Olive branch

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The next few days were strange, they weren't friends as such but neither enemies.
It was like each tip toed around the other. Jimin was easily managing his new job the only thing unsettled was the fact he still lived in a hotel which felt restrictive.
He was in his office with the door ajar speaking to an estate agent,when Jungkook passed by.
"Look you must have something else on the books? Yes I did like that place but...., well it's complicated, no it is ideal....., yes I know I'm not making sense but there are reasons I can't take it..., ok yes I look forward to hearing from you," sighing he hung up just as Jungkook knocked.
"Sorry I couldn't help overhearing, you still haven't found a place?"
"No...., I hope something comes up soon,"
"What about the one in my area?"
Jimin stared," er yes it's great but I won't encroach in your space ...."
"Jimin we are not kids anymore...., I live there because it is a nice area, I lost out on the house I really wanted there but mines nice enough, places don't come up there often so take it...."
"Are you sure, it is a great place, I don't know where you live but your dad said it's near,"
"Ok just go for it, is it furnished?"
"Just kitchen appliances but I have my furniture from the US here in storage it will go with this house"
"Well then?" He smiled and went into his office  glad he'd offered the olive branch ,while Jimin got straight back onto the phone . Minutes later and he was dashing off to sign the paperwork.
A man walked into the building and was directed to Jimins floor, Jungkook was at a photocopier scanning some paperwork when he heard the man ask for jimin
"Can I help you is Jimin expecting you?"
"Oh hi let me guess your Jungkook?"
"Er have we met?"
"No Jimin described you well, I'm actually his friend Namjoon,"
"Oh he spoke about you to Suga you and someone called Jin?"
"My partner, we all know each other from the US, I'm a songwriter I have some credits to my name and Jimin said you may be able to give me a job here, I also am a music director."
Both turned as a small figure came running towards them. Jimin flung his arms around the other.
"God I've missed you and Jin!"
"Hey little chick, we missed you too,"
"Why do you and Suga call him little chick?" Jungkook asked curiously.
"It's obvious he's small and cute and flaps around when he wants things done,"
Jungkook snorted with laughter earning a glare from said chick.
"Joonie,I'm an adult..., I don't flap!"
"Sure you don't ,"
Jimin huffed," come with me we can talk in the office, I'm sorry I'm late, I had to sign paperwork for my new house."
"No problems," Namjoon hugged the smalller male to him as they both walked towards Jimins office.
Jungkook stared after them, how come Jimins friends were so touchy feely?
"So that's the one you were worried about seeing again?"
"Oh Jungkook,Yeh, but we are sort of on a better wave length now than before ,"
"So no panic attacks?"
"Just one...., but I'm ok now,"
"Good so about this job......"
An hour later and both came out of Jimins office laughing,
"So tonight at Sugas seven o'clock ok?"
"Yes I'll get a taxi,"
Namjoon left and Jimin knocked on Jungkook door.
"Come in...."
"Er just to let you know I've given Namjoon a job as a producer, I think we are a bit short on the ground in that area?"
"Well if he's up to it fine...., so you signed for the house?"
"Yes,I'm really pleased the owners only bought it five years ago but are moving to Jeju island, it's really nice, I can't wait to be able to sit out in a garden and have my own space," Jimin smiled .
"Five years ago? That's when I moved there...."
"Really? My new house is set back a bit from the road it's so pretty but private, it has a driveway and...."
"Two garages..." Jungkook murmured.
"Yes how did..., oh no is that the house you were after,"
"It was and your lucky it's a beautiful house I didn't know it had gone up for sale again..."
"I'm sorry..., I feel guilty now......., do you live far from it?"
"Directly opposite..."
Jimin suddenly fidgeted his fingers together, Jungkook had come to realise this was a nervous habit, he clasped Jimins small hands in one of his larger ones,
"Hey it's no problem honestly, it just shows we both make great choices!"
Jimin let out a sigh of relief this made Jungkook still hold his hand then ask ,
"Jimin do I make you nervous?"
Jimin pulled his hands away," pfft..., no...!"
"Really?" Jungkook smirked getting closer.
"Not at all..., er why should you....."
"Because you behave like a little virgin every time we are near or I accidentally touch you!"
"As if.....,I could kiss you and it would have no effect whatsoever ....!"
"Go on then..."
"Prove it...."
"I...don't be silly, I was just saying....."
"Oh so you can't kiss me because I do have an effect on you?"
"No.., you..., aaargh your so annoying..."
Jimin stepped forward and placed his lips on Jungkooks gently, he went to pull back but Jungkook placed his hand on the back of Jimins neck holding him there and deepening the kiss,eliciting that erotic moan from the other. He let Jimin go and stepped back his eyebrow raised knowingly.
"S-see nothing...," jimin lied quickly running off to his office and slamming the door shut.
Jungkook chuckled, so..... little Jimin was not as immune as he thought he was, he glanced down at himself ruefully, neither was he it seemed, hmmm, life could get interesting he thought.
Jimin held his hot face, gosh had he really kissed his old crush?
He tried to reconcile himself with the fact he had instigated it and shown he wasn't afraid of him, so he'd won, right? So why did he want to feel those lips on his again.
Damn Jimin your not some needy virgin, you've had sex,admittedly two one night stands but he hadn't wanted more, neither time was anything to brag about, so why did he feel more enjoyment in that one kiss than the two nights he'd decided to dip his toes in the water, so to speak.
He forced himself to stop thinking about it get through the day and then enjoy the catch up with his friends tonight.
The phone rang the estate agent told him that he would be able to move in two weeks,something that put a smile on his face, hotel life wasn't for him he wanted a home somewhere he could relax and feel comfortable.
He got in touch with the storage firm and made arrangements with them then carried on working feeling a new release of energy.
He left work around six fifteen leaving himself time to shower and change and get over to Sugas place where Namjoon and Jin were staying until they moved over.
Tonight he was happy, he had his best friends his home he could soon move into and life was looking good.
He arrived at Sugas, the door was opened by an excited Hobi and Jin.
"Jimin!!!!" They screamed hugging the small male.
"Uh,fellas your squashing me!!"
"Ooops! We missed you," Jin said.
"The gangs all here!" Hobi yelled.
"I forgot how loud they are," Suga said from the sofa glancing at Namjoon next to him.
"Yeh,there goes our peace," Namjoon said then the two laughed, they wouldn't have it any other way.

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