Just Relax: part 2- Jenna Ortega

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Word count: 1200

After standing there for what seemed like hours, you finally processed what had happened.

Jenna Ortega had kissed you.


You squealed to yourself in excitement as you pulled out your phone and texted Emma, asking her to come back to your trailer.

Em!!: omg I'm on my way (10:34 pm)

It took her less than a minute to arrive at your door, her walking in without knocking and returning to her place on the couch.

"Sooo, what did Jenna want?" She teased, her voice becoming sing-songy  as she said the girls name.

"She kissed me." You blurted out, remembering the feeling of the small brunettes lips on your own, "I mean like full on make out." You breathed. Emma shrieked in excitement, hopping up quickly from the couch and jumping up and down.

"Oh my god, really?!" She squealed, taking hold of your shoulders and shaking you quickly. Your head felt dizzy at all of her excitement, the small girl had so much energy for something that didnt even happen to her.

"Yes, yes really. I dont even know what to do." You blushed, remembering the events that had occurred between you and the girl. She really did catch you by surprise, and now it made you wonder. Did it mean anything? Does she want it to happen again? Does she feel the same way about you that you feel for her? Your mind began to race with these thoughts as Emma stood in front of you, watching your face contort in confusion.

"Whatcha thinkin bout?" She asked after a few minutes, her excitement having died down quite a bit as she watched you think. You looked up at her, your overthinking coming to a halt as your bestfriend smiled at you.

"I just wanna know," you started, your voice barely at a whisper. You were afraid that if you spoke these words it would set everything into action and you wouldnt be able to take it back. Emma stared at you, the impatience rising on her face.

"You wanna know...?" She continued, hoping that her words would encourage you to speak once more. After another moment of consideration you took a deep breath and decided it was best.

"I just wanna know if it meant anything to her." You sighed, your hands stuffing themselves into your pockets as your confidence began to shrink. Emma frowned at your sudden change, but she understood where your worry was coming from.

"Well, I cant answer that for you," she said blankly, a monotone expression on her face, "buttttt" she grinned a huge smile appearing as she placed her hands back on your shoulders, "I can have a sleepover and take your mind off of it!" She squealed, running into the bedroom and flopping herself down on the bed. You were about to tell the girl that it maybe wasnt the best idea because you had such a long day of shooting tomorrow, but gave up on that when you saw how excited she was.

You and Emma spent the next few hours eating food and watching all of your favorite movies, and even though you were distracted, Jenna was still at the forefront of your mind, she always was...

***time skip***

You woke up to pounding on your door, both Emma and you hopping up quickly. You threw your hair into a quick bun while you ran to get the door. You flung it open quickly, your eyes still full of sleep as they fell on the small girl outside.

"Y/n, oh my god were you still asleep?" Jenna asked, a shocked expression on her face. You stared at the girl, remembering what had happened just the night prior, a smile spreading on your face.

"Uh- uhm yeah," you stuttered, looking at her lips, remembering how they felt. Her brown eyes gazed at you as the look of shock stayed.

"We shoot in fifteen minutes," she said, trying to get you to understand. Then it clicked.

"OH SHIT!" You yelled, running right past her to the hair and makeup trailer, not even putting shoes on as you sprinted across the lot. You heard her from behind you, the sound of her sweet laughter ringing in your ears.

***time skip***

"Nice of you to join us," Jenna mocked as you finally got to set, the directors not being happy that you held them back.

"Haha very funny," you giggled at her, blush spreading on your cheeks as you looked at the girl in front of you, "let's do this." You smiled.

"Alright and action!" Someone yelled from behind set.

"God Wednesday do you know what you do to me?" You asked, stepping towards her, following your tape markers on the floor.

"And what is that?" She asked, not moving from where she was, allowing you to be inches from her. You stared into her eyes, the deep brown color that used to make you nervous was now very inviting.

"You drive me mad." You muttered, a small smirk pulling at your lips, everyone silent as they waited for the you to finish the scene. You leaned in close to her, your lips mere centimeters apart. As you did this your breath hitched and you filled with nervousness. Even though you and Jenna kissed just twelve hours ago, it was different kissing in front of a bunch of people, especially knowing it would be televised.

"Just relax," she whispered, low enough that only you heard it, and this gave you the final push you needed. You connected your lips with hers, your hands falling to her waist. Now of course since she was playing Wednesday, she stood there stiff as a board, the only thing moving was her lips in sync with yours.

"And cut!" You separated from Jenna as soon as you heard these words, flustered as you smiled to yourself. "Much better than yesterday y/n, great job!" You gave a thumbs up to the crew as they all dispersed, ready to go film a Enid and Ajax scene at a different location, leaving you and Jenna standing there.

"Thanks," you said to her, putting a hand on the back of your neck as the butterflies in your stomach grew.

"Do you ever listen to me?" She giggled, her question catching you off guard. Her smile grew as your confusion became more evident and she stepped toward you, lust in her eyes.

Before you could say anything she grabbed you by the tie of your Nevermore costume, pulling you down to her and connecting your lips. One hand cupped your face while the other wrapped itself on your tie, pulling you impossibly closer. You hummed into her lips, the sweet taste of her filling your senses. She then pulled away, a smile on her face.

"You dont have to be so tense around me," she smiled, her thumb grazing your bottom lip as she held your face. Your heart raced at her actions, completely clouding your senses with her. "Just relax." She whispered, kissing you again, softer this time.

You smiled into the kiss, now understanding that this, in fact, would become a regular thing.

Jenna was yours.

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