part two.six

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Aurora finds herself between two strong arms in the morning. Riven is wide awake by the time she opens her eyes, so he is looking down at her face with a smile when she looks up at him. With a small, happy sigh, she snuggles closer to him, and he chukles at her, but pulls her closer nonetheless. 

"Don't laugh at your princess, Riven" she says with a smile. The girl pushes herself upwards, so that her head lays on the pillow too, and they can look at each other's face. She loves looking at Riven. His eyes shine as he smiles at her action, the love clearly visible in both of their eyes. 

"My princess? I would never!" he says, with a high-pitched voice. She laughs with him, then pulls his body closer to her own. He doesn't oppose to her, instead gladly hugs her closer. They tangle their legs together, their arms holding onto the other. One of Riven's hand is under his head, but with the other, he draws small circles onto Aurora's back. She is holding his face with her left hand, and just like him, has the other under her head for support. 

"You are lucky I like you, otherwise I would kick you out, peasant" she says as she deepens her tone, but laugh bubbles out of her, as he tickles her side. 

"But you like me, so you won't" he says in a mocking tone. They laugh, and they touch their noses together, then the duo quiets down. Aurora tries to memorize every single thing about Riven's face, as if his cheeks and eyes and lips are not already imprinted in her mind. "How are you, love?" 

"I manage. You?" she asks back, and after a few seconds of silence, the boy finally lets out a long breath and says the words he wanted to say since he first saw her the day before. 

"I've missed you." 

"I've missed you too, Riv" she says, and a sad smile makes its way onto her lips. She pecks his lips with her own, and he pulls her back for a proper kiss for the first time in what felt like forever to the both of them. Their kiss is slow and they try to shove every bit of love they have for the other into it. They pull away ever so slowly, and they lie in silence for a few minutes, and then they get up to dress up for the day. 

"I've seen you with Sky a lot" he says bluntly, just as he pulls his shirt over his head. 

"Yeah, figured if we have to spent that much time together, we might as well, you know, bond. Silva sent me after him after they had a fight the other day" she says, a small smile visible on her face. "I don't want anything from Sky, Riv" she adds. 

"Alright, I wasn't saying you do anyway" he replies with a bored voice. 

"By the way, I've heard you spend an awfully lot of time with Musa" she says, with jealousy in her voice. 

"It's true, I do spend some time with her. I carried her here, when the scrapers attacked us at the ruins, you know. Before I found out you disappeared. Terra made her do some joga shit, thinking it would get her magic back, and I happened to be nice enough to save her from it. She helps me spar, sometimes" the girl only humms at his response, and it angers the boy. "What?" 

"I don't like it, when you like someone else" she admits, while fixing her hair in her mirror. 

"For fucks sake, Aurora. Yeah, I like her, but I love you" he says with an angry voice, then adds: "Maybe too much for my own good. But I do nonetheless" and just as the blonde is about to answer him, her cousin barges through the door, ruining their moment. 

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