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"She is a fucking psycho" says Stella to Aurora, who only hums in response to her. In the last few months, she hadn't had more than a few hours of restless sleep a day, so she distanced herself from everyone, mostly her cousin, as she is her only real friend at the moment. Like yeah, she has a number of groupies following her around like she is the Sun itself, but she could easily shake them off when she wanted to. Her cousin? Not so much. Aurora's attention goes over to Bloom, who loses control for a moment, but she quickly gains it back with a few deep breaths, walking away from the middle of the Circle. 

As if hearing the older girl before, Rosalind motions for Stella to stand up and move to the middle. She goes up with a roll of her eyes, and in front of her is a second-year fire fairy. Stella pulls a large ball of blinding light between her hands, but as she goes on to let it flow to the other student, the boy sends fire towards her. Stella gasps in shock, and immediately looks over to her cousin. Now, that Aurora barely got any sleep, and she became less observant with that, she grew even more protective of Stella, shocking every second student who just even looked at her with her new power. So it comes as a suprise to noone, when they see that her eyes are already glowing, sending lightning towards the boy. Rosalind stops the burning electricity mid-air. 

"Princess Aurora, I don't think you were called upon. But thank you, for volunteering. Beatrix!" she barks at the other girl, so the blonde and the ginger stand in front of each other, and if looks could kill, both of them would be dead by now. Rosalind uses the hate of the girls, so she can prove, that powerful emotions are powerful emotions, no matter if they are positive or negative. 

"If it isn't the Princess who ditched us all" says the younger girl with a smirk, hitting the other one's weak point. In the Solarian Royal Family, they don't do weak, Aurora reminds herself, and sends lightning towards the girl, who easily blocks it. 

"If it isn't the bitch who took advantage of that" she answers, looking emotionlessly at Beatrix. The red-haired sends a few thundering lightnings at her way, but Aurora easily blocks them. She smirks, and with one hand, creates a light-ball, and with the other, a huge lightning, that could cause serious trouble, if used with bad intensions. She lets out a small laugh, when seeing the fear in the younger girl's eyes, then sends the light-ball first, blinding her temporarily. Then the heatwave pushes Beatrix off of her feet, and the lightning strucks just next to her face, burning out the grass around the crashing point and making the earth shake beneath the redhead. 

"I thought that you would actually hurt her" says the voice from her door. Aurora looks up from her phone, then looks back down, carelessly scrolling through her Instagram. The person standing there walks in, and quietly closes the door behind themselves. Aurora follows their movements around with her eyes, as they make their way around the room, picking up pictures and books, even fixing their hair, while looking into Aurora's mirror. "I know, that I shouldn't be here, but I was curious" the person says, with a small smirk on their lips. 

"Curious about what?" she asks, putting her phone down, and sitting up on her bed. 

"You could've hurt Beatrix, Aurora. Could've even killed her, if you wanted to. But you didn't" says Rosalind, as she sits down beside her. 

"I am not a monster, Headmistress Rosalind" she whispers sadly. 

"You could be" the older woman replies, holding a little tornado on her palm. 

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