Domestic Hasegawa's + Kusuo

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"Kei! Get out of bed!" Akemi shouted from the kitchen. Kei banged a fist on the wall, indicating he was awake. "C'mon baby, just leave him be." Hiro kissed his wife's cheek. "But it's almost one and he still hasn't come out." "Sorry ma, just having an off day." Kei typed on his phone. He came out wearing one of his boyfriends hoodies and some pants that he definitely would not wear outside. "Oh? Wearing his hoodie. Gross." Toshi said mockingly. "What, jealous you don't have a partner?" Kei shot back. He flopped on the couch but could sense the gobsmacked look Toshi had. Biscuit nuzzled her head into the hood of his hoodie, he felt a little better.

"..Anything we can do, kid?" Hiro cautiously asked. "Nah, it's cool." Kei didn't even turn around. It was saturday, after meeting Kuboyasu and dealing with Nendous mom; Kei just wanted to be left alone. "I can give you space but there's no need to be so rude." Akemi said, walking to her room. Kei felt tears prick his eyes, he was just having an off day; he didn't mean to be rude. "Don't worry kid. She just dotes on you too much." Hiro ruffled Kei's hair, being treated like a kid wasn't so bad. He smiled to himself, careful that his dad wouldn't see it.

"Just call his parents. I'm sure inviting him over won't be life threatening." Toshi whispered, putting Kurumi's number into their dads phone.
"How— what? Y'know what, fuck it." Hiro didn't question how Toshi got into his phone, or how he had it, but Hiro was calling Kurumi and inviting Kusuo over. "..I can't! You do it!" "Jeez dad— Hello Mrs. Saiki?" Hiro's confidence was gone, leaving the matter in Toshi's hands. Toshi introduced themself, explained the situation briefly, and asked whether or not Kusuo could come round. "Oh, I'm sorry dear, but Ku just left. He said he'd be back in about thirty minutes if that's helpful?" Kurumi said, worried for Kei. "That's alright, but when he gets home please let him know." Toshi smiled. "Of course! Thank you Toshi!!" Kurumi hung up the phone.

Kusuo was enjoying some snacks at Café Miami, which is where Mera works. He didn't mind that a classmate was serving him, especially since he didn't hate Mera. "Is there anything else I can get you, Saiki?" She asked, noticing he looked a little pale. He shook his head, finished his food and left. After the phone call his mom had, she texted him the details and he almost teleported right there in the café. Kusuo was feeling a little guilty about leaving when he did, the owner was having. a full breakdown. A new café had opened across the road from his, and it was driving away majority of his customers. The owner wanted to change so many things, the prices, what was on the menu, he even tried to turn it into a maid café. Mera was one of his only employees so she tried to encourage his ideas, but she refused to be a maid.

In the end, he decided to keep things the same and something cringey that Saiki was glad he missed. He immediately went to Kei's house and knocked on the door. "Open up darling." Kei jumped up from the couch and rushed to the door. Toshi went to open the door but saw Kei practically sprint to it, suspicious but they didn't really care. It was like Kei and Kusuo had their own little language. When Kei ripped the door from its hinges it's like he knew it was his boyfriend on the other side, they hugged like no one was watching. Toshi knew that his brother had found someone he really cherished, so he let them have their moment.

The two waddled onto the couch, refusing to let go of each other. Kusuo felt all of Kei's emotions. It wasn't due to his physicness, which he thought at first, but the act of him simply rubbing small circles on Kei's back made the latter shed tears. Kei's mood was in the shits, he didn't know why, or how to fix it, but there he sat, on his couch sobbing his eyes out in his boyfriends arms. Kei tried to muffle his sobs, Kusuos shoulder quickly became soaked with tears. Akemi almost cried as well, hearing her baby stifle his cries was heart breaking. Ku didn't try to get answers, he just let Kei cry in his arms. It was a weird feeling for Kusuo. He has never been so emotionally connected to someone that it was weird, yet he felt so comfortable.

After a few more sobs Kie had calmed down. "So, wanna tell me what that was about?" Kusuo finally asked. '...I don't know. I woke up feeling like shit, and then I stayed in bed 'til one, then you came and then I cried.' Kei hesitated with every word, he was so embarrassed. Kusuo giggled, his boyfriend is so cute. He held Kei's head in his hands and wiped the tears from his stained cheeks. He pushed Kei's bangs* from his forehead so he could kiss it. Kei laughed, his throat coated with his remaining tears. "They're watching." Kusuo said, a little embarrassed. 'Let them. They should know I love you.' "I love you too." He felt Kei smile against his lips.

Akemi made the awkward act of clearing her throat, since her husband couldn't bear to, "Ahem, so, Kusuo, would you like to stay for some board games?" The two boys have each other a knowing look, "If that's alright with all of you, I'd like too." "Of course it is! Come come!" Hiro smiled happily, hoisting his son and his boyfriend over to the table. "Now, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am known to be good at bored games." Akemi grinned, opening a packet of UNO. "Pretty good at cheating more like it." Hiro smirked, taking the cards and shuffling them.

Akemi and Hiro sat next to each other, Kei in front of his dad and Kusuo next to him; Toshi took one for the team and sat on the edge of the table, not facing anyone but next to his brother and father. Biscuit had settled into Kei's hoodie when he remembered the pants he was wearing. Everyone seemed to notice his panic and started giggling. "I assure you it's fine, I want you to be comfortable." Kusuo said in between giggles. There were several emojis on his pants, it was like yellow canvas with splatters of white, red, and blue. He also realised he had chucked on odd socks that definitely clashed with his yellow trousers. At least the hoodie he was wearing was a nice and black. Thank god Kusuo had normal style.

After many long hours of various board games, Akemi deemed Kusuo a worthy opponent. However the other three had also snuck in a few victories too. Kei had realised that it's normal to have days where you want to curl up in a ball and sob your eyes out. He also realised as long as he had people he cherished, and whom felt the same, he could just have a domestic day in his house where all he had to worry about was trying to forget the embarrassment of his outfit.

*A/N: i've been meaning to find a picture to represent Kei's hair and i think i'm happy with this one ^^ (found on pinterest ofc)

___________________________________*A/N: i've been meaning to find a picture to represent Kei's hair and i think i'm happy with this one ^^ (found on pinterest ofc)

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*these are Kei's pants (screenshot from @Amazingphil on yt, his massive pizza mukbang video)

*these are Kei's pants (screenshot from @Amazingphil on yt, his massive pizza mukbang video)

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