part two.five

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"Now I get it why two of my best students are in their worst form in years" says the man at the door. Silva walks into the room, where the princess sits. "What are you doing here, Aurora?" 

"My aunt is making me look through every single document, that we have on Blood Witches and Scrapers. Some dumb adviser told her, that maybe a sentence could trigger me, and my magic would come back as a trauma response. Bullshit, if you ask me" she says, pushing the large book away from herself. She turns toward the man, who she hasn't seen or talked to since she left the school. She has turned off her phone too, after that one voicemail from Riven, around two and a half weeks ago. It has been 18 days, without hearing his voice, but she acts like she is not counting. 

"I've heard you left without a word. Only left a letter" he says, sitting down at the opposite side of the table, looking at her. She looks down at the table, and starts fidgeting with her bracelet. 

"Actually, it was three letters. I wrote them different ones" she whispers, and the man lets out a sigh. 

"I know. I've read all three, they all came to me. ^i love you, my star. i'm at home now, but you'll see me soon. i promise. - aurora^, and ^don't worry, i'm safe. take care of youself, sky-cloud. we'll talk soon - rora^, and my personal favourite, ^you are my everything - princess^. Riven trashed my room for that one, thanks a lot" Silva says. The girl looks up at him, and opens her mouth to talk. And then closes it. Then opens it again. 

"If I've looked at them, I could not have walked away. Saul, I have no magic. Nothing. How would they feel, if they knew?" she asks, tears falling from her eyes. She had a choice. Leave, or stay. It's not her fault, that she thought that this was the easier choice to live with. "They would all blame themselves, like you do it yourself." 

"Of course I blame myself! If I'd stayed, you would still have your magic" he says angrily. 

"Yes, and the boys would be dead. I choose this. I knew the consequences of my actions, and I made my decision according to my knowledge. You cannot blame me, for trying to avoid the worst case scenerio" she answers, with anger in her voice. "I made a plan, it didn't work out like I wanted it to, but it's still not over and this... this is not the worst that could've happened, and you know that too." 

"We are soldiers, Aurora. We do not plan the future" he answers, his voice filled with sorry and regret. He did not want this for Aurora, the child of his childhood mate. 

"But I wanted to, Saul. I did. I've planned, and I've hurt the people who are important to me. Typical of me, making mistakes" she says, then leans her head on her hands. 

"Your aunt has asked me to bring you back to the school" the man blurts out, after minutes of silence. The young girl widens her eyes at him, then start laughing. "I wasn't joking. She says that your mood is depressing, and that Stella won't leave her alone. So you are coming back, Aurora, no matter if you want to or not" he continues. The smile freezes off of her face. 

"I left the school 22 days ago. I haven't talked with Stella, nor Sky, nor Riven. I cannot look into their eyes, Silva" she says, but the man only shrugs and stands up from the table. 

"We leave in two hours" are his last words to her. 

Three people stand at the main enterance, when the car rolls into the schoolgrounds. Stella's phone signals, that they are bringing Aurora towards the specalists' garages, so the trio starts walking towards the building in a fast pace. They reach the area, just as the blonde girl is getting out of the car, in a burgundy skirt and braided hair. Aurora closes her eyes, expecting screams and yells, but she gets pulled into a warm hug. 

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