Chapter 15- I'm Sorry Everett Clopton

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Author's note

The title of this chapter makes me laugh lmao
I think Everett is such a fun character, I love messing around with him in this fanfic


Pictured is Natty Onai. I like to imagine she wears Gryffindor red most of the time, with the occasional pink when she hangs out with Prisma.

"Andrew was obviously lying," Natty said.

Natty, Sebastian and I were debriefing in Hogsmeade outside the Three Broomsticks after my rather rocky 'date' with Andrew Larson. Andrew claimed Morgana had been seeing him, as well as another unnamed man at the same time.

"I don't want to believe it," I said. "But why would he make something like that up?"

"Oh, he was telling the truth," Sebastian affirmed.

Natty scowled. "You would believe that ninny's word over Morgana's?"

Sebastian cocked an eyebrow. "Perhaps Morgana was not as innocent as you all thought."

"Sebastian," I gasped.
"She was a Slytherin. I know Slytherins, and we would lie to our own family if we felt like it."

This was terrible. I got the sinking feeling that my investigation might lead me to information that I may not want to know. I wanted to believe in my friend; but it was a definite possibility that she was not entirely truthful to me. She hadn't told me she had given her maidenhood to Ominis, either.

"Should we tell Ominis?" I asked, giving looks of uncertainty to Natty and Sebastian.

"He would want to know," Sebastian said, his lips tight.

"We should wait until we are certain," Natty pressed. "There's no sense in tarnishing the name of a dead woman."

I agreed with Natty. "I won't tell him just yet. Ominis is still grieving." Ominis and I haven't spoken since the debut. All week, he's been in his own dark and twisty world, alone. Sebastian and I had attempted to speak with him many times. He just wasn't in the mood. It was as though a dark thundercloud hung over him, raining all over his head, and striking lightning at all who came too close.

"We need to look into Everett Clopton," I decided. "I know that Morgana didn't like him."

"Do you really think Everett would have something to do with Morgana's death?" Natty said doubtfully, to which Sebastian shook his head, laughing.

"Andrew said he was sneaking around the castle the night she died. He may have seen something. We have to at least try," I explained.

Suddenly, Natty's arm shot up. "THERE HE IS!" Natty screamed.

Natty's finger pointed directly at Everett Clopton, who was just coming out of Zonko's red doors. He noticed Natty's screaming right away. Not even knowing why we were all looking at him, his eyes widened in fear.

And then, to my dismay, Everett ran.

"Dammit, Onai, great job keeping a low profile," Sebastian huffed. We all began chasing after Everett. My dress was slowing me down, so I hoisted the skirts into my fists to keep from tripping, but my heeled boots still fumbled over the cobblestones.

Everett threw something behind him; some blueberry-looking things that stuck themselves to the cobblestones- Blue-Glue-Berries from Zonko's. As soon as Natty and I stepped on them, we were glued in place.

"Get him, Sebastian!" I cried, struggling to un-stick my shoes.

Sebastian had no issue catching Everett just as he cleared the bridge by Dogweed and Deathcap. The two boys fell to the dirt, Sebastian pinning Everett with his knees. No wand needed.

Natty and I freed ourselves and caught up. "Wh-what do you want from me?" Everett whimpered. He was terrified of Sebastian. "What did I do?"

"Where were you the night Morgana Rosier died?" I demanded.

Everett's eyes widened. I could see the alarm bells going off in his head. "Wh-why I was in my bed, in Ravenclaw Tower-"

"Andrew Larson said he saw you out of bed," Sebastian gripped Everett's collar. "Now tell us where you were, and what you were doing. Or you'll be walking back to the castle without this mess you call hair."

That made Everett yell and plead desperately. "No! No, please don't cut my hair. Alright, fine, I was not asleep. But I had nothing to do with Morgana's death. I promise."

Sebastian looked over his shoulder. "Natty, fetch me a pair of scissors, would you?"

"No! Please! I can't tell you where I was, I made a promise!" Everett cried.

"Let him go, Sebastian," I said.

Sebastian removed his knee from Everett's chest. Everett got to his feet, too out of breath to run again.

I helped dust off the front of his shirt. I felt a little guilty for having Sebastian tackle him; but I had to admit, it was a little satisfying having my own attack dog. "Everett, we won't cut your hair. But you need to tell us where you were. It's incredibly important."

Everett debated with himself; likely pondering if he liked me enough to trust me. I felt bad forcing this out of him, but if I didn't follow this lead, I wouldn't get any closer to solving Morgana's murder.

"Fine. I'll tell you what I was doing," he said. "But not here. Come to the Quidditch stadium at midnight exactly. And only you," he emphasized, indicating that Natty and Sebastian were not invited.

If I wanted Everett's information, I would have to come alone.

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