Chapter 10- The Ward

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Professor Weasley took us to the transfiguration classroom. She told us that if we wanted to remain students at Hogwarts, we were to stay in the classroom until she returned, no matter what. She summoned some pillows and blankets.

"Just what do you think we'll be doing in here?" I demanded.

Professor Weasley gave me a look. "You may be in for a long night."

"Just let us return to our dorms," Ominis said.

Even I knew that she couldn't let us do that. "We're witnesses, Ominis. It's likely whoever did it will be targeting us next," I said.

"Perfect," Ominis growled, looking like he was ready to murder someone with his bare hands.

Professor Weasley put a hand to her tired face. She had probably been asleep when Ominis alerted her that something was wrong. "I need you lot to stay here until we know more. Must I fetch Deek to watch you?"

"No." We all said in unison. With that, Professor Weasley left, locking the door behind her.

"Alright, Sebastian. I'll give you one chance to explain what you're doing here. Just so you know, if it's an answer I don't like, you'll find one of these pillows down your throat." Ominis threatened.

Sebastian scowled. "Hold on. I had nothing to do with Morgana's death."

"I find that hard to believe. Death follows you everywhere you go," said Omins, sounding rather snide.

Sebastian raised his wand. "Take that back."

Ominis raised his wand as well. Just as they were about to cast at each other, I stepped between them.

"Stop it," I commanded. "We can't start fighting amongst ourselves. That won't solve anything." Slowly, they lowered their wands.

"Ominis, Sebastian couldn't have killed Morgana. He arrived much later after she had already been killed." I clarified. "And even though my glasses were broken, I could just see enough to tell that the attacker was someone much taller than Sebastian."

Ominis thought for a moment, mulling my words over like he was deciding whether or not to trust me. "He could have used the Imperius curse on someone else."

Sebastian was about to object, but I cut in. "

I gestured to Sebastian. "Please, can you explain how it is that you're no longer expelled?"

"Thank you." Sebastian straightened his black overcoat. He looked a lot more grown up since I saw him last. "As I'm sure you both know, I've no more living relatives left in Scotland. However, I was permitted to return to Hogwarts as Headmaster Black's ward."

A ward was anyone under 21 who was under the protection or supervision of someone not related to them. Lords used wards as workers. The lord also receives money when their ward gets married.

Ominis frowned. "That's ridiculous. Why would Black accept you as his ward?"

"My case was one that the Ministry could not seem to agree on," Sebastian explained. "It was split nearly 50-50; let me go, or send me to Azkaban. Headmaster Black was one of the only people to testify on my behalf. He explained that until 5th year, I was one of Hogwart's most promising students. He said I was well on my way to becoming a fine wizard before I was tempted by the Dark Arts in order to help my sister. I expressed that I was eager to return and resume my schooling. The jury accepted my plea just yesterday." He leaned casually against a desk. "And now Headmaster Black has me as an extra slave."

I understood the jury's decision to let Sebastian resume schooling. He was well known throughout the castle as a fantastic duelist and powerful spellcaster. Only Anne, Ominis and I knew exactly how powerful he was; but no one at Hogwarts wanted to cross wands with Sebastian. Not even the professors. Black must have realized that power like Sebastian's is best kept close under a watchful eye.

"But... aren't you cross with Ominis and I?" I asked. "We were the ones who..."

"Turned me in?" Sebastian said, as blunt as a rusty sword. "I was angry at first. Terribly angry. All I could think about for months was how badly you two had betrayed me. But then I realized that you only told the Headmaster what happened because you were concerned I may be going down the wrong path. I decided to make a change." He looked me in the eyes. "No more Dark Magic."

Hearing him say that made my heart leap with joy. I was ready to accept Sebastian's change of heart, but it seemed Ominis was not entirely convinced.

Ominis snorted. "I'll believe it when I see it. Headmaster Black must be as soft as a shrivelfig if he let you back in that easily."

Sebastian laced his fingers together. "My return to Hogwarts also came with conditions. First, I must keep out of trouble. Clearly, easier said than done. Additionally..." Sebastian paused and wet his lips.

"...I must secure an engagement before the end of the year. If I am not married by the age of 17, I will have to leave Hogwarts forever."

I was shocked. It seemed that Sebastian had a year to show he had changed, or else Black was done giving second chances. The Headmaster's goodwill only went so far.

"I doubt there's a girl in this school self-loathing enough to marry you," Ominis scowled.

"Prisma might," Sebastian gave me a cheesy grin. "What do you say, Miss St. Cloud, want to marry death?"

My mouth shot open. "That is the most offensive thing I've heard in my life."

Ominis's fist pounded against a desk, and I swear I heard the crackle of lightning. "Stop making a mockery, Sebastian. Someone died tonight. Someone I loved. She's gone, and you strut around making jokes."

Sebastian became quiet. "I'm sorry, Ominis. I didn't know."

It was that exact moment that the adrenaline in my body wore out, and I began to feel terribly tired and depressed. I burrowed myself into the blankets on the floor and began to cry.

I cried and cried about Morgana, my entire body shuddering at the horror that someone in this castle had murdered her and then tried to murder me. Who could it have been? It is possible that one of Ranrok's loyalists had survived, and gotten into the castle somehow. That still didn't answer how they were able to disappear from the corridor. House Elves were the only ones able to apparate in the castle. But a House Elf would need a motive to kill. And the killer had been much larger, and able to wield a sword.

I fell asleep pondering these questions and answering them only with tears. The classroom became dreadfully cold, and I remember waking up slightly from the chill. In my half-awake state, I saw Sebastian place another blanket over me and then settle down beside me with my shoulder tucked under his arm.

I awoke with both boys cuddling either side of me; Sebastian on my left, and Ominis on my right. It was daybreak when Professor Weasley returned.

When we heard the door unlock each of us immediately snapped to attention, throwing blankets across the room and pretending like we were not just tangled together cuddling for warmth.

"I've got some news," Professor Weasley announced to us. She looked even more tired than we last saw her. I could tell right away the news was not good.

"We've no trace of the killer. All that they've left behind was the murder weapon, and some damage done to the surrounding statues."

I could feel myself deflate. That meant the killer was still at large. "For now, we are keeping Miss Rosier's cause of death a secret," Professor Weasley said to us. "Alarming the student body would only hinder the investigation."

It would be difficult to hide it from Quinn and Samantha. But that made sense.

"Additionally," she continued, "Morgana's body has been properly removed and is on its way back to the Rosiers. And upon closer inspection, we have discovered that.... Well..."

She paused, leaving Sebastian, Ominis and I in suspense. It seemed whatever she had to tell us was difficult to say.

Professor Weasley sighed. "One of her fingers is missing. We've looked everywhere, but we are unable to find it."

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