part three.two

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*mild smut warning for the following chapter*

"Can I help you?" asks the blonce girl from her cousin, as she looks up from her homwork. 

"I was wondering if you had some time for us to make up for the waisted five months we had. I understand, if you don't, I just..." she tries to say, but the sitting girl cuts in on her words. 

"You understand? You are the one who has done the demage! The way our relationship is now is all your fault" she spits, her eyes boring into the other's. The blonde girl, the other one, decides to not take it anymore. She decides that she has done enough for her cousin, giving up everything for her, to her

"My fault? I tried to help, but you said that you did not need it. You said, that my experiences don't matter, because it was a different time and different ways. You are the one who pushed me away!" the girl says with anger in her voice, but tears are threatening to fall from her eyes. Ebem though feeling make you weak, the two girls could never pretend to be stong with each other. 

"Well, you loved your newly found freedom, you said that, and I quote: 'It is the least the Queen could have given you after everything.' Well go and enjoy your freedom alone!" to girl shouts at her cousin, catching the attention of a few students and guards around the two of them. 

"I want to help you! How can you not see, that all I've ever wanted to do was help?" 

"Well you cannot help. I do not want, nor do I need your help. You ran away from us, and pushed all of your responsibilities on me. Sorry, if I didn't like it" says Stella

"I didn't ask you to get the world of my shoulders, as you did with me! I asked you to deliver a message. Not my fault you stuck your nose into my business!" says Aurora, as she turns around and starts to walk away from the other girl. 

"It isn't me who broke his heart, you know" Stella mumbles just loud enough, so that her cousin hears her words, but no other person around them does. 

"I chose my duty over myself. Just because you were not strong enough to do it, does not have to mean I cannot do it either. I knew what I had to do for our country. You gave it to me, you knew that I would choose Solaria over everything. You knew it and still, you did what you did. Do not tell me that anything is my fault, because it is not. This" she says pointing between the two of them "is all your fault. Not mine" she finishes, and would walk away, but her cousin grabs her wrist, pulling her back. 

"Yeah, and it was me who made you love Sky, right?" she whispers sharply, knowing that her words are like knifes, tearing at Aurora's skin. 

"You know nothing about Sky and I" she mumbles, her mind clouding over with a fog of their memories from the past few months. 

"I do know that two people who did not sleep together, or want to, do not touch each other like you two do. I saw you with him, before you gave your speech. You cannot explain yourself out of this situation, Aurora" says Stella,  the usage of the girl's full name hurting them both, knowing there is no going back to their original sister-like relationship. 

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