Side Couple For The Win

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Chatter filled the air as class three did their history work. It was something that could be done in groups of two to three, four if you asked the teacher nicely. The weather lately hadn't been the best, but it was nice to be able to be indoors all day. At one table you had Hasegawa and Saiki working together, and next to them was Nendou, Kaido, and Kuboyasu. Another corner had Takahashi and his two friends, then Teruhashi and Yumehara sat near the back. Mera was beginning to fill out the worksheet by herself when someone dragged their chair to her table;
"Hey Mera! Need a hand?"
Hairo's iconic rolled up sleeves had been folded to their original place because of the weather.

"Hey Hairo. Don't you have other people wanting your help?" Mera pointed to a few groups looking at the class president.
"Doesn't matter, I wanna work with you. May I?" He hesitated.
She giggled to herself, "Yes, you may."
Hairo did a mini fist bump to himself and sat down opposite to her. The groups wanting the presidents help whinged now they had to do the work themselves.

As the period progressed there were the soft pitter patter of raindrops on the window gradually increasing. Mera watched the raindrops race each other down the window, placing bets on which one she thought would emerge victorious. Hairo talked about some facts he found and thought might be helpful, but soon turned to just writing them down when he saw his desk partner not paying attention.

Mera snapped out of her daze when she heard the bell dismiss them, but this bell sounded a little different. While she was focusing on the raindrops that were planted on the window, she failed to notice how chaotic it had got outside.
"Everyone please remain seated. Due to the sudden weather conditions we have called your parents to get their opinion on what they would like. Some of you are free to go home, while others need to wait for the rain to let up." Their teacher, Ms. Shima, listed the students who could go home, Kei and Kusuo obviously went home together (that's another story hehe). While Mera had to stay behind.

She was one of four who had to stay behind, Hairo volunteered to stay and keep everyone safe while Ms. Shima tried to navigate other ways for the children to get home. It only took a few minutes for the other kids to get bored and wander around or have a ride arranged for them. Mera tried her phone but found it to be uselesss with her rising anxiety. She tried to get a conversation flowing with Hairo but was too anxious to focus on what was being said.
"Um, Mera, are you okay? You look a little pale." Hairo checked her temperature.
"..Well, I feel fine." She leaned in to his warm hands.

"...Wanna play a game?" Hairo asked after trying to calm down the red in his cheeks. "Sure, any in mind?"
"..How 'bout Hangman?"
"Yeah, sounds fun. You go first." Mera gave him some spare paper she had in her bag.

Ms. Shima cleared her throat and shuffled though some papers in hand as she entered her classroom. Hairo had almost guessed Mera's hangman word; '_ig _ag'. She chuckled to herself before focusing on her papers again, "Alright kids. Hairo your dad is here to pick you up. But Mera, sweetheart, I'm sorry. Neither of your parents can come." Ms. Shima tried to let Mera down as gently as she could.
"No.. that's okay. Thanks Ms. Shima." Mera was drowning in her thoughts. She knew this was the case, it always was.

"I can take you home. I mean, if that's okay with the two of you." Hairo's dad said from the classroom entrance, "I really didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I'm happy to help." Mera now saw where Hairo's enticing smile came from. Ms. Shima look at Mera for confirmation. She looked at Hairo who looked like a dog waiting for its owner to take him on a walk.
"...Thank you, sir. Ms. Shima, I would like to go with Hairo and his dad."
"Of course, I'll let your parents know." Ms. Shima got Hairo's dad, Ryōsuke, to fill out some paperwork before leaving.

"Dad, this is Mera, my classmate. And Mera, this is my dad—" "—Ryōsuke. But you can call me Ryō, or Hairo's dad, or sir, just whatever you're comfortable with!!" He laughed.
"..Right. Thanks for taking me home Ryōsuke."
"It's no problem. You know, Kineshi has mentioned you quite a lot so I'm glad I can put a face to the name." That earned a muffled scream from an embarrassed Hairo.
Mera let out a chuckle as well. After that, it was easy to have conversations with Ryōsuke. She had heard the odd thing about him from Hairo, but he was more.. outgoing? Than he had described his dad to be.

Okay so, you know when your gut is telling you something bad is going to happen? Yeah well that turned into reality far quicker than everyone's liking. The wind had picked up drastically and the road was becoming more and more dangerous to be on by the second.
"Mera, do you have a phone with you?" Ryōsuke asked peering in the rear view mirror.
"I do, why?" She replied anxiously.
"Can you call you parents and ask if you can wait out the weather at a friends house? Because I don't think it's safe to keep you kids on the road." He quickly did a U-turn and, luckily enough, they weren't to far from the Hairo household.
"Yeah, I'm sure my ma will be fine with that." Mera's heart pounded in her ears as she let her mom know the situation.

Her mom thankfully responded quickly, saying it was alright as long as she was safe. From the few seconds it took to get from the car into the house, all three were soaked to the bone. Hairo's mom, Reina, came rushing toward the door with towels and blankets for her family, plus her guest. Mera cursed her school for having white shirts, and she cursed herself for putting on a black bra today.

Reina made hot chocolates for the two kids to warm them up, and a coffee for her husband. Hairo and Mera sat wrapped up in towels on the floor close to the fire. "I hope you can feel comfortable here until the rain lets up." He sipped his drink, looking at the fire.
"...Y'know, I used to be envious of you. You had so many friends, people would give you things if you asked, and.. you really do fit the role of class president." They giggled together, "Hairo, I didn't understand why you started taking special care of me, but I kinda liked it." Hearing it so bluntly made him nervous, his sweaty hands almost dropped the cup in them.

"..I didn't make you uncomfortable?" His words were so delicate.
"No. Talking with you made me realise I can do things at my own pace, and my world doesn't always have to revolve around my siblings." She turned to look him in the eye. The fire crackled softly, the noise of the rain faded out. The two leaned closer, Kineshi could feel Chisato's breath against his lips. It was warmer than the fire next to them, or maybe it was because they were next to the fire, he couldn't tell. "push me away if you are uncomfortable." He gently whispered before placing one hand on her jaw and connecting their lips.

Chisato's lips were soft and delicate. Kineshi's lips were rough and passionate. The two shared so many unspoken words it was almost natural. When their lips separated, it turned into a giggle fest. Chisato rested her head on Kineshi's shoulder, "I told you before, you don't make me uncomfortable."

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