Be honest- Vada Cavell

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Word count: 2096

You walked up the small concrete path to Vada's front door, knocking on it lightly.

"Oh hey!" Her mom said, opening the door and motioning for you to enter.

"Hey Mrs. Cavell, is Vada home?" You asked, your voice quieter than usual.

"Not right now, she is at Nick's, but she should be home shortly if you want to just wait in her room." She smiled, shutting the front door and clicking it shut.

You just gave her a small nod before heading down the hallway toward Vada's room, opening the door, and immediately flopping on her bed. The scent of her filled your nose as you lay there, and you couldn't help the blush that crept onto your cheeks. No matter how long you and Vada had been dating, the smallest things still made you act like a fool.

You scrolled on your phone as the time passed, your eyes feeling heavy as you relaxed into Vada's bed, and then you fell asleep.

***time skip***

You woke to a light knock on her bedroom door and sat up drowsily, her mom walking in.

"Hey hun, Vada still isn't home, but it's late, so you can stay here tonight if you would like." She whispered, leaning on the door frame. You rubbed your eyes as you tried to focus on what she was saying.

"Hm? Oh sure, thank you." You said sleepily. She left the room with a small wave, and just then, your phone buzzed.

Nick: hey do u know where Vada is?

Your heart raced as you looked at his text. Her mom had told you she was at Nick's house, so where was she? Your head immediately thought of the possibility that she could be cheating on you, but you pushed it away, knowing that you were just overthinking.

You: I was told she was with you

Nick: No I haven't seen her in a month or so

You: fuck. Then where the hell is she?

Nick: she told me she was with you all-day

You: yeah well she wasn't. I'm gonna look for her.

Nick: Okay lmk

You: I will

With that you shut off your phone, standing up quickly and grabbing your jacket.

"Hey Mrs.C, my mom wants me home, but let Vada know I stopped by?" You shouted as you opened their front door.

"Will do! Bye y/n!" She responded from the kitchen. You shut the door and sprinted to your car, hopping in it quickly. You pulled out your phone and went to snap chat, hoping Vada had her snap map on, and she did.

She was just in some random parking lot on the east side of town. What the hell was she doing there? You immediately turned the key in your car and pressed the gas, needing to get to Vada.

***time skip***

"Holy shit," you muttered to yourself as you drove past. There was Vada, in a parking lot, clearly inebriated, with Mia Reed. The two of them dancing together, closer than you would have liked. You spun into the parking lot and stopped your car, getting out before the two of them could even look in your direction. "Vada what the hell," you shouted, walking toward the small girl. "Everyone has been looking for you!"

"Hm?" She mumbled, turning in your direction. The second she realized it was you her eyes went wide and she dropped her drink. "Oh, uh, y/n," she stuttered, a shocked look in her eyes.

"Who is that?" Mia hissed, asking Vada who you were even though you were fully capable of answering for yourself.

"Her girlfriend, and you are?" You spat, walking closer to them. Mia stepped between you and the small girl, glaring at you as she walked.

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