Chapter 13- The Diamond of the Season

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I could feel Sebastian's eyes on me the second I entered the Great Hall. I pretended not to notice. He had made a good impression on the Chairwoman- if she declared him the most eligible bachelor of the season, he would have his pick of ladies, and then I would be forgotten.

The men had been pushed off to the sides of the Hall to make room for the women to get into House order. I stood between Quinn and Samantha amongst the rest of the Ravenclaw girls. The only sound in the hall was the quiet swishing of our gowns, and the clacking of heels against the stone floor as we waited anxiously for Madam Chairwoman to call the first name. My friend and roommate Quinn Fawley was the obvious choice, for her family was rich and pureblooded through and through.

In a flourishing accent, the Chairwoman loudly called the first eligible lady.

"Morgana Rosier."

We stood in stunned silence. My blood turned to ice in my veins. Had no one informed the Chairwoman that Morgana had died?

Headmaster Black, who was sitting beside her, quickly whispered something. Her red lips formed a round "O". She whispered back to Black, something I believe that sounded along the lines of "that's a pity", and then continued on to the next name.

"Prisma St. Cloud."

I thought it was a joke. Still shaken by hearing Morgana's name called first, I didn't move an inch. It had to be a mistake.

One by one, people in the hall landed their eyes on me. And I realized that it was no mistake.

I stepped forward. I was to walk to the front of the hall, stop, and curtsy. Somehow it felt like I was not in my body, I was in a dream. No. A nightmare.

Heart in my throat, I curtseyed deeply before the Chairwoman. I was terrified to lift my eyes from the floor; I was almost certain that I would see a frown on her red face.

Slowly, I lifted my head, and dared to look.

Her expression was one of utter adoration. She looked upon me like I was a newborn Mooncalf. Her thick red lips parted into a boisterous, toothy smile.

I shyly smiled back at the woman, then turned as the crowd applauded- actually applauded- as I returned to my spot. Thank goodness, my part was over.

Quinn was called next, then Imelda and a few other Slytherin girls. I applauded each and every one of them, and silently prayed that they would be the season's diamond, and not me.

A shy Muggle-born Hufflepuff girl was called last. The chairwoman was to now name the Incomparables; one man, and one woman.

"Wonderful," The Chairwoman gushed. "Each and every witch and wizard held themselves with grace and dignity. But among all the dashing faces I saw today, two stood out as the season's Incomparables."

In my head I predicted it would be Sebastian and Quinn. They were the most beautiful and elegant today, not to mention the most deserving of the title.

"First, I shall announce the most eligible amongst the men," she said with a flourish. "This young man comes from a pureblood family. His reputation precedes him, both in ability and in name. Whoever makes his match is a lucky woman, indeed. I am curious to see what the future holds for this astute, striking, serious fellow."

Loudly, and with much grandeur, the Chairwoman clapped. "Ominis Gaunt!"

I clapped cheerily for my friend. Ominis seemed unsurprised to hear his name called, and accepted the praise with a straight face and a simple nod of the head. While I was hoping it would be Sebastian, Ominis was certainly deserving of the title as well.

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