VIII - Crush

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The sunlight shone in my eyes as I irritatingly woke up .

I get nice sleep after weeks and this is how I wake up? Nice .

I looked around to find jungkook sitting on a arm chair and staring at me .

"Ahh why are you staring at me like that , I got scared" I said as I got up , moving to the washroom.

"Do you remember anything ?" He asks and I turn around , "Did I do something embarrassing? Oh my god don't tell me I kissed someone" I said and he chuckled before he went to his straight face "Try remembering tell me how much you remember" He urged.

I forced my malfunctional brain to run through my last night memory.

"OHHH I remember till our dance" that's true , the last thing I remember is us dancing. 

He stares at me , before he chuckles , and sighed. 

'What's with the mix of emotions ?'

"Never mind , let it be" he said getting up moving towards the exit .

"Did I do something to embarras you? I am so sorry jungkook I was dru—" he came and stood right in front of me , inches apart .

"Do you recall anything now ?"

The memory flashed in front of me , me pulling him by his collar...and my lips on his .

My eyes grew with realisation of what happened . I looked up at him "I am so sorry , that was your first kiss , you were saving it for someone you love , I am so sorry" i apologised again and again .

"Its alright , let's just forget about it , get ready we are leaving" he said as he walked out without even sparing me a second glance. 


Few days later

I stared at the text message which said-

Jungkook: I can't come and drop you to your office again , I have couple of shoots today .

This has been happening for past few days , since that night .

'I really messed it up , didn't I?'

I sighed as I finished getting ready and made my way out of my room. 

"Good morning princess"

"Good morning oppa" I said smiling and made my way to the kitchen , to find that my brother already prepared my breakfast with a mango juice on the side .

"Thankyou for the breakfast" I yelled from the kitchen .

"Your welcome" I turned around to find him leaning on the door .

I smiled as I quickly ate my breakfast .

"Is something wrong between you and jungkook? He hasn't been coming to drop you to your office" He asks and I pause .

"Uhh no , he is just busy" I said avoiding looking at him .

I suddenly felt a grip on my arm , he turned me around. 

"No he's not , you're lying . I can see it on your face , I don't even see you smile these days" he said as I nervously smiled .

'It can't be that bad , can it ?'

"Oppa seriously nothing happened,  he's just busy" I said and took my phone out to show him our chat messages which only consisted of , 'I am not coming to pick you up today' , ' Did you reach back home ?' , and the same pattern for the latter days .

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