After Christmas Comes New Years

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After what happened at Christmas, Akemi and Hiro noticed just how special Kusuo is to their son. Kei seemed more comfortable around him, so to confirm their theory, Hiro invited the Saiki's to go with them to the New Years shrine. The bustling crowd was the perfect condition to see how Kei handled himself. Kei didn't mind crowded places, but he was worried about how Saiki was. 'Do people wish for weird things?' Kei asked, looking at the group of people at the bell. "Yeah, my dad especially." Saiki responded. Kei understood what is was like to have weird parents, "Wanna come wish with me?" Saiki foucused on Kei's red ears, and agreed.

'I hope Kusuo Saiki can have anything he wants.' Kei peaked an eye open to grin at Saiki, who wished for a quiet year, the one thing he can't get himself. Hiro and Akemi wished for their son to have his voice back again, Saiki found that a little weird but brushed it off. "Oh, it's Saiki and Hasegawa! Hey guys!" Kaido called out to them. Hasegawa waved back, feeling the burning stares from their parents. Kurumi spotted them talking with Kaido, and rushed over with stary eyes. "Oh, Ku! I didn't know you had friends other than Kei!" She gushed.

At that moment, Nendou and Hairo made their way over at the noise, greeting their friends as well. "Thank you for being friends with our sons." Akemi and Kurumi bowed, and said in unison. "Oh, it's our pleasure ma'am!" Hairo said. "Yeah! We wouldn't be friends with them if we didn't like them." Kadio added. Hiro and Akemi had tears in their eyes watching Kei with his friends, they were gald to see him with friends who treated him like a normal person. "Now all that's left is a girlfriend." Kunihara said with a smirk.

As if on cue, Nendou spotted Teruhahsi and called out her name. "Oh, hello everyone. Hey Saiki." Teruhahsi announced herself. "Oh my, your adorable! And you know our Kusuo! I'm his father, Kuniahra—" "-And I'm his mom, Kurumi." They smiled at her, "Ku, you didn't tell us you knew a beauty like her." Kurumi said quiet enough so only her son, and Kei, could hear her. Kusuo tried to escape, he only wanted peace and quiet, but the pp girl and the others weren't going to give him that.

"This is a nightmare. My only sanctuary.." Kusuo sat on a chair, watching several people invade his home. 'Hey, I think I'm gonna head home now. I'm feeling kinda tired.' Kei tried to brush off all the strange things he was feeling. "Kei! Don't forgot to help yourself to some food, okay?" Kurumi said from across the table. There was no way he could go home now, Kusuo chuckled. 'Shut up moron.' Kei smiled, inwardly cursed Kusuo, who sat next to him, and grabbed some food. His parents had gone out for one of their dates, and Kei was part of Kusuo's circle of 'friends,' so he tagged along.

"You'll make a good wife someday Teruhashi!" Kunihara smiled at Teruhashi serving some dishes. Kei's stomach dropped and he lost his appetite. "Oh, thank you Mr. Saiki." Teruhashi politely smiled, cheeks flushed deep red. There was a lively chatter at the table as Kurumi looked around at all of her sons friends, "...Thank you everyone, for being my Ku's friend." She said almost in tears. Kei took her hand in his, squeezing it tenderly. "...I'm sorry." She wiped a few tears, "I'm just so happy, Ku's never had so many friends before since he's a psychic and all." Tension quickly filled the air, Kurumi's heart dropped. She did it again. No one took her seriously thankfully, especially because she's so bubbly and ditzy all the time. Kurumi still panicked, it was clear she was going to say something worse.

Kei tapped the table, all eyes on him, "Good one Mrs. Saiki! My mom used to say the same thing about me!" Hasegawa smiled and everyone nervously laughed, "I'm serious!" He pouted again, looking at Kaido this time. If anyone was going to believe this lie, it was going to be Kaido. "I-I suppose my mom's like that too." He confessed, red faced. Not everyone looked convinced, and Hasegawa only had one trick up his sleeve. He didn't like to use it because he hated fainting, but it was to save Saiki, so he had to. Kei's face went pale and he gripped Kurumi's sleeve, gaining her attention. Hasegawa's eyes weren't focused, his pupils were the size of saurcers, he got pale, and he grew dizzy. "Kei!" She screamed, scrambling to his side as he fainted. Worried shouts filled the room, and Kusuo immediately knew that this was no coincidence.

Kei's eyes struggled to adjust to the light above him, Kusuo stuck his hand out as a barrier. "Hasegawa!" Kaido screamed, "How are you feeling?" All of his friends looked scared and worried, Teruhashi just looked relieved. Hasegawa gave a weak thumbs up. The four guests left when Akemi and Hiro rushed in, Kurumi had informed them what had happened. "I'm worried about Hasegawa.." Kaido said, looking back at Saiki's house. "I'm sure he's going to be fine, his parents and Saiki's parents are with him!" Hairo tried to reassure him. "...What do you guys think Saiki's mom meant when she said he was psychic?" Teruhashi asked, breaking the silence. "I don't know, I'm sure it was nothing." Nendou replied.

Saiki knew trouble was brewing, so he took a banana looking object and, when his guests went their separate ways, he bonked each person on the head, erasing the word "psychic," from their earlier conversation.

"Why did you do that?! You know what can happen to you!" Akemi was fuming but kept her composure, she wasn't going to shout in someone else's house. "I'm sorry! But I had to!" Kei refused to look at his mother after that. "What happened?" Saiki came back to heavy tension in the air, and Akemi angrily signing to Kei. "Ah, Kusuo! Thank you for looking after him. I know it was sudden and you were probably scared and confused, so thank you." Hiro expressed his gratitude. "Um, if you don't mind my asking, is there a reason Kei fainted? Was it something we did?" Kurumi would never forgive herself if she was the reason Kei fainted. Akemi gestured for Kei to explain himself.

There was a deafening silence as Kei scribbled in his notebook, "I'm so sorry for scaring you. I used to faint a lot as a kid, so now when I get super excited about something, or I don't eat enough, my blood pressure would sky rocket, or drop, and I would faint." That was half of the truth, but it was good enough for now. "You wanna tell me the real reason?" Kusuo questioned after both parents left, no doubt his parents were apologising.

Hasegawa knew he couldn't hide this so he hesitantly came clean, '...It's true I fainted a lot, but the reason I did was... I-I trained myself to faint on command so bullies would leave me alone.' It was true and it did work, but at the cost of his health, 'My mom freaked out because she knows I did it voluntarily, and because... if I keep constantly fainting I-I could die. Basically what I do when I faint is, I lower my blood pressure and I relax all my limbs so I collapse.'

Silent tears were shared between the two, something about how calm and laid-back Kei was while explaining made it all the more distressing. 'Wow, Mr. I-don't-like-anyone-psychic is crying over something that didn't even happen to him!' Kei tried to lighten the mood with a tear-coated laugh. "Shut up and sleep you baby." 'I think you're the baby today Kusuo.' "If me admitting I'm a baby will get you to sleep," Kei waited with sparkles in his eyes, "I'm the baby today." The tips of his ears turned red with embarrassment. 'Awwhh! My baby's so cute!!' Kusuo pushed Kei's head down, "I did my bit now you do yours." 'Okay, baby~'

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