Chapter 1 - Glittering snow

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"Legend has it that only one white wolf is born each century, and when that white wolf is born, we should all fear for our lives."

I roll my eyes and look around, the entire pack is sitting down in the snow listening closely to the Luna's annual tale about the 'dangerous white wolf.' Half of the pack looks like they are about to faint. The other half tries to pretend that they aren't scared. And then there is me and my mother, we just roll our eyes.

"They are beautiful creatures with a completely white fur, not one single hair is grey or black or brown, their eyes are completely black, just like their blood, but do not get fooled by their appearance, Their bite is deadly, their senses are heightened, and they are almost impossible to kill-"

"Isn't it true that the last white wolf was killed by King Alpha Octavius Winterbourne of the North."Everyone in the pack turn their head to see who the voice might belong to. I quickly spot Jasmine with a raised hand that she lowers when everyone looks at her.

We look up at the Luna again and her face is displaying annoyance, which I'm guessing is caused by the obvious disrespect in Jasmine's voice as she dared to interrupt.

I would be irked too if she spoke to me like that, and I'm not even the Luna.

But regardless of how annoyed our Luna is, she answers with a very calm voice "yes, that is true Jasmine." She opens her mouth to continue her story but Jasmine cuts her off again.

"And he kept its head as a trophy." Her high pitched voice chimes again.

The only reason why they let her talk out of line like that is because she's the betas daughter, if anyone else talked like that to the Luna, we would be put into place.

Suddenly I'm startled as my mother pulls the red hood of my cape over my head earning a few weird glances from our pack. I smack her hand away, and adjust the hood so that it doesn't cover my face.

"Stop it, you're drawing attention." I hiss at the same time as our Luna replies with a yes.

Images of a dead white wolf's head floats my mind and I shiver in disgust.

I need to go run and clear my head...

"When the next white wolf is born every pack of the north, south, east and west will join each other as allies and kill the white wolf, before it kills us all!"

Oh please, If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you all by now...

Only one white wolf is born each century huh? If only they knew.

I take a deep breath again, I can't let my anger get the better of me. Then I would be everything they say I am...

"You are all dismissed." She finally says.

I look up to see everyone standing up and walking back to where they came from, going on about their usual business in the village

I gaze over at my mother and she gives me a sad smile, she's been giving me a lot of those lately, almost as if she knows something bad is bound to happen but I shake it off and ignore the feeling of dread.

She interlocks her arm with mine and we begin to walk towards our home.


A voice calls from behind and a hand grabs my shoulder shortly after.

I turn around quickly in a defesnive manner causing my mother to let go of my arm. My eyes land on Aaron the alphas son, who's hand is quickly retreating, my reaction probably surprised and confused him.

"Um sorry Willow, I just haven't seen you in a few days, I just wanted to say hi." He says in a soothing tone.

"Sorry." I look down in embarrassment. "The story just got me all scared and jumpy." I laugh awkwardly and look up again, Aaron looks at me and smiles. His hair almost looks like the color of a tree, and his eyes look like leafs in the forest when they aren't covered completely in snow.

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