Chapter 10

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Word Count: 1194

Y/n Pov:
"I really don't wanna go to algebra today" I say as I walk with Jasper to said class. "How come?" he asks. "I just don't wanna deal with Wyatt. Especially after what you guys said" I answer as we arrive at the class. Jasper grabs my hand as I suddenly feel calmness run through me.

He smiles warmly at me, though I notice he's a bit tense. I rub my thumb against his hand in an attempt to make him relax. And being successful, his body relaxes a bit. "I'm sure everything will be alright" he says "if you want I can come in with you and we can see if you can change seats?". I nod my head with a grin "I would like that". For some reason being around Jasper makes me feel safer, so him offering that made me feel more confident about going in the class.

We walked in the room, our hands still intertwined with another.


3rd Pov:
As the two walked into the room Wyatt and Bella saw how their hands were together. Bella felt happy for Y/n as Wyatt felt jealousy. A scowl appeared on his face as he watched the two talk to the teacher, still holding hands.

"Is there a reason why you would like to switch seats, Y/n?" the teacher asked. "Me and Wyatt just don't get along so well. I just think it would be better to sit somewhere else" Y/n answers. As the girl and the teacher talked, Jasper could feel the jealousy and anger that radiated from Wyatt.

He turned to look at the guy and glared at him. Wyatts eyes widen in fear before looking away from the vampire. "Well you and Bella can move to the front together. I know that your both new so maybe you two will be able to get to know one another better" the teacher tells Y/n. Jasper brings his attention back to the two and smiles at the teachers words.

Y/n lightly grabs Jaspers hand and smiles brightly. "Cute" Jasper thought to himself. He had the urge to kiss her but he knew it was too early for that. "Thank you" Y/n says. The teacher nod their head with a smile "No problem". They then call some students names including Bellas to switch seats.

Y/n and Bella got moved 2 rows up as other students took their old spots.


Y/n Pov:
After getting our seats switched I realized I was still holding Jasper's hand. "Oh-um" I stammer, letting go. Jasper looks down and I see a look of disappointment flash on his face. "Thank you for coming in with me. I really appreciated it" I told him.

He smirked "No problem at all, darling". I felt my cheeks flush as I felt giddy "W-well, I guess I'll see you after class then". Jasper hums "I guess you will". I softly smile at him before heading to my seat, the bell ringing as soon as I sit. The teacher writes Jasper a pass before he leaves the room, giving a wave to me as he goes out the door.

Bella looked at me with a thrilled expression "So what happened?". I look at her confused "With what?". "With Japser" she answers. "I just told him I wasn't comfortable with sitting next to Wyatt and he offered to help me talk to the teacher about it" I reply.

Her brows furrow "What's up with Wyatt?". And before I can answer the question the teacher announces class is starting.


During class I constantly had a feeling that someone was looking at me. I would look around the classroom to see who but no one was. It wasn't until I turned around that I saw the man who sat 2 rows behind me looking at me. Once I made eye contact with him he looked down at his paper.

Strange. I turned back forward and tried my best to not think about it, even though I could still feel his eyes on me. A few minutes later the bell rings. I hurriedly get up and put all my stuff together and dash out the room. I feel someone grab my arm and turn around.

As I turn I'm faced to Wyatt, an eerie smile on his face. I sigh "What is it?". "Why did you move seats?" he ask. "I don't owe you an explanation" I answer, rolling my eyes "Now let me go". "Is it because of the Cullens?" he pesters, his grip tightening.

"Ow- Wyatt let go"

"What? Did they something about me? I told you that they're weird. They're basically freaks"

"Hey!" a voice yelled. I turn my head and see Bella approaching us, Jasper and Alice right behind her. Wyatt looks at them and let's go of my arm to take a step back. Jasper walks up to him and shoves him back. "Don't put your fucking hands on her!" he bellows.

Alice appears next to me and gently grabs my arm, inspecting it. "Are you okay?" she ask with worry. I nod my head "I'm alright". I give her a reassuring smile and she softly smiles back.

"Calm down man! I was just asking her some questions" Wyatt defends, trying to step away from Jasper. I could tell he was scared. Jasper roughly grabs his shirt and pulls him closer to stop him from escaping. I look around and notice that people were starting to stare at us.

I step forward before Jasper can do anything to the man and put my hand on his shoulder. "Jasper, it's alright. We can deal with this later". Jasper looks back at me and his raging eyes soften. He looks back at Wyatt and harshly let's him go.

Wyatt looks between the two of us before running away. "Are you two alright?" I hear Bella ask. I turn and look at her "Yeah, I'm alright. We should get to class though, before we're late". "Your right" Bella agrees.

Alice interlocks her hand with mine as Jasper stand protectively next to me. Bella following us close behind. As we walk to class I try my best to calm my racing heart. I wasn't used to being so close to the two of them like this.

It felt nice to know how much they cared about me and how protective they are. To be honest when Jasper was chewing Wyatt out it was pretty hot. I felt my cheeks grow warm at the thought.


3rd Pov:
Jasper could feel the endewent radiating of off Y/n and smiled to himself. It made him feel proud that he could protect someone that he loved.

Alice looked over at Jasper and saw him smiling. Alice softly smiled herself, she had a feeling it had to do with Y/n but she would have to ask him later. Alice was glad that Jasper was getting more comfortable around Y/n. All the two vampires could think about was the time that Y/n would finally agree to be theirs as they walked to class.

A/N: Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I know that it's a bit more then I usually write. I'm sorry for not posting this yesterday, I forgot too. I'm trying to make Y/n have an affectionate relationship with Alice and Jasper without rushing it too much, but I've never been in a romantic relationship like theirs so I'm sorry if it isn't very affectionate between the 3 or if it seems rushed. Anyways I hope you all have a good day/night and make sure to take care of yourselves💖!

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