Keep coming back- Vada Cavell

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Word count: 1613

"Hey, you coming to that party tonight?" Nick asked as you talked with him over face time, he was writing something in his notebook and half paying attention to the conversation at hand. He was referring to the party that Mia Reed was throwing, you hated her but you still attended most of her parties for one person and one person only.

"Will Vada be there?" You asked, hoping he would brush this off as a normal question and not lecture you about it. But knowing Nick, he lectured you about it.

"Y/n, what did we talk about?" He asked, a stern mom-like tone in his voice as he looked up at you. You knew that he was right, but you would never admit it. "The two of you broke up, you can't keep worrying about her."

"I know, I know, but I'm going to worry about her Nick. She got really fucked up by all of this stuff and I still care." You said, the defeat in your voice clear. You and Vada had broken up about a month after the shooting and then gotten back together, only to break up a few weeks later because she wasn't mentally fit to be in a relationship.

It broke you that Vada didn't want to be with you but she had time to spend her every waking minute with fucking Mia Reed, but you also knew that Mia was with Vada during the shooting, so it had to be her way of coping with everything.

"I love her Nick, I'm going to worry about her, even if she doesn't love me." As you said this you looked beside you at your bookcase that was still filled with pictures of you and Vada. People say that teenagers don't know what love is, or that they can think they are in love when they aren't. But you knew with Vada, you knew you were in love.

"She does love you y/n, she just has a funny way of showing it." You knew he was right. She loved you so much that she didn't want to be with you when she wasn't herself, but it did hurt to see her so happy with someone else. "But to answer your question, yes, she will be there." He said quietly as if it were something he wasn't supposed to say.

You just gave him a small smile that he knew meant 'thank you' before you changed the subject to something less depressing. And you knew that later you would have to survive Mia Reed's party.

***time skip***

As you stepped through the doors of Mia's house, the smell of alcohol and weed immediately overwhelmed your senses and you knew this would be an interesting night. You first scanned the room for any sign of the small brunette, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Heyyyyy y/n." Some girl at your school slurred, practically falling into you. You recognized her as someone you had a few classes with, but you didn't know anything about her, not even her name.

"Oh, uh, hey." You smiled politely, helping her to stand back on her feet as she steadied herself against the wall. "What do you need?" You didn't want to sound rude, but you really didn't know who she was and you didn't care what she wanted to say.

"I just think you're like so pretty." She smiled, using her finger to boop you on the nose like you would a dog. You just gave her an awkward smile and pushed her hand away, thinking of a response to make it clear you weren't interested, Just as you were about to speak, someone caught your eye, Mia.

"Mia!" You called out, maneuvering away from the very drunk girl and making your way over to the tall dancer. She looked surprised to see you and even more astonished that you were speaking to her. "Where is Vada?"

"Why? Did she call you?" Mia asked frantically, using a hushed tone to speak to you.

"What? Call me? No, why?" You asked, a look of regret washed over the blonde's face and she grabbed your hand, dragging you to a room that was a bit quieter. Your confusion grew even more as you thought about what she had said. Why would Vada want to call you? As far as you knew she wanted nothing to do with you.

"Why are you looking for Vada?" Mia asked as soon as you were farther away from the huge crowd of people. She didn't seem angry with you, but she also didn't seem very happy.

"Im just here to check on her." You replied, trying to ignore the fact that Mia clearly disliked the idea of you being anywhere near Vada. "Why did you think she would call me?" You asked, the panic in your voice rising slightly as you thought of all of the reasons.

"Because she saw your Instagram post." She hissed. You were about to question what it meant, but then you realized. Just a few days ago you had taken your little cousin Mari to the fair, and you had posted a picture of you and her, however, the picture didn't contain her face, and the caption was just a heart.

The picture was of the two of you holding hands on the top of the Ferris wheel, your matching bracelets with each other initials shining in the bright fluorescent lights. So to anyone who didn't know you were with your cousin, it looked like you were with a girl.

"That was my cousin," You said, mentally slapping yourself for not realizing how that might have looked, "But why would she care anyway? I mean, she broke up with me." Mia just rolled her eyes at you and crossed her arms in front of her chest, her body language calling you stupid in several ways.

"I'm not gonna speak for her, just go talk to her." Mia spat, clearly annoyed that you were keeping her away from her party.

"I would love to, where is she?" You asked. She didn't reply, she just pointed out of the window and to the backyard, and then you saw her. Vada. She was sitting on the ground swinging her legs in the pool, her head buried in her hands.

"Be careful though," Mia added as she began to walk out of the room, "she has had a few drinks."

***time skip*** 

You had wandered around the party for another ten or so minutes before finally gaining the courage to speak to Vada. As you stepped out of the back door, the cold air filled your lungs, sending chills down your spine.

"Hey Vads," You muttered as you stepped closer to the girl sitting on the ground. She immediately turned at you sound of your voice, hurriedly wiping tears from her eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" She spat, trying to sound angry, but she just sounded hurt.

"Vada, listen." You tried, but she cut you off, her words much harsher this time.

"Shouldn't you be with your new girlfriend?" She hissed. Her words stung a bit, but you knew she was just confused and hurt. You walked a little bit closer to the girl, leaning down and sitting crisis cross next to her, but still keeping a comfortable distance.

"See, I would be," You smiled, running your hand through the clear water in  the pool, "that is if I had one." As soon as these words came out of your mouth, her head snapped up, her eyes meeting yours. For the first time in a few months, you got to look into her soft brown eyes and not feel broken.

"Yo- you don't?" She stuttered, her eyes remaining glossy as tears still threatened to fall. You could see her picking at her fingers, something she had always done when she was nervous. And without even thinking about it, you wanted to calm her, so you reached out and took her hand, stopping her from peeling her skin.

She tried to pull away at first, but the harder you held on, the more she realized you were trying to help. She looked between you the hand you had just intertwined with hers, her shoulders dropping a bit. 

"No, I don't. Because no matter what, I will keep coming back to you." You smiled and just looked down at her hand in yours, recognizing the feeling as something that was natural.

"Why?" As she asked this, she began to cry, her hands shaking a bit. You hated seeing Vada like this, and you hated it was all because of some dumb kid. All you wanted was your Vada back, your fun, smiling, confident girlfriend. But for right now, you had a girl you loved, even when she was broken.

"Come here." You demanded, opening your arms to her. She didn't even take a moment to think before she clambered onto you and wrapped her arms around you tightly, the sweet smell of her perfume engulfing you. Her sobbing only grew louder as she clung to you, finally letting herself relax for the first time in months. "It's okay baby, it's okay."

"I'm sorry," She cried, her hands balling into fists as she gripped your shirt, trying to pull you impossibly closer. You knew that she was trying to say that she was sorry for leaving you, but you really didn't care. All you cared about was her healing, and if that meant not having you in her life for a while, then so be it.

Because you would always keep coming back.

Jenna Ortega imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora