Chapter 2- Returns

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We boarded the thestral-drawn carriages and traveled down the torch-lined path towards Hogwarts, where every spire and cranny was aglow with yellow light from the setting sun. It was a beautiful, ceremonious entrance that I felt lucky to experience.

Along the way to the Great Hall for the Great Feast, Natsai and I greeted Poppy Sweeting, a Hufflepuff with a warm heart and an aptitude for animal care; Imelda Reyes, a Slytherin girl who loved flying more than breathing; and waved to Garreth Weasley and Leander Prewett, two Gryffindor purebloods who already had a glint of mischief in their eyes.

The sweetest reunions were of my Ravenclaw cohorts and roommates, Samantha Dale, and Quinn Fawley. They each called out a cheery "Hello, Prisma!" as I stepped into the crowded Entrance Hall.

"You look lovely," I said to them both, which was true. "Samantha, you've changed your hair! I adore it."

"Thank you. I wanted to adopt a more elegant hairstyle this year." Samantha Dale usually had her shiny black hair pulled back in a bun, but had made the switch to a long, twisting ponytail that fell over her shoulder. "I shall tie it back for herbology class, of course," she added.

"I am so nervous for 6th year that I could burst at any moment," Quinn chirped. "Samantha, if I explode from over-excitement, please send my remains to my family." Quinn Fawley was a pretty pureblood witch who had anticipated the courting season long before we even met. She was dainty, quick-witted, with a penchant for unrealistic yet spectacular imagining. She was particularly skilled at transfiguration. She had a brother who was younger by one year, Hector, who was her opposite- most everyone who met Hector regarded him as a dull stick-in-the-mud.

"Quinn, you can't explode until after you secure a marriage match." I said to Quinn, who would have no issue finding a husband. She was the prettiest girl in Ravenclaw. In fact, she would be the prettiest girl in 6th year, if it weren't for-

Arms suddenly wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me in for a warm hug from a stranger.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, wanting to know who it was that was embracing me so brazenly in front of everyone.

"Pri-i-is!" A smooth, feminine voice sang, and I immediately knew it could only be Morgana Rosier.

I turned to face my friend. She had only gotten prettier since I last saw her, which wasn't fair one bit; for it was already an advantage to be a pureblood from a renowned family, and even more so to be beautiful. Wild brown hair so dark it was almost black fell around her rouge cheeks and ended just above the Slytherin crest on her cloak. Her skin was pale and blemish-free. She didn't need to wear any makeup, for her lashes were naturally dark, and her lips were red.

I beamed. "Morgana. Oh, how I missed you!"

"And I missed you, my rainbow friend." She took my hand and declared, "I'm stealing you away."

"But the feast is about to start-" I protested, but Morgana would not take no for an answer. Pushing her way through the moving crowd, not caring who she bumped or jostled, we found our way to a spot on the stairs.

"I'm doing your hair," Morgana decided, her long graceful fingers already combing through my long locks. I usually kept it half-up in a clip to keep it out of my face. This was no good to Morgana, however, who had begun to weave parts of my hair into tiny braids.

"Your hair is the exact color of the moon, you know," Morgana admired. "Boys will like it if you wear it long, like this."

I scoffed at the mention of boys. "Not you too, Morgana."

"Haven't you noticed how differently everyone is looking at each other this year? We've been here barely an hour and at least fifteen different boys have looked at me like I'm a meal."

"You would eat them long before they could eat you," I laughed.

"I'm not that intimidating, am I?" She mused. "Anyway, you're the one that defeated Ranrok last year. Always on a mission, fighting some dark wizard, or poacher... seriously, you're one powerful witch."

I beamed. Morgana's compliments felt good- especially when I was predisposed to downplay myself. The spotlight was frankly not my favorite place to be.

"My family isn't of high standing," I said sheepishly. "My parents are travel writers. We don't come from money. I don't expect to get engaged this season, or while I'm at Hogwarts, at all." It took my eldest sister, Seraphina, only a year before she got a marriage match; but she was also lucky to marry for love.

"At least you have time to decide on your own," Morgana said. "As a Rosier, it's not just expected, but required to get engaged. If I do not find a match, my parents shall find one for me. Anyone will do, as long as it keeps the blood pure."

I was appalled. "Even if you do not like the man?"

"Even if I do not know the man." Morgana replied. "Still, I have a good feeling about this year. I've actually already secured a match on my own." Morgana did a final pass over my hair. "There. Done."

My jaw dropped, and I whirled around to face her.

"You've got a match? Who?"

The Entrance Hall had almost completely emptied, as the final stragglers made it into the Great Hall, leaving just Morgana and I- and one final person, using his wand to navigate around the hall.

"He's actually right there." Morgana pointed out none other than Ominis Gaunt, a 6th year pureblood Slytherin and ex-best friend of Sebastian Sallow. Ominis was blind, but that was a fact that people often forgot, as he was far from helpless and most students actually feared his quick wit and thorny personality. I'll never forget how he chewed me out the first time we met each other.

And now Morgana- my friend, was planting a kiss on his mouth.

I hastily looked around to see if anyone other than me was witnessing this. Kissing before marriage was strictly forbidden- as was fondling, which Ominis was now doing.

"What are you two doing?" I stressed. "A professor could walk in at any moment!"

Ominis removed his hands from Morgana's waist, and gave me a scowl that could have shattered glass. "Oh, Prisma. I didn't see you there."

"Relax, Pris," Morgana assured me, while stroking Ominis's hair. It had gotten longer, and was slicked back with a strong-smelling pomade. "We know that you will keep our secret. Besides, we are to be engaged soon."

I was left speechless at this revelation. All I knew was that we were now officially late.

"We need to go," I said. "But we're talking about this later."

"You two should have tea together!" Morgana suggested. "I bet you have a lot to catch up on."

I hesitated, expecting Ominis to say no. He hadn't even returned my letter this summer.

"I suppose we should talk," he agreed. "Let's meet at the study room in the astronomy tower tomorrow after breakfast. There is much to discuss."

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