Friends, Frenimies, and Somthing More?

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Today was the day Hairo had been waiting for, the fitness test. Ever since New Years, where he claimed Nendou as his rival, Hairo had marked this date on his calendar, (which he brought for that purpose.) However, not everyone was as excited as Hairo, all of his class was disinterested, but Saiki had to take extra care. Mr. Matsuzaki was the P.E teacher, so it made sense he was the one in charge of the test, Hasegawa tried to hand him a slip that gave him an excuse not to participate, but Mr. Matsuzaki refused. Kei reluctantly joined his class for the first activity, a ball throw.

'I feel like I'm in grade school.' Saiki chuckled at the comment, and Kei pouted even more, 'At least your good at sports. I can't even throw a frisbee.' An exaggeration, sure, but Kei hated school sports; at his previous schools, everyone would laugh at him for anything, the way he ran, the scores he got (whether they were good or bad,) how he drinks water, anything. Hairo was up first for the ball toss, everyone was expecting big things from Hairo, and he didn't disappoint. He ended up getting a score of 46.3m (150ft).

Everyone cheered and screamed, but he was only interested in what his 'rival' had to say. Unfortunately for him, Nendou was busy showing his 'boobs' (balls he stuffed in his shirt) to Kaido. "Dude, stop that." Kaido pleaded. Nendou laughed as he walked up for his turn, he threw the ball 51.8m (169ft.) Hairo was amazed that Nendou pulled that off, 'He can throw that well?! Even with those melons?!'  Hairo looked defeated, but his class was more interested in the 46m Hairo got. "Let's get this over with while no ones looking." 'But I am~' Kei teased. Saiki smiled and threw the ball while everyone was focused on Hairo. Hasegawa was next, he may look skinny and weak, but he was determined to get similar scores to Saiki.

Side steps in the gym were the next activity. The class was in groups of about five to six people, and Hairo was bragging with his 79 side steps. Unfortunately, he got overshadowed by Nendou's 81 side steps, still with his temporary tits on. Saiki got an average of 54, because he copied the person in front of him, which happened to be Hasegawa. Usually Kei would give excuses and ditch something like this, but having a friend can brighten the whole experience. 'Oooo~ A grip strength test~ Think you'll make it Mr. Psychic~?' Kei teased, and he was right. Saiki got distracted by Hairo's 63kg (138lbs) and Nendou's 84kg (185lbs), that he had to rewind the whole thing.

'Hey, nice save!!' Kei cheered, accidentally bumping into Kaido as he went to pat Saiki on the back. Kaido frantically tried to cover his results, going red with embarrassment. "How can your scores be this bad. I mean, 26 side steps? 6m (19ft) for the ball throw? And why don't you have anything for the grip strength?" Kaido gave excuse after excuse, and Hasegawa had to beg Saiki to stop. Kaido was so flustered he could pass out. Finally, it was time for the last test, a flexibility test. Kaido immediately lit up and laughed at Nendou's 34cm (13inches.) "Stupid boobs!!" Nendou screamed as he slammed a fist on his right boob. Hairo was confident in himself, pushing past his limits, he stretched 65cm (24inches.)

Hasegawa overheard Hairo congratulating Nendou, and how he won't lose next time. 'How does he consider that a win?!' Kei asked confused. Saiki shrugged and motioned towards a over-confident looking Kaido. He easily reached 74.3cm (29inches) and Hairo kneeled down in defeat, sulking about Kaido's flexibility, and his "cool" nickname from middle school. Saiki and Hasegawa got around 30cm (11inches,) which they were more that happy with, and watched as everyone compared scores to see "who was the toughest person in class." "Does anyone know where my right boob is?" Nendou said, causing all attention on him.

Matsuzaki lost it and almost gave him detention, but Hasegawa defended him, "He's only having fun, Sir." "Where do you keep getting that book from?!" Matsuzaki shouted in response. Kei got scared and ran away, dragging Saiki along with him. "Hey. Why did you drag me along too?!" He protested. 'It's not fun if you get caught alone!' Kei said, catching his breath. "...What a weirdo." Saiki smiled. Kei was about to ask another question, when Matsuzaki and a few other teachers started closing in on them. "Run!!" Kei whisper-shouted. The smile on his face made Kusuo feel weird, it was something he had felt long ago, but couldn't remember where. Matsuzaki was chasing them around the whole block, wondering how Saiki and Hasegawa were in such good shape.

P.K Academy was in view, Saiki knew this was a bad idea, but he couldn't resist letting out a loud laugh and dragging Hasegawa to school. Kei melted at Kusuo's smile, his laugh, the way he covered his mouth with his hand, every mannerism melted Kei's heart. "That... That was the most fun I've ever had." Saiki said, still laughing. Kei wrapped his arms around Kusuo and pulled him in for a hug, smiling like an idiot, resisting the urge to kiss him. "...Y'know, if you want to—" "—Hey! You kids! Stop!" Matsuzaki had finally caught up to them, interrupting Saiki's train of thought. Their class had gathered around as Mr. Matsuzaki scolded them, but also praised them for being so fast. Their parents were called in, but that's a story for another time, for now, Kei couldn't stop wondering what Saiki was going to say.

Saiki couldn't believe he almost said Hasegawa could kiss him. "This is crazy! I almost said he could kiss me!!" Kusuo kept getting redder the more he thought about what happened before. "Kusuo, oh my god! Are you okay?!" Kuniahra shouted, seeing how red his son was. "I'm fine." He gave a dismissive wave, his parents still looked worried. "Jeez, what the hell is happening to me?" Kusuo held back a smile, the hug replaying in his mind, again.

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