Chapter 12- The Debut

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The rest of the week was a blur. I was kept busy with classes, dance lessons, and dress fittings. All of it was in preparation for the debut party on Saturday, where the 6th and 7th years of Hogwarts would welcome the Chairwoman of Wizarding Courtship. She was a representative from the Ministry of Magic chosen specifically for matchmaking and furthering wizarding bloodlines. I'd heard murmurings that soon her position would become obsolete, and every year was the 'last year', until the next, when she inevitably showed up again.

Honestly, I didn't feel much like doing any of these chores, not when Morgana wasn't there. So I was going through the motions. Putting on a smile when I didn't want to. Pretending that everything was fine when it wasn't.

I returned to the scene of the crime as soon as I could to conduct my own search for clues. It was just as Professor Weasley described. Little evidence was left aside from a few chipped statues. There were definitely no secret passages, compartments, or vents. All there was at the end of the hall was a tall statue.

Any attempts to discuss the case with Professor Weasley proved difficult. "You worry too much, Prisma," was all she said. "Professor Sharp used to be an auror. He knows what to do."

And when I attempted to speak with Professor Sharp, I was met with gruff orders to keep out of it, and 'go practice my smile for the debut'. It was all so frustrating I wanted to scream.

And now it was Saturday, the day of the debut, and I'd made no progress in the investigation whatsoever. The only new information I'd gained was discovering Morgana was not a maiden when she died, which didn't bring us any closer to figuring out who her killer was, or finding her missing finger. I dreamt last night the finger had shown up in my pocket at the debut, and fallen to the floor in front of everyone.

"Oh, Prisma! You look lovely!" Samantha cooed over my gown. It was one of my favorites, cream white with tiny dots of periwinkle flowers, with sheer flowy sleeves that joined at my wrists. I wore my hair down, just as Morgana liked it, with small silver rings in my earlobes which matched my silver glasses frames.

"Thank you. You look lovely as well." Samantha was wearing an indigo dress with braided silver along the neckline. It suited her well and complimented her dark hair. Quinn had recruited a House Elf to put pink flowers in her hair that matched her pink dress. Each of us looked admittedly dashing.

Boys and girls were to arrive separately to the debut in the Great Hall. There, the Chairwoman of Wizarding Courtship would quietly assess each and every student based on appearance and name alone. Then, at the end, the Incomparables were announced. The Incomparables were the most desirable man and woman of the season; the diamonds; the ones that everyone wanted to match with. It was times like these that good looks, good reputation, and pure blood were invaluable.

"It's time," Samantha chirped. The 6th and 7th year Ravenclaw girls marched to the Great Hall together, eventually joining with the Gryffindors, Slytherins, and Hufflepuffs in a parade of colors and giggles. From up above, we must have looked like moving confetti.

I missed Morgana desperately. She would have worn an emerald green gown, I was certain of it, with her hair pulled back in a tower adorned with pearls. She would have been the Incomparable of the season. Now the title was up for grabs.

I met up with Natty in the entrance hall as we waited for the men to debut. Natty wore a pretty gown of thick red material adorned with jewels of black, blue, and orange, with her hair done up in pretty braids and clips shaped like dragonflies.

"Here," Natty passed me a pair of glasses. They were odd looking things with lenses shaped like lizard's eyes. She had a pair for herself as well.

"What are these for?" I asked.

"They're Snake Eyes. They allow us to see through walls. It's so that we can see the boys before they can see us."

I put the glasses on. Instantly, I saw through the thick doors and into the Great Hall, where the men were lined up by house, then year. At the front of the hall sat the Chairwoman. She was a round woman, decked out entirely in red, which matched her red hair, cheeks and lips. Fwooper feathers stuck out from her wide-brim hat.

"How do they decide who goes first?" I asked Natty.

"They go in order of rank," Natty replied. "So those with the purest blood will be presented first, and the Muggle borns last."

I see. This would be interesting for me to witness. I didn't exactly know who was above whom in terms of societal rank. In England Muggles use terms such as earl, viscount, or duke to distinguish status. While some wizards held titles, blood purity was the best indicator of wealth and status.

"Of course, she may make an exception to the order for someone particularly interesting," Natty said. Her expression indicated that she was talking about me.

"No." My eyes widened. "No way."

"Everyone at the Ministry heard about what you did last year. The Chairwoman would be stupid not to take notice of you- the keeper of Ancient Magic!"

A swooping melody signaled the ceremony was beginning. The first name to be called, no surprise, was Ominis Gaunt.

Ominis looked incredibly handsome. His pale brown hair was slicked back to the nape of his neck. The black suit he had on was perfectly tailored, of course, and made of the finest material I'd ever seen on a man. Rings adorned each of his fingers, silver like his eyes.

He bowed for the Chairwoman. She looked him up and down. Then, made a face of smug approval.

"Well, there's our Incomparable," said Natty.

Leander Prewett went next, but he was not to be considered for the title of Incomparable for he had already made a match. He was followed by Garreth Weasley. After that was Andrew Larson from Ravenclaw, a blonde, blue eyed man who believed himself to be the smartest wizard to ever walk these halls. Unsurprisingly, he was not.

The names continued to be called, some familiar, some new.

"Peter Slughorn."

"Arthur Plummly."

"Everett Clopton."

"Duncan Hobhouse."

As the names continued, I realized I was waiting for Sebastian's name to be called. The Sallows were pureblood. Had his fall from grace impacted his social standing that much?

Finally, just before they began calling out the half-bloods and Muggle borns, Sebastian was called.

"Sebastian Sallow."

He stepped out of the lineup, and nearly took the breath from me. A svelte outfit of gray with silver details hugged his athletic body. I hadn't noticed it before, but he had grown, and developed muscle in his arms and chest. Sebastian had always been good looking, but today, he was handsome.

In that moment, I had to admit two things to myself: one, that Sebastian was without a doubt, the most good-looking student at Hogwarts, regardless of year or house. And two: the butterflies in my stomach right now were definitely because of him.

"His social standing is not impressive," Natty winced. "At this point, he's barely considered as eligible as a half-blood. He's going to have to work this season for a good match."

"What do you mean?"

Natty lifted her glasses and gave me a look. "Sebastian has no land, no family, and no wealth. So he will have to marry for love."

Marriage, Murder & Magic- [OMINIS GAUNT]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя