the film.

Their silence was broken when the lead girl confesses her love to the hero who rejects her making Tulasi cry abruptly.

"Take this" Sindhu said, giving a pad of tissues to her while looking at her sadly.

"Thank you" She croaked, patting her eyes with it "How could he do that to her?"

"The film is not over yet" Sindhu replied in an encouraging tone though she looked like she's about to cry any second now.

Karthik wanted to laugh at the drama happening beside him but stayed calm knowing the girls are at advantage in the situation; they are two in number while he is alone. They can do anything to him if he gave some nasty comment.

The film continued showing that the hero has always loved the girl but could never confess given the circumstances between them.

"He loves her" Tulasi exclaimed in happiness making Karthik chuckle.

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