Chapter 26- I Am The Rainbow Princess

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 A lil chapter for the Sebastian fans..... 


The music was a tribal rhythm that pounded in my ears. I danced and danced until my chest and my feet hurt, moving from Sebastian to Garreth to Natty like some kind of butterfly.

As I moved around the room chatting and dancing, I heard the murmurs of people calling me 'Rainbow Princess'. I beamed at the name, for right now I felt as though I were a living rainbow.

I had promised Sebastian one dance, but had lost track of the time and had yet to fulfill my promise. Garreth kept handing us more drinks. After I spilled a drink on the dancefloor and nearly slipped on it, I decided I ought to sit myself down for a minute.

I should not be feeling good tonight, I thought to myself as I sat in a cushy red chair. The interrogations once again led me to another person who Morgana had ruined. I hated admitting it, but my good friend had been a blackmailer and a whore.

I groaned. All those drinks were suddenly not agreeing with me. I'd never really drank alcohol before. Sebastian used to tease me about being a straight-edge girl. It seems he wouldn't be able to say that anymore.

My eyes landed on Sebastian on the dancefloor with some Gryffindor 7th year- he was laughing with her, and lifting her up just as he had done with me. I felt my stomach twist in a sickening way.

I rose from the chair and made my way outside, leaving the party. My hand felt my face to make sure I was still wearing my glasses. Then my other hand went to my stomach, which felt as though there were frogs fighting for a way out. I slowly began to descend the stairs of Gryffindor Tower, and then stopped when the steps began to wiggle beneath my feet like worms. The comedown from Garreth's potion was nauseating.

"What's the matter? Why'd you leave?"

Oh, hippogriff shit. Sebastian had followed me out of the party.

I turned, using the wall for balance.

"I didn't like watching you dance with someone else," I blurted.

Sebastian blinked. "You... didn't like watching me dance with someone else?"

"Yes," I heard myself say. "I wanted to dance with you tonight." I clapped a hand over my mouth, but my look of helpless guilt only made my confession that much more embarrassing. I realized that it was the veritaserum at work.

Sebastian bit his lip, his brown eyes working while he thought out his response. "Well, I wanted to dance with you, too."

Slowly, I removed the hand from my mouth. "As a friend, or as something more?"

Sebastian stepped closer, eyebrow cocked. "Both. I think."

The closer he came, the more worried I got. I was not worried that something may happen between me and Sebastian; but I was worried that something may happen, and that I would like it.

I looked up at him, analyzing the way the moonlight from the hallway windows illuminated the side of his face. "I don't like seeing you having tea with other girls, either. And I don't like seeing you hold hands with Poppy in the library."

Sebastian cocked his head, fascinated with every word vomiting from my mouth. "Why?"

"Because- because I want it to be me," I breathed.

Sebastian, who was breathing hard and heavy from dancing just moments earlier, gripped my arms and spoke to me with an animalistic passion.

"You should be marrying me," he said with ferocity.

My heartbeat thundered in my ears. "I-I can't go back on a promise," I replied.

Sebastian touched my chin, lifting my face to look at him. "Every day, I think about how if we had just been given the time, I could have courted you properly. I could have made you see how much I love you. And I could have given you the proposal you deserved."

A stuttering gasp passed my lips. "Did you just say- you love me?"

"I do," Sebastian said, his voice raw. "I do love you, Prisma."

I knew that because of the veritaserum, Sebastian physically could not lie right now. He was telling me the truth.

Finally, in a moment I'd admittedly dreamed of dozens of times in my sleep, Sebastian took my face in his hands, and planted a kiss on my lips.

The kiss was too perfect. It felt like the world melted away around us, and there was nothing at all but me and Sebastian. It was so perfect that it made me furious.

It took a lot of inner strength to break off the kiss. Sebastian gave me a longing look, like he wished he could kiss me forever.

"I'm engaged to Ominis," I said, my voice shaking beyond my control. "I-I- whatever this is, I can't do it."

And with that, I hastened away, crying, because I knew what I said was the truth.

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