I see how it is- Jenna Ortega

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Request by: justbereadyforme

Word count:1164

"Hey, you excited for today?" Jenna asked as she walked into the bedroom, a huge smile on her face. Today was the day that the scream five cast was having a reunion and you would finally get to see all of your co-stars.

"You know I am." you beamed, standing up from your bed and wrapping your girlfriend in a tight hug, "Speaking of that we need to get ready." You looked down at your watch and realized the two of you only had about forty-five minutes to get ready and be there.

"Oh shit, we better hurry." Jenna quickly ran into your closet, disappearing within all the clothes, coming back a minute later with an armful of stuff. She tossed a red silk button-up and black pants onto the bed in front of you. "Wear this."

"Oh, I don't get to pick?" You teased, picking up the shirt and fiddling with the material in your hands,

"No, you don't, because you look amazing in that." She said, her tone playful yet serious. She then quickly disappeared back into the closet and emerged with the most beautiful black dress, one that she knew you loved on her.

You quickly took off your sweatpants and t-shirt, pulling the dress pants onto your body and putting the shirt on, but not buttoning it yet. As you started to walk into the bathroom to finish getting ready, you saw Jenna out of the corner of your eye, finishing slipping on the sleek dress.

"You know," you teased, turning around and walking over to her, "we don't have to go..." You placed your hands on her hips and looked her up and down, taking in her figure as you spoke.

"Y/n," she warned, knowing that you could convince her to stay if you really wanted to. She grabbed both sides of your unbuttoned shirt and balled them in her fists, pulling you down to her level.

"Mhm?" You responded, leaning forward and pressing a very soft kiss on her neck. You could feel her shiver under you, and you knew the effect you had on her.

"You want to see our friends, don't you?" She said softly, her breath hitching as you kissed her again. You looked back up at her eyes and saw the desperation in them, you knew that she would cave if you continued for much longer. 

"Yeah, I guess I do." You whispered, placing a soft kiss on her lips before turning around and walking into the bathroom, pretending nothing had just happened. Then you began to put on your jewelry, listening as Jenna huffed in annoyance.

***time skip***

"Hey there you two!" Melissa said, running up to you and Jenna. She gave both of you a quick hug before speaking again. "Don't you both look gorgeous!" She complimented, scanning you up and down.

"Says you!" You laughed back, you could see Jenna's eyes flicker at your words, and you smirked to yourself. You knew that Jenna got jealous very easily, especially when it came to you and some of your friends, but you also knew that when she was jealous she was needy, and that was something you liked.

"You guys wanna go take some pictures?" Melissa piped up, pulling your eyes away from the short girl next to you.

"Oh yeah, for sure." You said, grabbing Jenna's hand in yours and following Melissa to where there were some paparazzi and interviews. 

The three of you joined the rest of your co-stars, having small conversations while photographers barked orders at you.

"Oh hey y/n," Jasmin said, catching your attention, you turned toward the other girl, and just as you did you felt a hand squeeze your arm.

"Im gonna go talk to Mikey," Jenna said, letting you know where she was going so you didn't think you had lost her in the crowd. You gave her a quick nod and smile before turning back to the girl who had called your name.

"Hey Jaz!" You called back, wrapping her in a tight hug before disconnecting to look at her.

"I heard you booked a new show!" She said, a proud smile on her face, and she was right. It had just become public that you would be playing Ellie on The Last of Us alongside Pedro Pascal.

"Yeah, I did, I'm really excited!" You replied, and just as you were about to tell her how you got the role, something over her shoulder caught your eye.

Jenna and Mikey

They were sitting on one of the couches at the venue you were at, but that wasn't what caught your eye. What you noticed was the fact that they were very close together, so close that Mikey's hand happened to be on her leg. You looked up from that and made direct eye contact with your girlfriend, who had a huge smirk on her face. This was her retaliation to you making her jealous just minutes before.

"Hey. I'm sorry, I have to take care of something really fast, ill be back." You said quickly, excusing yourself from the conversation with Jasmin and making your way over to the two women.

'Oh hey y/n!" Mikey smiled, her hand still remaining on Jenna's leg. Now of course this made you jealous, but you knew you didn't actually need to worry, you trusted Mikey and you definitely trusted Jenna.

"Hey, can I steal Jenna for a minute?" You asked. Mikey nodded her head and as Jenna stood you saw her expression shift, she knew what she had gotten herself into.

"So, what's up?" She asked innocently as you lead her away from the main crowd, pretending she had no idea what she had been doing.

"Oh, I see how it is." You laughed, not willing to fall for the act. 

"See how wha-" She began, still trying to act as if she didn't know, but you cut her off by smashing your lips against hers and bringing her body to yours roughly.

You knew that the whole reason she wanted to make you jealous at all was that she was needy for you, but you were also way too engulfed in her to care.

As your arms strategically snaked around her waist, her fingers found your hair and began tugging, earning a groan from somewhere in the back of your throat. Your knee slid between her legs, causing a small hitch in her breathing.

Now no matter how much you wanted her at this moment, you were still in public, and you couldn't reward her for making you jealous. So, with another quick kiss to the lips, you parted from her, a smirk on your face as you turned around.

"Wait w-what?" She stuttered, confused by your sudden lack of contact.

"See you at home baby." You said without looking back at her, going to find Jasmin to resume your previous conversation.

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