Preparing For A Trip To Okinawa

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A/N: just wanted to say that I am a little bit sick so if the chapter doesn't make sense, or if doesn't fit the "timeline" blame me for being sick :/

The school was bustling with students whom were excited to be back at school, only because they had a three day trip to Okinawa. "I heard it's always super hot there!" A classmate said. "Really? I heard they have their own dialect." Another chimed in. 'You okay there, Mr. Psychic?' Kei asked, leaning on Kusuo's desk. "I just don't understand why everyone's so excited, I could go to Okinawa and back and still have time for breakfast before class even started." Kusuo replied, rolling his eyes. 'It's not just about the travelling everyone is excited about, it's the fact that they get to spend three days with their friends on a vacation, and the school is paying most of it.' Kei explained, giggling at Kusuo's pouty face.

Kaido overslept, so he came rushing through the door just as the bell rang, he was glad he didn't miss any information about the trip. "Oh, Kaido! Just in time! I'm splitting everyone into groups, three boys and three girls. However, you guys will be my group of four boys and three girls, is that cool with y'all? And you look terrible." Hairo said, making an exception so Hasegawa can be with his mates. "I'm fine. Just tired." Kaido replied, almost falling asleep. "Well make sure you're well rested for the trip then! Now, for the girls in your group.." Hairo kept suggesting possible candidates, but Saiki and Hasegawa were focused on the two girls spying on them. "Yes! This is perfect! They're all in the same group!" Yumehara whisper-shouted. "Chiyo focus, we have to make sure we're in the same group as them! But I'm too sure how.." Teruhashi whispered back. "Hmm.. Maybe we could get Mera to ask for us?" Teruhashi shook her head, "I don't think she's at school. I think she's out fishing to raise money for the trip, or something like that."

As the girls were thinking about other ideas, Teruhashi spotted Nendou in the hallway, "Oh, I know! I'll ask Nendou!" Yumehara thought she was brave for directly asking her "crush" to be in a group with him. Unfortunately, Teruhashi's fans got in her way, which led to them trying to impress Teruhashi with their Okinawa knowledge. Yumehara pulled her out from the crowd of boys, "Sorry, I can't find Kaido, if I could've found him I would've asked him." Teruhashi's eye had an evil glint to them.

The chatty hallway was interrupted by Hairo, who called everyone back to class. "Since you all can't decided anything," He muttered to himself, "We are going to a lucky dip to decide which group of girls is going to be paired up with what group of boys." The class went quiet with anticipation as Teruhashi volunteered to be first, 'Please god, let me be in Saiki's group!' Her pleading was working, but the psychic himself wasn't going to let that happen. "..Takahashi's group." She said, hiding her disappointment. Takahashi and his mates were on cloud 9, but the rest of the class felt like life had no point in existing anymore. "Wait! We still need to draw the rest of the groups!" Hairo pleaded. Another group of girls pulled out Saiki's group, "Ew, we don't want to be in the same group as Nendou!" One of the girls said loudly.

Hasegawa felt his blood boil, sure Nendou was a bit strange, but he wasn't a bad person. "I'll swap with you, if that's alright." Teruhashi spoke up. The girls were happy to swap groups, but now Takahashi's group was just as down as the rest of the class. "God favours her too much I swear." Saiki thought. 'I'm glad we're in a group together.' Hasegawa smiled brightly at him. "Are you not bothered that Teruhashi's in our group?" 'I wouldn't go that far, and I would rather her than them.' Kei glared at the girls who are now in Takahashi's group, 'Also, now I can spend all my time with you, and it won't look suspicious!' Kusuo hid the blush on his cheeks with his glasses.

"Hey, whose in Mera's group?" Hairo worryingly asked from the hallway. "That would be us!" Yumehara replied, more excited than worried, and not noticing the teacher with Hairo. "Well I'm sorry to say, but I don't think Mera will be joining us on this trip. It seems like she couldn't catch enough tuna to raise the money." Hairo announced. "So instead of having a equal number of girls and boys, you guys will have one extra boy, and if Mera can somehow pull something together, she is more than welcome to join your group again." The teacher smiled at them. The girls felt their heart sink, Mera was their middle woman, she was going to do majority of the talking to Saiki and his mates, now how would they hangout together. "I actually feel kind of bad for Mera, I wanted her to come in this trip. She doesn't deserve this." Kaido was just as sad as the girls that Mera couldn't join them. Hasegawa expressed his condolences as well.

'I wonder if there's anything we can do for Mera..' Kei sympathised with Mera's situation. "I'm sorry Kei. I don't think there anything I can do, without you know, breaking any walls." Saiki responded, trying to think of ways as well. Saiki may not want to go on the trip, but that doesn't mean he wants to spoil it for everyone else, however that also means if something happens and they can't go on their trip anymore he won't stop it.

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