VI- (JK) The Roller Coaster Of Emotions

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After some weeks.

Jungkook's Pov

"Again? We had a shoot with Black&Grey last month . Why again ?" I ask .

"They launched their elegant men collection , they said they want you to model for it , today they're just going to take your measurements , and if it matches their outfit measurement they'll start the shoot today" my manager said as I sighed . The thought that if my measurements match their outfit , alone terrifies me. Like what happens if it doesn't. 

"Look Jungkook , I know you don't like working with them , but they are a multimillionaire company . They pay well for just one shoot" my manager explained coming off a little friendly than she usually does.

"Yeah okay"

I didn't like them . They were always talking shit about my body and as much as I like to keep the I don't give a fuck attitude it still hurts me everytime . I do so much and no one's satisfied.


When we reached , I greeted Ms.Moon who actually likes me and was the one wanting me to model.

"Aigooo Jungkook-ahhh you grow handsome day by day" She squealed and I chuckled .

"You do too Ms.Moon" I replied .

"Why don't you go to the stylist they'll tell you what to do?" Ms.Moon said and I hesitantly nodded .

I walked a few steps and everyone's attention was on me .

They started whispering amongst each other as the anxiety came Rollin over .

I went and stood in front of the employee who was supposed to take my measurements .

"Stand on the scale" 

'Wait! Why are they measuring my weight? How does that even relate to the shoot?'

I did and closed my eyes looking away .

"71 kgs" She said and sighed .

"That's alright I guess" she said almost disappointed .

I stepped off the scale and she took measurements of my shoulder , neck , biceps , hands and then finally reached my waist .

I raised my arms as she wrapped the measuring tape around my waist .

"27 inches . Oh my god , I knew this would happen , we needed someone with a 25 inch waist" She then looked straight at me .

"Stop eating junk will you? Go on a freaking diet" She said and inhaled a sharp breath .

"Whats wrong ?" a young employee asked coming from the back .

"He has a 27 inch waist"

"Oh my god , will we have to pull another all nighter to readjust the pant waistline ?" She asked and the girl who took my measurements nodded .

"I'll say bye to my date I guess" the employee said as she walks away .

As always my mind went blank , voices which said-
'I told you stop eating junk'
'Go on a fucking diet will you'
'You look like shit , yet they let you model ,and you disappointed them yet again'
'You're such a disappointment to everyone'
Came from the back of my head .

I quickly walked to the single washroom and as soon as I entered , I locked the door behind me . I slipped down against the cold wood .

One NightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora