My pirate- Tara Carpenter

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Word count: 1497

You were swaying to the music with some random girls from college, the five of them giggling as they looked over at Chad and Ethan. Chad had just tried to get Ethan a date, and he failed... miserably. 

"Y/n, come here!" Chad yelled over the music, gesturing for you to walk over to him. You did so willingly as you were honestly getting pretty tired of dancing and just wanted to talk to your friends.

"What's up big guy?" You said tauntingly, making fun of Chad for being shirtless most of the time.

"Ethan is a snack, right?" He asked giddily, trying so hard to boost the nerdy boy's confidence.

"Chad, honey, I'm gay." You stated blankly, patting him on the back like you would a child.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but like if you had to date a guy." He added, Ethan giving you a small smile as you looked between the two of them. "Cuz, Ethan is a snack, no, no, he's a whole meal."

"Are you sure you two aren't gay?" You asked, pointing between the two of them. Chad just rolled his eyes at you, but before he could open his mouth to retaliate, Anika turned the corner.

"Y/n, it's Tara, we need you." She said, a small hint of panic in her voice that worried you. You and Tara had been dating since before the attack in Woodsboro, and you were now VERY protective of her.

"Wait, what? What's going on?" You said quickly, your heart racing at the mere thought of something happening to Tara.

"No time to explain, just come on!" She said, gripping your hand in hers and beginning to walk away, but she stopped suddenly, turning back. "Chad, you should come too, we need the muscle." As Anika led you through the crowd of people your eyes scanned everywhere, looking for Tara desperately. And when you finally saw her, your blood boiled.

She was being dragged up the stairs by none other than Frankie, the creepiest guy around who just happened to be closer to his thirties than his twenties. 

"Hey!" You yelled over the music, getting the attention of most of the people in the room. "Get your fucking hands off of her!" As soon as she heard your voice Tara looked in your direction, a relieved expression washing over her.

"The fuck did you say?" He asked, and you saw his nails dig further into her arm as she winced in pain. You had finally reached the bottom of the steps and there were only a few feet between you and the two of them.

"I think you heard what she said." Chad piped up, standing behind you and very obviously flexing his muscles.

"Relax, I'm just taking this pretty pirate up to my room for a minute, she will be back." He smirked, his disgusting teeth shining in the lights.

"Yeah, well she's my pirate so I suggest you don't." You spat, stepping closer and grabbing Tara's free arm. She immediately clung to you, but he wouldn't loosen his grip.

"Or what?" He hissed quietly, his face uncomfortably close to yours. You just sighed in defeat, giving in to your urges. You swung hard, landing a hard blow to his jaw, a loud crack ringing out. Anyone who wasn't already paying attention was now completely focused on the scene in front of them.

"Or that." You spat, your hand burning from the force of your own punch. However, despite your attack on him, he didn't let go of Tara, in fact, he only held on tighter the angrier he got.

"You shouldn't have done that bitch!" he yelled, grabbing you by the hair and pulling you up a few steps. "Now it seems you're both coming to my room," He whispered, only loud enough for a few people to hear, luckily, most of those people were your friends.

"Oh fuck no!" Mindy replied, handing Anika her beer and walking forward she swung strategically at his nose, causing him to stumble back, his grip on you and Tara loosening. She broke free from him and practically flew down the few steps to get away from him, but you weren't so lucky.

It seems all of this had just pissed him off so much more because he shoved you harshly, sending you literally flying down the stairs, crashing your body into an end table. Your vision began to go blurry and then went black.

"Hey, hey, y/n, come on, we gotta go." A voice said, shaking you awake. As your vision returned, you were more confused than ever. Frankie was on the ground holding his crotch, Sam was there and had a taser, and people were filming. Mindy grabbed one of your arms while Anika grabbed another, the two of them hoisting you up off of the floor.

"Oh my god, baby, are you okay?" You heard Tara say from somewhere behind you, but your eyes hadn't quite adjusted and you couldn't find her in the mess of people.

You didn't realize that you were outside until you felt the cold night air on your face, and finally, you were able to get some clarity. You felt hands cupping your face and you opened your eyes to see Tara, furiously inspecting your face and head.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" Just as she said those words Chad smacked you lightly on the back of the head, a loud scream coming from you at the pain he had caused.

"Im guessing it hurts there." He said, smiling widely. Mindy just punched him in the shoulder while giving him a 'what the fuck' look, Tara glaring into his soul.

"Are you okay?" You mumbled, seeing small bruises on Tara's arm where his hand had been. She just rolled her sleeve over them quickly before turning back to you.

"Am I okay? Are you okay? You hit your head really hard." She said, but you didn't care about that. All you cared about was Tara's safety and her state of mind.

"Did he hurt you? Because I swear to god I-" You started, but Anika quickly cut you off.

"He didn't get the chance, Sam got there in time." She said, attempting to lighten the situation and make everyone a bit less tense, but it seemed to just worsen the mood for Tara.

"What the fuck were you doing there?" Tara suddenly yelled turning to Sam, "I mean come on, are you stalking me now too?" 

"No Tara I was just worri-" Sam tried to defend herself but the younger girl was not listening. Her emotions were all over the place and it didn't help to have Sam there trying to lecture her.

"Whatever Sam. I'm taking y/n to the doctor and then we will be home." Tara finished, grabbing your hand and dragging you along behind her.

***time skip***

The doctor had said that you had a very minor concussion, but to make sure to watch for any other symptoms. However your hand was broken from punching Frankie in the face, so you had to get a cast.

"Hey guys," You called as you walked in the door, everyone turning to look at you. You waved with your broken arm a pointed to your head, "Just a small concussion, we're all good."

"The fuck happened to your hand?" Quinn asked, coming out of her bedroom.

"Punched a creepy guy in the face," You smiled, it was your new badge of honor.

"Fuck yeah," she smiled, giving you a thumbs-up before heading back to whatever dude she had in her room that night.

"I'm gonna get her to bed," Tara smiled, pointing to you as if you were a toddler who needed to be taken to your nap, "see you guys in the morning." Everyone just nodded and waved their goodbyes as you and Tara walked back to her bedroom. But as soon as the door shut, you dropped your silly demeanor.

"Tara, are you okay?" You asked quietly, watching as your girlfriend tried desperately to get out of her pirate costume. She had the bruise of a handprint on her arm, and that is when you heard her start to cry. "Hey, hey, baby I'm here." You cooed lightly, coming up behind her and hugging her tightly.

"Thank you," She said, you didn't know if she was referring to the hug or to what had happened earlier, but it didn't matter, you would do anything for her.

"Let's get some sleep, okay?" You asked quietly, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. She just nodded ad she sniffled into her sleeve, making her way over to her bed, and just as she was almost there something stopped the two of you.

"Guys, get the fuck out here, right now!" Chad yelled, and you knew he wasn't joking. There was one emotion you could clearly hear in his voice.


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