Caught 🌶️✨

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Hello my loves! Here's another chapter!

Remember I will edit this completely as soon as possible and I might add some more fun little lines or details later.

I hope you all like it!! Enjoy




"My feet are killing me" I say as I drop some more paperwork on top of Sebastian's counter. It's been a month since I started working here and I don't think I have gotten a free day since day one.

"You're officially a Miss Rochefort and Miss Palmieri assistant! Congratulations. Those two will work you till you drop." He responds as he takes the papers and starts looking through them.

"This morning, they said I needed to print some more papers and only re-do the calendar for the month- but before I know it, I'm getting text after text telling me about other tasks I need to complete. I haven't even had time to report back to any of their offices. It's 8pm and I'm dying."

"Oh girl, I feel you. But remember- they pay well and no good pay comes without hard work." He smiles and highlights a sentence in one of the papers I just gave him.

"True, but still. I just had to walk 40 minutes to the dry cleaners to pick up some of their clothes and then 40 minutes back here. In heels. NOT comfortable ones, may I add."

"That," he points at me with a pen "I can't justify. That sounds like hell."

I laugh at that.

The phone rings and he picks it up.

"Miss Palmieri- yes. I will send her to you right away." He hangs up and looks back at me.

"Palmieri wants you in her office."

"How does she know I'm here talking to you?"

He points at the ceiling and I follow his gaze. A camera stares back at me.


He stands and takes his bag and the papers with him.

"I'm going home. Is late and I have a date with this super hot guy I met at the gym. Gotta run."

"Send him my best regards. You need to tell me all about it later"

"Oh I will-bye love"

"Bye!" I say and start making my way towards Francesca's office. Once I'm at the door, I knock on it lightly.

"Come in" I hear and proceed to open the door.

"Miss- you called for my assistance?"

"Yes, tesoro. Take a seat." She points at the chair in front of her desk. I look around and try my best not to look as impressed as I feel. This office is a full tiny apartment within itself. With multiple bookshelves, a couch, another desk at the far right corner. And of course, the tall full window walls behind Miss Palmieri that have a beautiful large view of the city.

"Did I do something wrong?" I say , taking a seat on the comfy soft chair. I put my phone on the little table in between the chairs and place my hands on my lap.

"Oh no- you have been doing wonderful. Working so hard. I just thought you might need a quick break. I know Rose can be a bit intense at times. Want some coffee? Or maybe something stronger?" She takes a stand and walks around the desk towards the tiny bar area.

"Coffee is fine- thank you." I respond

She makes two coffees and I stay sitting quietly. Once she's gone, she comes to stand right in front of me and hands me my cup. Then, she leans back against her desk and takes a sip of her drink.

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