Chapter 9

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Word Count: 837


Y/n Pov:
The next day at school I stood next to Bella at her truck, both of us waiting for the bell to ring. We just had small talk between us, some of our friend group butting in.

"I think I'm gonna confront Edward today" Bella says. It was just back to us two as everyone else was busy with each other. "About what?" I ask. "He just seemed like he had a problem with me the other day. I wanna know why" she answers.

"That's valid" I shrug my shoulders "You tell me if you need any help, alright?". Bella nods her head with a small smile. I then see her look at something behind me. I turn my head to see the Cullens pulling up. Emmett was standing up in the jeep staring at us. Weirdo.

As they get out the car I notice that Edward wasn't with them. "He's not here today" I think aloud. "Yeah, I'll just do it tomorrow then" Bella replies. I nod my head "Sounds like plan". Tyler then throws a twizzler at us and I give him a 'what?' look. He raises a brow at us, seeing how we were doing. I think. I give him a thumbs up as Bella shows him a small smile.

I turn to look back at the Cullens to see Alice and Jasper already looking at us. I try my best to give a warm smile and softly wave at them. Alice waves back as the two of them replicate a smile.

The bell then rings, signaling that school was about to start. I put my stuff
together and head to class with Bella.


For the next few days Edward still didn't show up to school. I could see that it was bothering Bella a bit. I still walked with Alice and Jasper to classes and talked to them. I think Jaspers warming up to me, he doesn't look like he's in pain anymore when we're close. Maybe I'll ask them to hang out this weekend.


Today's morning went by easily. I was excited to see Alice and Jasper this afternoon. I was in the lunch line with Bella when I heard an "Exuse me" and suddenly Jasper and Alice were next to me. "Hey guys" I greet with a soft smile.

"Hi Y/n" Alice replies in a cheery voice. Jasper nods and greets me back. "I was wondering if you wanted to sit next to us?" Alice asked. I looked at Bella and back to her "Um". "Bella can come sit with us too" Alice suggests, looking between the two of us.

As we got down the line I look at the table the Cullens usually sit at. Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward were already looking at us. Rosalie glared with a scowl and her arms crossed, Emmett's hand rubbed her arm in an attempt to calm her down.

I shook my head "I'm not sure. I wouldn't want to intrude". "But you wouldn't be" Jasper tries his best to reassure me. I shake my head. As much as I wanted to sit with them, I could tell that the rest of them weren't comfortable with me or Bella and I didn't wasn't to force anything on to them.

"Maybe once the others get more comfortable with us. I can tell that they don't really like us" I reject the offer, trying my best to be polite. I notice Alice's smile falter and Jaspers eyes sadden. But they soon cover it up and go to normal.

"That's alright. We understand" Alice says with small smile as Jasper nods his head in agreement. I give them a small smile "See you guys later". Bella and I then head to our table with the rest of our friends.


Alice Pov:
I sigh as I watch Y/n walk away. Jasper puts his hand on my shoulder for comfort "It'll be alright. We just have to talk to the others about them". I nod my head and put my hand over his "Your right".

Jasper and I then walk to our table. Rosalie watches us as we sit down, her glare softened. "Why would you ask her to sit with us?" Rosalie ask. "Because we wanted to know her better" I answer. "Your risking our lives. We can get in big trouble for this" her voices raises a little.

"Rosalie, calm down" Edward softly says. Rosalie looks at him with a grimace "You don't get to talk either. You and your blood singer have been giving each other googly eyes ever since they came here" She shakes her head and sighs "And anyways how would you guys even know if they feel the same?".

"Y/ns feels the same. I'm sure of it. They're just figuring it out" Jasper replys.repays. "And Bella is curious about Edward".

Rosalie exhales loudly, even though it wasn't necessary. It's not like we need to breathe anyways "If anything bad happens, don't say I didn't warn you".


A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. So for the crash scene most of you said for it to just be Bella and Jasper and Alice will comfort us, so that'll be the one. I have also changed the cover of the book since the otjer one was getting old. At least thats what I think. Anyways, I hope you have a good day/night and make sure to take care of yourself💕

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