The New Couple Weren't So Subtle

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Saiki's summer break was going very well. Saiki had no major world problems he had to fix, and he got to wake up every day to good morning thoughts from Kei, his new boyfriend. It was weird, not a lot changed between them, but the vibe they had together was laced with romantic intentions.  Kunihara was he first to pick up on these new vibes his son gave off, "Hey sweetie, don't you think Ku has been acting... weird, lately?" He asked, getting ready for work. "Hmm, I guess? Maybe it's just because of Kei's influence on him! Oh, oh, or maybe he finally has a girlfriend!!" Kurumi replied, squealing. 

Kunihara pondered for a moment, something was definitely up, "Whatever it is, I hope he's just being careful. I mean, how did Kei even find out Ku's secret?!" The couple gave each other 'the' look, "Kusuo!" They shouted in unison, "Get down here, now." Kurumi said, a threatening smile plastered on her face. "..Yes?" Kusuo replied, slightly afraid. "Wanna tell us how your little friend found out your secret?" He would never  admit it, but Kusuo was terrified of his mom. She was usually all smiles, so when Kurumi got serious, it was a life or death moment. "...I may have, uh, told him?" Kusuo replied, hoping his parents wouldn't freak out.

Kunihara was dumbfounded, but Kurumi tired to explain it to him, "Think about, dear. This is Ku we're talking about, if he had the choice he wouldn't even tell us! So, Kei must mean a lot to him, don't you think?" Kurumi said, glancing at her son to give a warming smile, "Oh, honey! You're gonna be late!" She kissed her husband goodbye, and sent him off. "Kusuo.. you-you don't just like Kei as a friend, am I right?" Kurumi approached her son cautiously. Kusuo broke down and hugged his mom, this is the second time he has cried, and it felt so good to have his mom comfort him. "I do mom, I really do. P-Please don't hate me." Kusuo sobbed into his mom's shoulder. She gently caressed his back, "I love you Ku, always. And Kei does seem like a sweet boy, so I guess I can let it slide." He chuckled at her attempt at humor, "But I will be making sure you have your door open when he's over." "Mom!" They laughed, it was nice seeing her stoic son so vulnerable. "...I probably should've figured you and Kei were like that, now that I think about it." Kurumi chuckled as she made some hot chocolate for her son. "Oh my god, mom!" Kurumi giggled and teased him some more, she was so happy to see Kusuo genuinely so happy.

Kurumi wasn't the only one who caught onto the weird behavior of their sons, both Akemi and Hiro knew what was up. "Hey kid!" Hiro said, seeing Kei come into the lounge. "Hi? What do you need?" Kei eyed his parents suspiciously. "Did you have fun at Saiki's yesterday? What did you guys do?" Akemi asked with a smirk. Toshi also poked their head out, watching the drama unfold. "It was terrible, he called me a monster!" Seeing everyone's reaction made him burst out laughing, "I'm partially kidding, it was good though, why do you ask?" Hiro looked at Akemi for help, but she also looked at him for help.

"They know about how you guys act around each other. We just want an explanation." Toshi said, emerging from their hiding place. Kei got red, like really red, and hesitantly summarised how they got together. The silence he got inn return made his knees buckle, "I'm sorry. I should have talked to you. But please don't make me break up with him. I'm sorry, I'll do anything else." Kei expressed with shaky hands, his tears dripped to the floor.

Toshi was the first to make a move, they ruffled Kei's hair, "We're not mad kid, just shocked." "Speak for yourself! I also knew my boy was a catch!" Hiro said, twirling Kei around. "Just be safe okay? And keep your door open when he's over." Akemi sighed with a smile. "MOM!" Hiro and Toshi teased Kei about his expression. Akemi knew her boys were a handful, that's for sure. One turned into a boy, and the other likes boys. She had a gut feeling that this was how they would turn out, but even if she didn't understand it completely, she would always be their number two supporter, Hiro was number one.

In the afternoon, Akemi had asked the Saiki's if they would like to have dinner together. Everyone knew where this was headed, but it was better sooner rather than later. Both families decided to dress up, and Kei insisted on cooking. Toshi joined him half way through, "I know you only cook when your nervous, but this is your boyfriend, and from my gathering, you've already met his family." "Yes, but that was before!" Kei never took his focus off of cooking, he needed to calm down, asap.* "Just go change, I got this." Toshi encouraged. Kei followed his orders, he wore black dress pants with a light purple top, and a dark purple vest. "Now you go and change." Kei said as he took Toshi's place in the kitchen. Toshi laughed and put on something similar to Kei's outfit.

"Oh my god, chill out would you. You're making me nervous." Saiki rolled his eyes. 'Uh, right. Sorry, see you soon.' Kei replied, not calm at all. "Moron." Saiki smiled to himself. Kurumi knocked on the door and Toshi opened it, "Welcome! I'm Toshi, Kei's older brother, nice to meet you all." He smiled at them. When meeting new people, Toshi doesn't go in to detail about themself, it was just easier that way. Every one said their greeting and Kei almost had a panic attack, his heart was pounding, he was rushing around the kitchen, his sleeves were rolled up past his elbows and Kusuo thought he might faint.

"Oi, dummy." Kusuo placed his hand on Kei's shoulder, trying to calm him down. Kei nodded, too nervous to comprehend anything. "You look amazing." Kusuo blushed. Seeing him so flustered calmed Kei down, 'Thank you. You look as dashing as ever.' They giggled. Kusuo offered to help out in the kitchen, Kei agreed, he really did take on too much to handle.

It was a little awkward to start off with, but once both sets of parents saw how comfortable their kids were, even with them being different, they realised how silly it was of them to worry. The dinner went great, and Toshi didn't even try to embarrass him, it was Akemi who did, once she had one to many to drink. "I think that that's out cue to leave. It was a wonderful dinner, thank you Kei, truly." Kurumi smiled at him. He knew she wasn't just talking about the dinner. Kei walked them out, and Kusuo gave him a goodnight kiss, which left them both flustered. 'YOUR'RE SO CUTE!!!!! HAVE A GOODNGIHT!!!!' Kei waved at them. "On the contrary, I think you are more adorable. Goodnight, Kei."

*asap=as soon as possible

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K || Saiki Kusuo x OC Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang