✨Shopping 🌶️

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Hey my loves, here's the update!!

Kinda Smut incoming...

(Reallyyy Unedited)

I walked behind them through the fanciest clothing store I have ever seen. I don't thing "clothing store" is even a good way to label this place. It's more of an exclusive top floor on a building with private access.
I truly keep forgetting how much money these women have.

They carried multiple outfits for me to try. Picking out different colors and styles. I felt kinda nervous to grab anything so I simply nodded my head when they showed me something they liked and kept walking behind them.

I have a feeling it might take me some time to get used to all of this.

Fran picks up a set of sexy red undergarments. She holds them up and gives Rose a wicked smile.

"Oh yes- she definitely needs that one. Get her the blue and red too." Rose replies. Fran puts them In her pile of clothing and continues walking.

I start following her, until a pair of hands land at my waist and stop me.

"The thought of you in lingerie, spread out for me to do anything I want is killing me, Tesoro" Rose whispers in my ear. My cheeks turn completely red as I'm forced to imagine the scene in my head.

"Rose- don't say that there's people here" I respond in a whisper.

"And all of them work for us. I can say whatever I want. In fact-" she comes to stand in front of me now, a wide sexy grin on her face
"I can do whatever I want." She then lowers her head and makes her lips almost touch mine. She just waits there, her lips so close yet not touching mine.

In desperation, I push up and try to kiss her, but she pulls back. I whimper in sexual frustration and she laughs. Straight up laughs at me.

"Desperate, aren't we, Amore? This morning's activity wasn't enough?" She's teasing me I know it. She wants to me fall for the bait- and I'm frustrated and horny enough to follow into her trap.

"No it wasn't" I respond with confidence. The change in her face let's me know she wasn't a fan of the response.

But her anger quickly turns into a wicked smile. And that's how I know I'm fucked.

"Brat. That's what you are. And brats need punishments to learn. Get in the fitting room. And I want you completely naked when we get there. You have 5 minutes" she turns around and goes off to find Fran.

Shit. They wouldn't really do anything crazy here, right? I think she's just trying to scare me. Right? Right.

I walked over to the fitting room and avoided any eye contact with the workers there.

I close the door and start to quickly undress. I stayed in my underwear- it felt kinda weird to just wait completely naked.

After what felt like an eternity, I heard a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" I asked even though I already knew.

"Open the door, Tesoro" Fran's voice ordered.

My hands were shaking now and I don't even know why. Why do my nerves always have to take completely control of me?

Fran peaks her head through and hands me 4 sets of sexy underwear.

She looks me up and down, "I thought you said she was completely naked, Rose"

"She's not?" I hear Rose reply. Then Rose also peaks in.

"God, you just don't listen, do you?" She angrily walks back and Fran smiles at me.

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