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Rain. All she can feel is rain on her skin, rain on her hair, rain everywhere. When she is about to drown in it, she wakes up from her nightmare with a big gasp. The guards in front of her look back at her, but she shakes her head, indicating that everything is alright with her. Aurora pulls her earphones out, stopping the music on her phone, and looks outside. The forest is greener that it would be in the First world at this time of the year, but in Solaria, there was never winter and even rain was a rare occurrence. She saw rain once, when making an appearance in Eraklyon a few years ago. The car halts at the back of the school, a brown haired man standing next to the enterance. 

The blonde girl steps out of the black car, which is the property of the Solarian Guard, therefore Solaria, therefore also hers. With straight posture and a big, fake smile, she shakes the hand of Saul Silva, the headmaster of the Specalists. She's at the back of the school, because noone can see her glamorous arrival here. The Crown Princess, the arriver's first cousin, still doesn't know that her cousin will also attend Alfea Collage, just like her. Stella will not be happy, so the princess asked for a private welcome from the school, which was, of course, prepared to happen that way. The young blonde follows Mr. Silva to one of the more private rooms of the school. Being second in line for the throne had its advantages

It is a known fact that Alfea is the best school in the whole Otherworld, so royalty and high-society nobles tend to bring their kids here. Which is why the Collage has, and always had, private rooms for them, so they can be seperated from the chosen ones or the lower-class children. Of course, the more and more friends the teenagers had, and the more safe they felt at the school, they tended to ask to room with others, preferably their own friends or classmates. The Queen straight up forbade, that Aurora rooms with others, while commanded Stella the whole entire opposite of that. Stella must be seen as a princess of the people, while Aurora should always make them a little uncomfortable, so she cannot take the throne out of her cousin's hands, like it has happened before in history. 

As the two walk through the halls, they hear whispers and see flashlights, as people take photos, but they don't act bothered, even if they are both annoyed with it. Being second in line for the throne had its disadvantages too. She never had a moment outside the protecting walls of the castle, when she wasn't being photographed. It is the law, that the Crown Princess (or Prince) cannot be photographed beside her/his consent, but it was never mentioned about the Princess or Prince, that comes after them in the line of succession. 

"So, welcoming speeches were never really my thing. Have a great first day, Princess Aurora" the man says, just after putting down her things that he carried all the way to the room. The room is bright, having a wall full of glass, but Aurora actual likes it, even if it is one the west side of the building. Her name means dawn, so naturally, she always looked formard for her time of the day. She could ask for a different room, but beside her publicly known attitude, she doesn't want to cause problems on her first day at school. 

"Mr. Silva, could you please call me just Aurora? It would make this a lot easier for me" she asks, begging the man with her eyes. She never liked being called princess, beside, of course, her best friend, who always calls her that. 

"Alright, just Aurora, get ready for the orientation party, it's almost starting" he says with a smile, then leaves the room, closing the door behind himself. Aurora lays down on her bed, feeling tired from all the attention she received just yet. With Stella by her side, it was never a problem to fade into the shadows. The taller girl was the heir to the Solarian throne, everybody was a low-life in her presence. So, just like any other day like this, Aurora would look for Stella to have her take the attention away. It always worked, as Stella literally baths in the staring gaze of other people. Aurora never liked crowds, or people in general, but she always had to put on a kind smile, which often resembled a frown, so she got used to it, even getting into partying and giving public speeches as she grew older. 

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