Don't fix what isnt broken

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A month passed, Jimin was now in his new home and loving it . Namjoon and Jin had flown back to the states to pack up after finding an apartment above an old coffee shop that was up for let. Jin had expressed a wish to set it up as a coffee shop come workplace somewhere people could sit in booths or at tables and work away from home. Namjoon had liked the idea and the apartment above was massive, he could get a studio built in it and work there when not at work. Jin was very good with food and drink so hoped his idea would be welcomed. Added to the fact it wasn't far from the building Jimin worked in, they knew that they would see a lot of each other.
Jimin had been going through a list of people they managed, one name niggled him, he walked into Jungkooks office.
"Jungkook it says we have Taemin under a 'minimum contract ' what's that ?"
"Huh, oh Taemin has his fingers in a lot of pies, music , clothing Tv shows, we are the ones he uses when he wants to record,"
"But there's no obligatory terms of hours?"
"We  agreed that we are his producers so it's ad hock,"
"But surely we should have a minimum amount of agreed hours? Everything is working in his favour?"
"Jimin, it's worked for years don't rock the boat, he's so well known he could pick any company but he chose ours, if it isn't broken don't try to fix it!"
Jimin muttered under his breath, he then left the office and went in his own, his hand grabbed the phone and he made a call getting Taemin to come in the next day.
Jungkook sighed as he walked to his office he had just had to end a contract with a performer who wasn't fulfilling his obligations and thought he was too big a star for the company to let go, his shock when his contract was terminated was clear to see and he had tried to convince Jungkook he would change but this was not the first time he'd been called up on his behaviour so Jungkook felt he had no choice. It never left him in a good mood.
As he neared his office he glanced into Jimins.... What the hell! It seemed Jimin had ignored him Taemin was in Jungkooks office leaning over the desk looking at Jimin who sat back looking unconcerned.
Angrily Jungkook opened the door.

Forty minutes earlier:

"Taemin come in I'm Park Jimin,"
They shook hands.
"So you called me in what's up?"
"I'd like to re negotiate your contract."
"Woah, why?"
"I think you should give more time to our company."
"My contract has never been under question before,I'm a busy man...., so if you'll excuse me."
"If you were a busy man why was it so easy to book an appointment straight away? I think you have been living on easy street, you give us just enough hours to keep you as part of the firm,knowing we are obliged to put work your way and keep you relevant,as co owner I have the main vote and I've decided it will work both ways or not at all."
"Wow your fiesty! I like you, fine your right I'm not pulling my weight I rely on you guys to keep me in the limelight but I don't do the media stuff or video shoots leading up to the release."
He leaned on the desk," I'm kinda glad your standing up for yourself, I want my music to be more at the forefront......., you draw up the contract I'll sign it"

Present time:

Jimins door slammed open ," I'm sorry Taemin I was unaware Jimin had called you in,whatever he said ignore it."
"Don't Jungkook me, I'm not letting you mess up one of our best clients."
"Er......, you two look like you need to talk, send the stuff over Jimin I'll sign it," Taemin chuckled and walked out closing the door.
"What did you do! I'm not letting you terminate his contract."
"Don't tell me you used the I'm in charge vote on him,"
"I did but...."
"You know I was starting to admire you but now...."
"SHUT UP!!!"
"You never listen, do you like the sound of your own voice so much, always ready to think I'll do something wrong!"
Jimin felt like he was hyperventilating but gripping his desk he carried on.
"His contract was wrong, I gave him the option of upping it or leaving and he agreed to do longer hours and more promotions..., so fuck you!!"
Jimin sank to his chair visibly shaking.
Jungkook was annoyed at himself, Jimin was right he did think the worst all the time, he came out of his thoughts to see Jimin breathing harshly his hands looking for something but not finding it.
"Jimin......, Jimin where's your pills ? Deep breaths remember..."
Jungkook looked around what could he do, he remembered after Jimins confession he'd read up on anxiety a bit, it was all about calming them, taking their mind off the problem but what could he say or do.
Jimin was not in control he tried to take his mind off of the argument when suddenly he was grabbed close and Jungkook plundered his mouth.
Well that certainly took his mind off it, Jungkook was a very skilful kisser.
Jungkook had just done the only thing he could think off , he'd kissed Jimin to get his focus on something else but now..... he nipped Jimins lips making them part then swirled his tongue around inside. Jimin was kissing back, little moans coming from his mouth.
Jungkook walked Jimin backwards until his back was against the wall, he kissed him hungrily and ground against him letting him feel his arousal as he felt Jimins.
"W-we shouldn't ..., " Jimin gasped but didn't stop the other as he held both Jimins hands above his head with one hand while his other unbuttoned Jimins shirt touching his soft hot skin.
Jimin had never felt this turned on before and he had felt the others arousal too.
Jungkooks mouth closed over a nipple and he suckled on it then moved to a spot on Jimins shoulder blade sucking a mark there....
A loud ringing shook them both out of the sexual haze they were in, Jungkook stepped back looking at the flushed Jimin," fuck I'm sorry Jimin I shouldn't have gone that far....."
Jimin was blushing but he had to be honest,
"I know why you started it let's just say both of us forgot where we are, er excuse me but the phone,"
He picked it up hurriedly at the same time awkwardly buttoning his shirt. Jungkook stared the left going into his office and leaning against the closed door. What had he been thinking! His head couldn't stop thinking about how the other felt, how responsive he was to his touch and how nearly he'd pushed the stuff off the desk to lay Jimin down and fuck him! His pants felt tight and uncomfortable , he walked to his office bathroom, freeing himself and groaning as he pumped himself it didn't take long for him to release and he had to cover his mouth with his arm to stifle the moans that came as he erupted. Panting hard he cleaned himself up before zipping himself back up and going to his desk sitting down to recover, shit, maybe he needed to go and get laid , he'd never felt this horny.
Jimin in his own office found himself using his bathroom too, he had never felt so aroused that he'd had to go sort himself out straight away. His release was hard his moans kept at bay but his sudden neediness was unexpected and unlikely to be fulfilled. He sat down again at his desk trying to concentrate on his work but images of Jungkook holding him down while kissing him made him fidget uncomfortably .
He decided to go down to the studio where Suga would be laying down some tracks, he needed a distraction from the handsome man in the office a few feet away.

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