Chapter 14

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Word Count: 574


Y/n Pov:
I paced around my room as I called Alice, waiting for her to pick up.


What if they don't want to hang out anymore?


What if they think I'm boring?


What if-

But before I can continue my over thinking, Alice picks up the phone. "Hello?". "Alice! Hey" I smile nervously but also with relief. "Hey Y/n! How are you doing?" she asks. "I'm doing good, thank you" I answer. "How about you?".

"I'm doing good!" she replies in a cheery voice. "No-Jasper, you can talk to them once I'm done". I hear rustling in the background and Jaspers voice. I felt my face heat up, Jasper wanted to talk to me. I chuckle "Everything alright?". "Mhm" Alice hums. I hear a whoosh and a door shut before she talks again. "Yeah, everything's fine".

"If you say so" I tell her. "So what'd you wanna talk about?" she asks. "Oh, yeah" I remember why I called "If the offer was still up I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out this weekend?". "Yeah, that sounds fun!" Alice says. "How about Tomorrow at 2pm?" she asks.

"A-alright" I stutter "That sounds good". "Yay!" she exclaims "I'll see you tomorrow then". I hear her grunt and Jasper in the background again. "Yes, yes. You can talk now".

I hear the phone being passed to someone. "Hi, darling". I feel myself get giddy over the name. I laugh softly "Hi Jasper". "So what are ya up to?" he asks. "Well" I begin, sitting on my bed "I was making plans with Alice before we were interrupted".

"I'm sorry darling" he apologizes "I guess I just missed you, that's all". I lay back and try not to squeal "Really?". "Mhm" he hums. "I missed you too. Just a little" I tell him. He chuckles and was about to say something when my dad calls me.

"Y/n! Dinners ready!". "Oh, I'll have to call you later, Jasper. I have to go" I say getting off my bed. "Alright. I see you tomorrow then. Bye, sweetheart" he replies. "Bye, Jasper" I hang up the phone. I put the phone down and start squealing in happiness.

"Y/n!". "Oh!" I stop what I'm doing and head downstairs. When I get down there I see Willow and Dad putting dinner on the table.

"Hey Y/n" Willow greets. "What took you so long?" Dad questions. "It wasn't that long" I jokingly roll my eyes. "And anyways, I was just on the phone with Alice and Jasper". "Really?" Willow excitedly asks.

I sit down at the table "Mhm". Willow and F/n sit down in their own chairs. "So what'd you talk about?" F/n raises a brow at me. "We're were just making plans for tomorrow" I answer. "If that's alright with you guys" I quickly add after.

"I'm alright with it" Willow agrees. "If it's alright with your father" she looks at Dad. "Just hanging out?" he looks at me. "Dad!" I groan. "What?" he questions. "I'm just asking" he puts his hand up in surrender.

"We're not doing anything like that" I tell him. "Well, if you promise that won't happen, I'm alright with it" he proposes. "Really?" I ask him. "Yep" he answers.

I smile happily and start to eat my food. F/n and Willow doing the same while they make small talk.


A/N: So I know that this isn't the normal amount I usually write, it is less, and I apologize for that. I just felt like if I were to write more the chapter wouldn't get finished.

Jasper x Reader x AliceWhere stories live. Discover now