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"I, Crown Princess Estella Lucille Regina of Solaria, daughter of Queen Luna and Prince Radius, Protector of Light, Leader of the White Forest and Baroness of the Great Castle, abdicate the Royal Throne of Solaria, in favor of my first cousin: Princess Aurora Soleil Camilla of Solaria, niece of Queen Luna and Prince Radius, daughter of Prince Atlas and Princess Zerlina, and Countess of the Golden Palace" is heard all over the room of the girl, as she rewatches the events of her cousin's abdication. It happened over five months ago, the teenagers now writing late November on their assignments. 

"Come on, Rora, we have to practise your powers" says the boy from the doorway. The two of them share a dorm, but they have seperate rooms in it. He is standing there half naked, with two roughly new tattoos on his torso. One for Bloom and one for Solaria. 

"You know how much I hate when you show up at my door randomly, don't you, Sky-Cloud?" she asks from her best friend, but gets up from her seat nonetheless. The duo clears the little living room that they are provided with, and then they start. Aurora makes the room darken, and then she lits Sky on fire. She has to be very careful, so he doesn't burn, that is her fire exercise. The boy hisses, and she immediately stops her magic, stepping closer to him quickly. 

"It's fine, Rora, you can heal it up" he says. The hardest part. Aurora hates using her water magic, her healing magic, because she almost drowned the boy once, so she is afraid of accidentaly moving his bodily fluids and murdering him. He doesn't. Sky trusts Aurora with his life, as he proved it many times in the past few months. He moves her hand towards his torso, putting it directly above his heart. "Feel it. It beats. Everything is okay. You can do it, I trust you" he says reassuringly. 

"I know that your heart beats. But I can feel your soul trembling every single time I touch you, and it scares me, Sky" she whispers, leaning her head next to her hand, and pulling the boy into a hug. He instantly wraps his arms around her and holds her close. The knocking on the main door interrupts them. 

"Crown Princess Aurora, you are needed at the table. Please bring your guard too, there are some emotional people around it" says the servant, so the two of them pull away and head to their own rooms to change. Aurora pulls on some burgundy suit pants and and a blouse, then puts her hair up in a half up-half down style and steps into her high heels. Sky pulls on a burgundy shirt and some black pants, then with the servant's help he gets into his golden breatplate and his shoes. He combes his hair into its place, then he waits for the girl in the living room. The two of them walk through the castle, the servants bowing to Aurora as they do. 

"I present Crown Princess Aurora Soleil Camilla of Solaria, niece of Queen Luna and Prince Radius, daughter of Prince Atlas and Princess Zerlina, Protector of Light, Leader of the White Forest and Countess of the Golden Palace, next in line for the Royal Throne of Solaria, and her personal guard, Sky of Eraklyon, son of the late Prince Andreas, Protector of the Crown Princess Aurora, Commander of the Blue Sea Battalion and Captain of the Alfean Specalist Reserved Battalion" one of the higher ranked servants says, as the duo walks through the golden doors. 

"Crown Princess Aurora, what a pleasure it is to see you" says the woman as she stands up from her seat. 

"Headmistress LeRoy, the pleasure is all mine" the young girl replies. 

"Sky, it's always good to see you" the headmistress says, greeting the boy too. He replies with a strict nod, as he usually does. He is a soldier now, he cannot play happy student, he has a job, which has one of the biggest responsibilities in the whole of Solaria. It is an honour to be the guardian of the royal family, but being hand-picked by the Crown Princess is a totally different thing. It is on of the greatest honour any soldier could get. 

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