The blame game

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Jimins head ached it had been a long day but he wanted to be pro active and become up to date on the people they represented.
The staff had gone long ago and it seemed he was the only one left on the floor.
He decided to make himself a coffee so went to the staff room
He took his phone playing music on it, he started singing along he liked singing but didn't do it in front of anyone other than his friends.
Jungkook stepped out the lift, he was annoyed he'd left a file here that he wanted to work on tonight. He went to his office frowning when he saw Jimins light on, he was still here?
Taking the file he walked towards the lift then changed direction when he heard singing. He stopped in amazement seeing Jimin his back to him singing like a professional not only that but swaying along to the song. Jungkooks eyes were glued to his butt, what he'd like to do with that he thought then shook himself, what the hell was he thinking?
As Jimin swayed something dropped from his pocket it rolled towards Jungkook who bent to pick it up finding it to be a container full of pills.
"I knew it!!" He said angrily.
Jimin turned in shock.
""What....,shit I thought everyone had gone!"
" I ask you what these are, drugs..., I don't care if your co owner I'm not having an addict running this company."
"It's not like that, "
"Sure it is blatantly lying and your high and low moods,"
Jimin was shocked , Jungkook thought that?
"I assure you I am no addict now can you give those back?"
"See,anxious already for your fix!"
Jimin saw red, he stalked to Jungkook eyes blazing,
"You arrogant prick, you think you know everything don't you.., anxious yes because that's what they are for!! Because I've suffered for years from it and do you know why? You...., you and you degrading treatment when I was younger, all I wanted was a friend but you..., to you I was a disgusting chubby boy you couldn't be seen around," he poked Jungkook hard in the chest.
"Did you know the bullies who picked on me said it was ok because the great Jeon Jungkook thought I was trash so it was ok, the boys that tried to rape me? They actually said maybe you should have had a go as without clothes I looked fuckable! Do you know how scared I was? I had a breakdown.., I moved abroad because I was so ashamed and scared, I had counselling and mainly got over it but I still get anxious on some days, I can't help it, I control it best I can, but you..., I fucking hate how you made me feel, I'm never going to let my happiness depend on one person now give me back those fucking pills!"
Jungkook was totally taken aback, he'd never known his attitude to Jimin had a knock on effect, to say he was disgusted with himself was putting it mildly, he looked at Jimin and handed over the pills.
"I'm more sorry than I can ever express Jimin, I never knew..., I don't blame you for hating me, I hate myself. The way I acted...., it was youthful arrogance though that's not an excuse, I don't even know why I was like it, you were cute chubby not fat ,.... of course it was going to disappear but I felt as though it was expected of us to be friends just because our parents were, so what kid doesn't want to rebel sometimes. I wanted other friends not someone who was in my face every day....., it's no excuse, I was horrible and am deeply ashamed, I won't even ask your forgiveness I don't deserve it,.....goodnight Jimin."
He turned and silently walked away Jimin staring after him.
Jimin slumped at his desk what the hell just happened..., he never told his story he hid it away yet there he was shouting and blaming Jungkook for all of it. Yes he deserved some of the blame but all of it? No the bullies picked on anyone who seemed week, the ones who tried to rape him would have been predators in life anyway. Jungkook had pushed Jimin away but the knock on was not really his fault and in honesty he felt ashamed that he'd said it. It felt like he'd released years of pent up feelings, all the time the counsellors had told him to let it all out and he didn't , he'd wanted to keep that blame and hurt going because then he didn't have to acknowledge that Jungkook the boy who had rejected his friendship was not responsible for all the bad things in his life.
He stood up shut down his computers and walked out he took a taxi to the hotel and ordered room service and some alcohol ,drinking til the bottle was finished and passing out on the bed.
Jungkook too went home and picked up a glass and opened some brandy, swigging it back and staring at the floor , he was the cause..., what could he do to fix it? He'd seen all the hurt and pain in Jimin come out, him he'd caused that, he drank til he wasn't aware of falling asleep on the sofa tipping a half full glass on the floor.
Oh,god his head, Jimin winced as sunlight streamed in through the open blinds , he shouldn't have drunk he was a lightweight. Yesterdays slanging match came back to him, shit......, he showered trying to ease the hangover , he couldn't face food so went into work arriving before anyone.
Jungkook hadn't been that drunk in ages luckily for him the headache wasn't too bad, he went into work heading for the staff room to make himself a coffee only to find a pale looking Jimin there.
"Er...., hi, I can come back later," he said.
Jimin turned wincing at the movement,
"It's fine...., er I want to apologise..."
"Whatever for?"
"I put all the blame on you, I was wrong, you were not responsible for others mistakes."
"I was responsible for the way I treated you,"
"Er can you not speak so loud...?"
Jungkook looked closely at the other....," hangover?"
"I'm not a good drinker...,"
"But we both thought alcohol would do the job..."
"So why do I look like shit and you don't?" Jimin whined.
They both stared at each other then laughed quietly at first then louder until Jimin held his head.
"Ouch.....,I'm dying....."
"Here take these and sit down a minute,"
Jimin sat down and swallowed the tablets. At the same time Jungkook stood behind him then gently massaged his neck and shoulders.
"Wow your tense,"
Jimin didn't answer he was enjoying the feel of the others hands working their magic he let out a moan completely unaware of how erotic it sounded.
Jungkook stared down at the others face that was tilted back slightly his eyes closed the moan coming from his full lips. Fuck! Kookie junior reacted to the sound.
"Er,well back to work I guess...." He took his coffee and left hurriedly, closing his office door as soon as he got in. Looking down at himself he groaned, what the fuck....... He was turned on by the boy he'd hated....., well not hated but certainly never thought of in that way.....had he?

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