Avoidance seems right

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"I asked why you are here?"
"Jungkook don't be like that, I've let you be for weeks until you would realise you were wrong,"
"Wrong? I told you we are not a couple we never have been!"
"But your dad likes me..!"
"My dad doesn't like to be rude to annoying girls!"
"But our mums are friends they always thought...."
"No Lisa, I've had this conversation with my parents, they know we will never be an item!"
Lisa stamped her foot like the spoilt girl she was,
"It's not like your with anyone else why can't we?"
Jungkooks eyes lifted to the stairs something Lisa saw, before Jungkook could stop her she ran up the stairs yelling for the bitch to come out.
"Lisa stop!"
Jungkook ran into the room after Lisa only to find it empty.
Lisa opened the bathroom door that to was empty.
She searched every room but found no one.
"I er..."
"Just get the hell out my house Lisa and let me make it clear, I don't like you and it would please me to never see you again, SO LEAVE MY DAMN HOUSE!!"
Lisa sobbed and ran down and out the house, Jungkook meanwhile called," Jimin? Are you here?"
Why and when did Jimin go? Had he seen Lisa arrive surely he would have just come down to meet her...., shit! Lisa had said she was his girlfriend if Jimin had heard that....
Grabbing his house keys he slipped his shoes on and ran to the house across the road banging on the door but getting no answer Damn it!
Pulling his phone from his pocket he rang Jimins number but no answer.
"Where are you Jimin?"
Would he have gone for a walk? He smirked, probably not he'd been a bit hard on the nearly but not virgin, he frowned then, where was he, was he mad at Jungkook because he thought he had a girlfriend? He crossed to his car, maybe if he drove around the area he might see him.
Jimin was sat at his desk staring into space, he felt dirty he felt stupid and very very guilty. He'd offered himself on a plate to Jungkook, yes the other could have said no, but, we'll he'd even asked Jimin if he was sure. He took his phone from his jacket, should he call Jungkook and apologise, looking at his phone he realised there was no charge shit. Oh well he was probably with his girlfriend anyway and probably felt guilty too, best not to get in touch just avoid him over the weekend that makes. More sense who wants to see the culprit of their guilty pleasure.
Switching his computer on he worked all day just drinking coffee now and then, he had to get up and stretch every now and then his ass hurt but that was the price he had to pay for interfering in someone else's life. He didn't think about food his only concern was keeping off the radar so he worked for hours but eventually his head dropped onto his arms and he drifted off.
Jungkook was pacing where the hell was Jimin? Hobi had rung midday to ask if Jimin was ok as he'd tried his phone but got no answer. Jungkook said he'd been sick slept a bit and gone to sleep some more but through this call he knew Jimin wasn't with them. Tae had rung to say he'd drop by in the week to pick his clothes up and that he was still with his friend from last night so had to go, that ruled him out. Jungkook walked over to Jimins again but nothing.
Where else would he go? He facepalmed, of course, work! He got in his car and drove there.
The office floor was quiet he made his way down to Jimins office relieved when he saw him there fast asleep.
He walked in and knelt down brushing Jimins hair softly.
"Jimin.." he whispered
"I'm sorry Kookie.. " Jimin mumbled in his sleep a tear rolling down his cheek.
Jungkook brushed the tear away," Jimin wake up.."
Jimin wrinkled his nose, he was even dreaming he could hear Jungkook.
"Jimin wake up!"
Jimins eyes shot open and he found himself face to face with one he shouldn't have slept with.
He sat up groaning and kept his eyes down cast,
"K-Kookie why are you here?"
"I've been worried sick all day, why did you leave?"
"W-what? You know why......, I'm sorry I forced you into it I shouldn't have you have a girlfriend I didn't know or ask it's my fault all of it...."
Jungkook pulled Jimin to his feet and just kissed him to shut him up. Jimin was too shocked at first then pushed the other away.
"What are you doing I'm trying to apologise here!"
"Jimin calm down! She isn't and never has been a girlfriend. She's a spoilt brat who likes to get her way. Our mums are friends and she uses that to try and get close , I can't stand her but she keeps trying she thinks she can just have me because she says so!"
"R-really,I didn't make you cheat?"
"No you didn't and why did you blame yourself it takes two?"
"B-but I asked for it..."
"Hmmm you did didn't you.....and the shower sex...."
Jimin slapped his chest his face red,
"Don't it's embarrassing ,"
"No it's not..., anything else you want to try?"
Jimin gulped,"K-Kookie we are in the office!"
Jungkook walked to the door locked it and shut the glass wall blinds.
"Better,although nobody is here"
He walked towards Jimin,
"You deserve to be punished for worrying me!"
"P-punished?" Jimin said even as a little thrill went through him.
"Mmmmm,take your pants off..."
"My pants?"
"Your pants..."
Jimin reddened but did so, jungkook kissed him,,
"Now kneel on the sofa knees apart hold the back"
Jimin did so feeling a mixture of fear and desire.
Jungkook slowly caressed his arse.
"Such a peachy butt, it feels so good with my dick in it don't you think?"
Jimin nodded shyly he was getting aroused. He heard a zipper then a rustle of clothing,
"Sorry babe no lube but you should be loose enough,"
Jimin felt the wet end of the others member brush against his hole before roughly pushing in.
"Ahhh Kookie!!"
"Sorry babe it will pass but I sure as hell need to fuck you for being naughty."
He thrust into Jimin over and over venting out his stress from earlier but soon Jimin was rocking back onto him asking for more.
Leaning over the small male he kissed his neck reaching around and pumping his arousal.
"You shouldn't have gone should you?" Jungkook grunted
"N-no aah more!"
"You won't do that again will you?"
"What...no oh Kookie I'm gonna cum aaaaaargh!!!"
"That's it baby," he felt Jimin release into his hand his hole clenching around Jungkook tightly.
He licked his hand clean then gripped Jimins hips and thrust quickly,
"Eurgh fuck Jimin aaah!!!!!"
He released inside of the other panting harshly his legs feeling weak.
He stood up withdrawing from Jimin,
"Wait here,"
He walked to jimins bathroom cleaning himself up then grabbing a damp cloth and towel he went out and found Jimin face down tired on the sofa he started to clean him up.
"Kookie I -I can do it"
Jungkook chuckled," still shy I see ok you go and do it,"
Jimin shuffled off the sofa to the bathroom with his pants while Jungkook redressed.
Jimin came out blushing and sniffing," it smells of sex in here,"
Jungkook burst out laughing," what do you expect? I told you it doesn't matter no one is here."
Suddenly they heard the distant ping of the lift both looked at each other panicked.
"Your office quick,"
The blinds were pulled and the door unlocked jungkook rushed into his office Jimin just behind.
"Oh Mr Park, I didn't think anyone was here, just checking the floors."
"Mr Hwan, sorry we er should have said but Jungkook and I were just leaving, Jungkook are you ready yet?"
Jungkook came out a file in his hand,
"Oh Mr Hwan, I forgot security checks, well our offices are ok, so carry on we are leaving now."
He walked ahead of Jimin nodding at the security guard but Jimin stopped," Mr Hwan, there's two tickets in your mail bin for your daughters favourites,"
"Ah Mr Park, your too kind thank you, good evening sirs."
Jungkook and Jimin got in the lift the doors shut and they looked at each other, Jimin tried to mimic Jungkooks voice , 'don't worry Jimin no one's here!' Pffft!!!" He giggled.
"God can you imagine...,'mr Oark are you ok?' Yes I'm just cumming!!!!"
They burst into fits of laughter still laughing when they got out. Jimins stomach rumbled loudly.
"Ooops! Sorry"
"Have you eaten anything today?"
"No I was busy..."
"Busy with feeling guilty for nothing? Come on we can go eat,"
"No.....no, let me cook you something I have some steaks and side dishes, would you like to come to my place?"
"Really....,yes I'd love too."
Jungkook drove them to Jimins.
"Hobi and I called you, I made out you were just sleepy,"
"My phones dead..., thanks,"
They arrived at Jimins and he let them in.
"Make yourself at home, look around I'll start cooking."
Jungkook nodded and walked around, he had lived this house before, it was bigger than his and he could see Jimin had turned it into a home.
Jimins furniture fitted well and now the walls were pastel colours that looked better than the darker colours he'd seen. Modern light fittings too have a better aura to the place, he peeped into the bedrooms all done in pastel shades. The last bedroom of the four had been turned into a mini gym, no wonder Jimins body looked so good.
He made his way back to the kitchen , Jimin had set up the dining table with many side dishes.
"I like mine medium rare you?"
"There's some beers in the fridge can you get them glasses are on the table."
Soon they were both sitting eating,
"Wow this is yummy Jimin,"
The  other smiled. Twenty minutes later they sat back.
"Gosh I'm stuffed," Jimin said.
"You were earlier!" Jungkook smirked
"Quiet you perv drink your beer,"
Jungkook laughed then sipped his beer.
"I like the colours of the rooms now when I came they had darker shades, these colours are better did the last owners do it?"
"No I did, I did it over weekends and evenings but got an electrician in for new. Lighting this gives off a better ambience."
"Why didn't you get a professional in to do the painting?"
"Why is it bad?"
"No silly it's great but I know you worked long hours in the week and then you came home and worked more?"
"I just found it soothing,"
"You have a Mini gym too?"
"Yer well, I'm not keen showing my body off in a roomful of muscle men so I do a bit here."
"Your body is lovely, don't ever doubt it, come on I'll help you wash up."
They cleared the dishes and had a coffee sitting to watch tv together. Jungkook saw Jimin nearly asleep.
"I should go......"
Jimin looked at him stood up grabbing his hand and walking with him up the stairs,
"Sleep with me please? I like to cuddle,"
"Anything you want Jimin," Jungkook said smiling as he closed the bedroom door.

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