Without you- Jenna Ortega

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"God you're driving me nuts right now." You hiss as you walk through the front door, slamming your keys down on the front table and shedding your coat. "I mean seriously, how do you not understand why I'm upset?"

Jenna followed behind you, setting her things down much as you had before, cutting in front of you and heading to the kitchen to grab water. "I just don't see why this has you so heated when you know there is nothing happening."

You, Jenna, Mikey, and her other co-stars had been out at lunch for Mikey's birthday, and of course, since you were all celebrities, the paparazzi showed up. The entire time they were snapping photos of Jenna and Mikey, talking about them being cute together.

You and Jenna were public in the sense that your friends and family knew you were together. But in the eyes of the media, no one had any clue. Which is why they often shipped her with her many co-stars.

This never made you feel any type of jealousy, knowing that Jenna was yours and that all of your friends knew that. But tonight was different. She never once tried to tell the media that they were wrong, and in fact, played into it a little bit.

"Baby, you were all over her, anyone with eyes would think you were together." You rolled your eyes as you walked into the living room, throwing yourself down on the couch and opening your phone.

You really didn't want to argue with her, you just wanted to drop the entire conversation, knowing that it was pointless. You knew that Jenna would never be unfaithful to you, and you trusted Mikey, it was just an annoying situation.

"Well yeah, it was her birthday, am I not allowed to be close with my friends?" Immediately as she said these words, you felt the annoyance rising within you again. Maybe you did want to have this argument.

"You know that isn't what I meant." You groaned as you sat back up, looking your girlfriend dead in the eye. "Of course you can be close with your friends, that's not what I'm trying to say."

Watching her stand in the middle of the room with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face was both the best and worst thing you had ever seen. You hated seeing her mad at you, but the way her jaw clenched did help the situation.

"Well, what do you mean?" She asked after a moment of silence, her eyes never leaving yours. You weren't entirely sure if you were jealous, mad, or just plain annoyed. And you weren't sure if you were mad at Jenna, or Mikey, or honestly just the paparazzi.

You knew you were probably just mad at the paparazzi, I mean, you were always mad at the paparazzi. They were always invading people's privacy and completely ignoring any human rights that you all had.

"I just mean... I just wish you hadn't played into it as much as you had." You admitted after a moment or two of silence "I just feel like you were almost confirming that there was something between the two of you."

"But you know that isn't true love," She said, her voice a little more loud and agitated than it had been moments before. You opened your mouth to speak again, but she abruptly cut you off "you know what, I'm going to bed."

Before you were able to continue the conversation, or even ask if she was okay, she was down the hallway and into your guys's bedroom, the door shutting quickly. the last thing you wanted to do was upset her more, so you decided to stay behind. 

You knew that the argument was pointless, Jenna would never purposefully hurt you or make you feel the way she had tonight, so you knew that she didn't mean to. Same thing with Mikey, you know for sure she would never do anything to hurt you or Jenna.

After a few minutes of sitting in the living room looking at your bedroom door, you decided to just stay in the living room until Jenna was ready to talk, so you turned the TV on and laid back. 

The last thing you wanted was for Jenna to actually be upset at you, but you weren't sure what either of you needed in this moment, so TV was your best option.

You turned on your favorite TV show and began to scroll on Instagram, listening in every so often to see if Jenna was asleep. But after thirty minutes or so, your eyelids grew heavy, and the couch felt more comfortable than ever.

***time skip***

"Babe," You heard as your shoulder was shaken softly. You were able to pry your eyes open enough to see Jenna kneeling beside the couch, looking like she had been crying.

"What's wrong?" You breathed quickly as you sat up, taking her face in your hand as you tried to wake up. She just shook her head with a smile before replying.

"Just please come to bed..." she smiled, grabbing your hand in hers. You immediately stood up, grabbing your phone from where it had rested on the couch and following her.

As she laid back down in the bed you stripped off your jeans and hoodie, realizing that they weren't the most comfortable sleepwear. Before looking toward your girlfriend.

She was watching you with red and puffy eyes practically hiding her small figure under the blankets. "My love, did I really upset you?" You asked as you looked at her.

The conversation from earlier seemed so dumb in hindsight and you hoped more than anything that it wasn't the reason she was crying.

She shook her head as she wiped her eyes, moving the blankets so you could climb in. You quickly did so, waiting for her nod before reaching around her.

"I just- I can't sleep without you and I guess I didn't know that until you fell asleep out there." She sniffed as she dug herself into your shoulder.

"I'm sorry baby. I was being an ass earlier." You whispered softly as you pushed her hair aside. "I know there is nothing between you and Mikey, I was just being jealous for no reason."

"No, no, your anger was understandable." She admitted, looking up at you, wrapping her arms behind your neck. "I know what it must've looked like to others."

You both nodded in agreement at each other's statements as you looked at one another, and in that moment you both realized that you can't be without eachother.

"I love you Jenna, just know that." You smiled down at her, watching as her eyes fluttered open and closed as she fought sleep.

"I love you too y/n.".


I'm so sorry y'all this one is a bit sloppy, I got really bad writers block halfway through.

But I have a fun idea for the next one so stay tuned!!

I love you all, thank you for your patience.


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