Tentative moments

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Jungkook awoke to find his arms wrapped around the smaller male, Jimins face nuzzled into his neck. Jimin had surprised him by stating red faced he prefers to sleep naked, Jungkook admitted he did too so they both had showered and climbed into bed.
Jimin had taken the first step by shifting closer to Jungkook and tentatively putting his small hand on Jungkooks chest.
Jungkook had automatically pulled him to cuddle against his chest and they had both fallen asleep as if this was their usual habit.
He looked down at the still sleeping male, his hands roamed down Jimins back to that perfect ass, caressing it.
Jimins nose twitched.
Grinning Jungkook brushed his hand across it again and Jimin wriggled.
By now Jungkook could feel his own arousal and although Jimin was asleep his was making itself known too.
He carefully lifted Jimin so he was totally on his chest one leg sprawled either side of Jungkook their arousals touching.
Running his hands down Jimins back he squeezed his ass.
Jimins eyes opened he looked up to see a confused looking Jungkook.
"Well Jimin I didn't expect you would try to seduce me.."
"I woke up and your all over me and you've made me hard!"
"I did oh gosh I'm sorry I ....." he sat up and looked down, then made to climb off.
"Oh no, you got me this way, you need to do something....., ride me Jimin,"
"R-ride you?"
"Yer slide that perfect ass over my length and fuck me.."
Jimin bit his lip, it sounded intriguing but he'd be facing Jungkook what if he did it wrong?
Jungkook could see the deliberating in Jimins eyes so he pulled Jimins face down to his lips kissing him to relax him at the same time he pumped Jimins arousal eliciting that moan he liked to hear.
"Now ride me baby, raise up,"
Jimin did so, Jungkook rubbed his member against Jimins hole pre cum making it sticky.
"Mmm now push down baby,"
"Jimin did so gasping at the fullness he was taking in.
"Fuck Jimin that's so good, now pleasure me baby..."
Jimin rose up then down again soon getting into a rythmn his small hands rested on Jungkooks abs as he rocked above him. He looked down to see Jungkooks hands resting on his hips desire in the others eyes.
Jimin liked the feeling of control for now he was in charge, then Jungkook thrust with him hitting the bundle of nerves inside him that he knew would send him over the edge.
His breathing got quicker he felt uncoordinated feeling pleasure consuming him,
"Ah Kookie its ah more......."
"That's it baby so good your fucking me so good,"
The praise sent Jimin over the edge he screamed out Jungkooks name as he came gasping.
Jungkook started thrusting up harshly holding Jimins hips tight the clenching from Jimins orgasm finally making him shoot his seed into Jimin.
Jimin looked at the others face as he came , how sexy he looked.
Jimin wanted to flop onto Jungkook but saw the sticky mess he'd made.
He made to move but Jungkook held him there.
"Nooo don't go I can still feel you,"
Jimin went red," I -I ......shower...um...sticky..."
Jungkook smirked," arms round my neck ,"
Jimin frowned but did so, Jungkook swung his legs out of bed and stood up hands under Jimins ass making the small male hook his legs around him.
"Kookie what you doing your still in me !!"
"Cos I still want you  hang on tight,"
He walked to the nearest wall and pinned Jimin there, he kissed and sucked along Jimins throat and collarbone, Jimin demanded his lips again, both could feel jungkook harden and then he thrust slowly into the other.
"Are you gonna come again for me Jimin, are you going to scream out my name again as I fuck your tight hole, tell me what you want Jimin...."
Jimin was so turned on......
"Fuck me hard Kookie make me scream...."
"Oh yer baby,"
He thrust into Jimin groaning at the welcome tightness,Jimins own arousal rubbed up and Down Jungkooks body the friction giving unending pleasure.
At Jimins erotic moans Jungkook fastened his pace and like a whirlwind they came together, Jimins eyes rolled back his hands tightened as he thrust up and yelled out Jungkooks name.
Jungkook breathed deeply legs shaky, he placed his head against Jimins.
"That was......., fuck it was so good,"
"Oh Kookie we are really sticky now we need to shower let me down,"
Instead Jungkook walked to the bathroom before he let Jimin slide down.
"Ouch, my back...,my ass!"
Jungkook laughed," poor baby, practice makes perfect it gets better,"
Jimin pouted," tell that to my ass I've had more sex this weekend than I've had in a lifetime, I feel like I've done a marathon prep for an exam!.......what! Don't laugh at me my ass is sore, you be in the receiving end then you see! Hey why am I on the receiving end not you?!?" Jimin asked comically.
Jungkook just burst out laughing," you never cease to amaze me!! Jimin I'm a top always will be,you well your ass makes you the perfect bottom,"
Jimin pouted"we will see..., "he said huffing.
"Not with me babe,"
Jimin turned the shower on limping under the stream of water, Jungkook joined him, he took the shampoo and washed Jimins hair, his hands massaging the others head finding Jimin made enticing sounds even when he did that.
"Your moans are addictive,"
"I'm not moaning...aaah"
"shut up and carry on"
"Yes princess,"
Eventually they were both showered, Jungkook dressed in his clothes from yesterday Jimin put a t shirt, sweats and Hoodie on.
"Let's get breakfast out,"
They got into Jungkooks car, jimin gingerly.
"Need a cushion?" Jungkook smirked.
"Just drive...."
Chuckling Jungkook drove off.
"Aren't Jin and Namjoon back yet?"
"Two days time, decorators have been doing their apartment and coffee shop out."
"We should run a business thing from there to advertise the place,"
"Great idea! We could get the media involved, Namjoons well known in Us but here not so much we could introduce him and Jins shop in one go."
"Ok, sort it out with them  and we will get it done,"
"Yes boss," Jimin saluted him.
"Oh sorry that was bossy wasn't it, I didn't mean it like that I haven't forgotten your really in charge," Jungkook said earnestly .
"Kookie stop worrying, I know you didn't mean it like that...."
"Well...if your sure,"
"I am....,hey how about here?"
Jungkook pulled over to a popular cafe.They both got out and walked in only to be stopped by someone calling them.
Turning they found Jungkooks mother sitting at a table with a girl.
"Oh shit, it's Lisa, do you want to go?"
Jimin bit his lip then shook his head walking to the table, Jungkook following.
"Jungkook dear and Jimin will you join us?"
"I don't ...." Jungkook started but Jimin stopped him.
"Of course we will,"
The waiter came and took their orders.
"Mum I didn't know you came here?"
"Oh now and then dear,Lisa called me and asked me to come."
"Did she really?" He asked cynically.
Mrs Jeon wasn't stupid she knew her son well, she could see Jimin lay a hand on Jungkooks arm as if to calm him. She smiled to herself, finally she thought.
"Who are you?" Lisa asked Jimin annoyed when Jungkook ignored her.
"I'm an old friend Jimin and I work with Jungkook, you are?" He asked questioningly.
"I'm a very close friend practically family...., so Jungkooks your boss then," she said looking down on him.
"No I'm not his boss, we co own it and Jimin has the final say." Jungkook said.
"What? "
"You heard,"
Their breakfast arrived and more coffee for the other two.
"Oh Jungkook eat well you need to keep strong,"
Jungkook just rolled his eyes at the stupid girl.
As if suddenly realising Lisa asked,
"So why are you two together now, for breakfast,"
"Well it's normal to have breakfast when you get up,"
Jimin replied.
"Get up?..... oh you had to meet up."
"No...., Jungkook and I were together got up and came here for breakfast." Jimin said slowly as if talking to a slow child.
"You stayed over?"
God she's dim thought Jimin.
"No. We slept together as a couple in the same bed, sorry Mrs Jeon,"
"Oh don't worry about me dear it's fine."
Jungkook let out a snort of laughter.
"You mean you two......"
"Bingo!" Said Jimin giving her a fake smile.
"But you can't , .... Mrs Jeon you can't let him be with him!!"
"Lisa dear, quieten down, I had already told you Jungkook is not for you, if they want to be together what's wrong with it, times move on so should our beliefs, we are not a backward country even though some people try to hold onto misguided beliefs, it is not for anyone but the people involved to say who they should be with."
"But I thought you would help me,!!"
"I help my son first, I'm glad he and Jimin are getting on so well."
Lisa stood up, " I'm sorry I have to go!" She stomped out.
"Thank god," Jimin mumbled ," she was giving me indigestion."
Chuckles of laughter greeted his announcement and he looked up," sorry I said that out aloud didn't I?"
The other two nodded. Jimin blushed.
"So boys how's work going?"
"Well mum, Jimin has done a lot of good work and got in some amazing people."
"But you had the groundwork already there Jungkook,"
"Gosh you two sound like a mutual admiration society,"
Both males grinned at each other.
"I tell you Jimin, my Jungkook put in so many hours into that place, my husband was more of a figurehead, he tried to stop Jungkook working so hard."
Jimin frowned, he thought Mr Jeon senior had done most of it.
"Oh I didn't know,"
"Mum it's not important your bragging,"
"I'm not, we'll maybe I am, I used to get so worried how much time you spent getting it up and running."
"I thought both our dads did it?" Jimin asked.
"Your fathers were and are men who liked to diversify, when both you and Jungkook took a leaning towards the music industry it seemed like fate, Jungkook was young but had seen this place and asked his dad if he could buy it, his dad spoke to yours and both agreed on getting it, Jungkooks father seemingly running it and your father a silent partner, but Jungkook basically ran it from the get go,"
"So why did my father have the final say? I don't understand?"
"Oh that, we'll I'm sure you remember Jimin how the pair of them were like kids if they had a drink?"
"Yes they both squabbled over the silliest of things!" He laughed.
"Well your dad flew over, they discussed the plans over a meal and a lot of drinks! Of course being business men your dad said, we are in 50/50 what happens if we can't agree on something? My dear husband said,I've got it let's flip a coin whoever wins gets the final say so. Your dad let my husband choose first but he lost , so when they were sober they had that clause put in."
Jimin shook his head," it doesn't seem fair to Jungkook."
"It's done with Jimin forget it."
Jimin nodded but didn't put it out of his mind.
He fidgeted on the hard chair.
"Are you ok dear?"
"Erm yes, just slight back ache I er sat too long at my desk the other day," he lied.
"Oh dear maybe you should go for a massage they could rub it better?"
A snort came from Jungkook which he quickly turned into a cough.
"Mums right Jimin you may need someone to massage where it hurts," he said with a straight face.
Jimin pinched his thigh.
Jungkook managed not to yell out.
"Oh well boys I will be going, you take your time bye for now," she patted both their heads as she left smiling.
"Ouch that hurt!" Jungkook whined
"Good...., massage where it hurts? Pervert!"
Jungkook laughed.
"So what now?"
"I need to do laundry and clean the house,"
"Eurgh so do I ......, "
"Do you want to watch tv later?"
"At yours?"
"Mine or yours."
"I like your place better,"
"Ok but no staying, I need a rest!"
"Aw Jimin your so cuddly though,"
"But we have work tomorrow ..."
"But your so cuddly..." Jungkook repeated.
"Pffft, ok you can stay but cuddles only otherwise I cut your dick off!"
"Wow vicious!!"
"My ass is sore!!"
"Ok...,tv, bed, cuddles, no sex go to sleep go to work together, I'll bring my clothes."
"Find now let's go......."
"Are you eager to have me over again after we finish cleaning?"
"No I'm eager to get my sore ass off this hard chair, move it!!"

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